Voyria Aubl.

Ghostplant (en)


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Gentianaceae


Mycoheterotrophic (“saprophytic”) herbs; root system composed of a horizontally creeping primary root with side roots, or a star-shaped clump of tuberous roots, or roots coral-shaped and branched; stems simple, less often variously branched. Leaves opposite, lower ones sometimes alternate, slightly connate at base, small and scale-like. Inflorescence a terminal, few-to 30-flowered bifurcate cyme, or plant having a solitary, terminal flower only; bracts and bracteoles similar to leaves. Flowers variously coloured, erect, rarely nodding, (4-)5(-7)-merous, shortly or long-pedicellate, sometimes fragrant; calyx tubular to campanulate, (4-)5(-7)-lobed, persistent, sometimes provided with discoid scales at inner base; corolla actinomorphic, trumpet-shaped to funnel-shaped, (4-)5(-7)-lobed, variously coloured, far exceeding calyx, long-persistent, tube elongate, lobes contorted, spreading to recurved, rarely ascending (V. clavata), acute to obtuse, rarely acuminate (V. pittieri); stamens (4-)5(-7), included, rarely exceeding corolla tube, inserted at various levels below throat, filaments present or absent, anthers free or coherent just below stigma, introrse, dorsi-to basifixed, thecae rarely caudate at base; pollen generally in monads; ovary 1-locular, 2-carpellate, sessile or sometimes borne on a short gynophore, base often provided with 2 opposite glandular marks or ellipsoid glands, sometimes with 2 distinct stipitate glands at base, or eglandular, ovules ∞, anatropous, style filiform, stigma funnel-shaped, capitate, or weakly 2-lobed. Fruit a fusiform to globose capsule, septicidally dehiscing along whole length or in middle only, often indehiscent; seeds ∞, more or less globose or filiform.
heights, the anthers introrse, coherent or not, the thecae appendaged or not at the base; ovary sessile or shortly stipitate, eglandular or with 2 opposite glands at the base, the latter sometimes stipitate, I-locular, the 2 parietal placentae some-times protruding, style filiform, stigma usually simple, capitate or infundibuli-form, rarely 2-lobed. Capsules surrounded by the persistent calyx and marcescent corolla, ellipsoid to oblong to linear, septicidally 2-valvate or only medially septi-cidal, the valves remaining united at the base and apex; seeds numerous, minute, ovoid and wingless or narrowly fusiform, i.e. provided with 2 long hair-like wings. Pollen grains in monads, bilateral, heteropolar, reniform, semi-ovidal to unsym-metrically biconvex, or radially symmetrical, isopolar, oblate to spheroidal, or irregular in shape, the outline in lateral view convexo-concave to convexo-plane to depressed ovate, or ? circular to irregular, in polar view circular to oval, or irregular, 7-12 x 11-21 x 9-14 microns, or 10-11 x 12-15 microns, or 14-15 J, in diameter, 1-2 porate (one pore often smaller), the pores 1-3 microns in diameter, the pore margin re-inforced by a thickening (annulus) 0.5-1 microns wide, 1-2 microns high, consisting of sexine and/or nexine, the annulus occasionally absent; exine 0.5-1 ,t thick, at the aper-tures up to 2 microns thick, the stratification obscure, non-baculate; sexine smooth or scabrous.
Herbs, saprophytic, devoid of chlorophyll, perennial; the stems usually erect, simple to sometimes branched. Leaves small, scale-like, opposite, decussate, sessile, the opposite pairs usually ? connate at the base. Inflorescences terminal and dichasial, or flowers mostly terminal and solitary. Flowers 4-6-merous; calyx tubular to campanulate, sometimes hyaline, occasionally provided within and at the base with a verticil of small scales, persistent; corolla variously colored, much longer than the calyx, marcescent, the tube elongated, the lobes contorted, spreading; stamens included, the filaments long or the anthers sessile, inserted below the throat of the corolla tube or on the corolla tube at various
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -