Utricularia foliosa L.

Leafy bladderwort (en)


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Lentibulariaceae > Utricularia


Large, robust, suspended, perhaps perennial aquatic. Rhizoids absent. Stolons robust, up to several m long, flattened in cross-section and 1-4 mm wide, glabrous and mucilaginous, the internodes 2-15 cm long. Capillary air shoots up to 20 cm long, c. 0.5 mm thick, bearing at the apex a few minute ovate scales, often arise from the nodes or internodes. Leaves alternate on the stolon branches, multiple pinnate, ovate in outline, up to 45 cm long, usually dimorphic, some with fewer segments and numerous traps, other with more numerous segments and few or no traps, the rhachis sometimes inflated, the ultimate segments of both types capillary, laterally and apically minutely setulose. Traps lateral near the base of the penultimate leaf-segments, obliquely broadly ovoid or globose, 1-2 mm long, shortly stalked, the mouth lateral with 2, usually unequal, sparsely branched setiform appendages, or naked, the internal glands 2-and 4-armed, the arms very narrowly cylindrical, with apex acute, up to 120 µ long and up to 30 times as long as wide, the quadrifids with the longer pair parallel and the shorter pair varying from very widely divergent to ± completely reflexed, with an included angle of from c. 160° to 350°. Inflorescence erect, emergent, simple, 7-45 cm long, arising from the stolon nodes; peduncle straight, terete, relatively stout, up to 5 mm in diameter, glabrous. Scales absent, or often 1 or 2 just below the lowermost flower. Bracts basifixed, broadly ovate with apex truncate to shortly acuminate, 2-4 mm long, many-nerved. Bracteoles absent. Flowers 3-20, the raceme axis short at initial anthesis but elongating with age; pedicels filiform, dorsiventrally compressed, glandular, 0.4-0.6 cm long, short and erect at anthesis, elongate and decurved in fruit. Calyx lobes subequal, broadly ovate, 3-5 mm long, somewhat fleshy, glandular, scarcely accrescent, connate at the base, the apex of the upper lobe obtuse, and of the lower lobe bi-or tridentate. Corolla yellow, sometimes with purple nerves, 0.8-1.5 cm long; upper lip circular or transversely elliptic, with apex rounded; lower lip limb larger, transversely elliptic to subreniform, the base with a prominent rounded swelling, the apex rounded or retuse; palate margin sparsely papillose; spur narrowly conical with apex obtuse, often emarginate, straight, as long as or somewhat shorter than the lower lip and ± parallel with it; the inner surface on the dorsal side with numerous minute, shortly stalked glands usually disposed in 2 oblong patches, one on either side of the central nerve. Filaments curved, the anther thecae confluent. Ovary globose, ovules usually few; style short but distinct; stigma lower lip circular, often hispid and ciliate, the upper lip much smaller, semicircular or deltoid with apex acute, obtuse, emarginate or bidentate. Capsule globose, up to 8 mm in diameter, the wall rather thick and fleshy, sparsely covered with depressed-globose, sessile glands, apparently indehiscent. Seeds 4-12, thinly lenticular with a narrow, regular wing, 2-2.5 mm in total diameter, almost circular to quite distinctly c. 5 angled, the testa cells indistinct, elongate, the anticlinal boundaries sunken, markedly sinuate, the periclinal walls slightly convex, smooth, collapsing and becoming irregularly rugose on drying. Flowering more or less throughout the year.
Aquatic herb.. Stolons robust, oblong or elliptic in cross-section, smooth and glabrous, 1–3 mm. wide and up to several metres long; internodes 2–15 cm.; rhizoids absent.. Leaves broadly ovate in outline, multiple pinnate, up to 15 cm. long, usually dimorphic, some with fewer segments and numerous traps, some with more numerous segments and few or no traps; ultimate segments capillary, minutely setulose.. Traps lateral near the base of the penultimate leaf-segments, broadly ovoid, stalked, 1–2 mm. long; mouth lateral; upper lip naked or with 2 simple or sparsely branched hairs.. Inflorescence erect, 7–40 cm. high; flowers 3–20, congested at initial anthesis, inflorescence-axis elongating as it matures; scape straight, relatively stout, up to 3 mm. thick, smooth and glabrous; scales absent or 1–2 just below the lowermost flower, similar to the bracts; bracts basifixed, broadly ovate or orbicular, 2–4 mm. long; bracteoles absent; pedicels at first erect, filiform, 4–10 mm. long, elongating and recurving in fruit.. Calyx-lobes subequal, broadly ovate, 3–4 mm. long, connate at the base, scarcely accrescent; upper lobe apex subacute, lower 2–3-dentate.. Corolla yellow, 8–15 mm. long; upper lip orbicular, about twice as long as the upper calyx-lobe, apex rounded; lower lip larger, oblate to subreniform, apex entire or emarginate; palate much raised, gibbous; spur narrowly conical, straight, ± two-thirds to ± as long as the lower lip; inner abaxial surface with 2 elliptic patches of shortly stalked glands, one on either side of the central nerve.. Filaments linear; anther-thecae confluent.. Ovary globose; style short but distinct; stigma lower lip orbicular, often ciliate and hispid, upper much smaller, entire or bidentate.. Capsule globose, up to 8 mm. in diameter, sparsely and minutely glandular, indehiscent.. Seeds 4–12, lenticular with a narrow regular wing, 2–2.5 mm. in total diameter; wing 0.2–0.4 mm. wide; testa-cells indistinct, ± isodiametric.
Perennial, freely suspended aquatic herbs; stolons robust, to several meters long, distinctly flattened, to 4 mm wide, mucilaginous, the internodes 2-15 cm long. Photosynthetic organs large and conspicuous, alternate on the stolons, broadly ovate in outline, to 15 cm long, + dimorphic, some bearing numerous traps, others bearing few or none, repeatedly pinnately dissected into capillary + terete segments, the ultimate segments setulose. Traps lateral on the segments, obliquely ovoid, 1-2 mm long, shortly stalked, the mouth lateral, the upper lip with 2 simple or sparsely branched setiform appendages. Inflorescences erect, emergent, 7-45 cm long, usually 10-20-flowered, initially congested, the in-florescence axis elongating with age; peduncle straight, terete, 1-3 mm thick; bracts basifixed, broadly ovate or orbicular, 2-4 mm long, the sterile scales absent or 1-2 just below the lowermost flower; pedicels at first erect, spreading and eventually + strongly recurved in fruit, to 16 mm long. Flowers with the calyx lobes subequal, broadly ovate, 3-4 mm long, + connate at the base, scarcely ac-crescent; corolla yellow, 8-15 mm long, the upper lip + orbicular, the lower lip larger, oblate to subreniform, the apex rounded, entire or emarginate, the palate much raised and spurred, the spur narrowly conical, as long as or slightly shorter than the lower lip. Capsules globose, to 8 mm in diam., indehiscent, becoming detached and floating when ripe; seeds few, lenticular, 2-2.5 mm in diam. with a narrow regular hyaline wing.
Inflorescence erect, 7–40 cm. high; flowers 3–20, congested at initial anthesis, inflorescence-axis elongating as it matures; peduncle straight, relatively stout, up to 3 mm. thick, smooth and glabrous; scales absent or 1–2 just below the lowermost flower, similar to the bracts; bracts basifixed, broadly ovate or circular, 2–4 mm. long; bracteoles absent; pedicels at first erect, filiform, 4–10 mm. long, elongating and decurving in fruit.
Corolla yellow, 8–15 mm. long; superior lip circular, about twice as long as the upper calyx lobe, with apex rounded; inferior lip larger, oblate to subreniform with apex entire or emarginate; palate much raised, gibbous; spur narrowly conical, straight, more or less two thirds to more or less as long as the inferior lip; inner abaxial surface with 2 elliptic patches of shortly stalked glands, one on either side of the central nerve.
Leaves broadly ovate in outline, multiple pinnate, up to 15 cm. long, usually dimorphic, some with fewer segments and numerous traps, some with more numerous segments and few or no traps; ultimate segments capillary, minutely setulose.
Traps lateral near the base of the penultimate leaf-segments, broadly ovoid, stalked, 1–2 mm. long; mouth lateral, naked or with 2 dorsal simple or sparsely branched hairs.
Stolons robust, oblong or elliptic in cross-section, smooth and glabrous, 1.3 mm. wide and up to several metres long; internodes 2–15 cm.; rhizoids absent.
Seeds 4–12, lenticular with a narrow regular wing, 2–2.5 mm. in total diam.; wing 0.2–0.4 mm. wide; testa-cells indistinct, more or less isodiametric.
Calyx lobes subequal, broadly ovate, 3–4 mm. long, connate at the base, scarcely accrescent; upper lobe with apex subacute, inferior 2–3-dentate.
Ovary globose; style short but distinct; stigma inferior lip circular, often ciliate and hispid, superior much smaller, entire or bidentate.
Capsule globose, up to 8 mm. in diam., sparsely and minutely glandular, indehiscent.
Submerged aquatic forming large masses in still or slowly flowing deep water
Erect many-flowered scapes up to 1 ft, long
Filaments linear; anther-thecae confluent.
Flowers yellow.
Aquatic herb.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support aquatic
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.07 - 0.4
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity 10-12
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Utricularia foliosa unspecified picture


Utricularia foliosa world distribution map, present in Angola, Argentina, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Botswana, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Congo, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guatemala, French Guiana, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Jamaica, Madagascar, Mexico, Mali, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Senegal, Sierra Leone, El Salvador, Suriname, Chad, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uruguay, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), South Africa, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Utricularia foliosa threat status: Least Concern


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:526759-1
WFO ID wfo-0000415554
INPN ID 733924
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Utricularia foliosa Utricularia mixta Utricularia rhodocnemis Utricularia cernua Utricularia guianensis Utricularia botecudorum Utricularia oligosperma Utricularia foliosa var. gracilis Utricularia foliosa var. oligosperma