Axillary buds (ob)ovate-oblong to linear-lanceolate, 7-20 by 1.5-6 mm, basally slightly wrinkled, acute, more or less flat. Petiole 5—11(—14) mm, sometimes with glands. Leaf-blade 9.5-25 by 3-8 cm, rounded-attenuate to cordate; above (yellowish) green, midrib nearly flat to distinctly prominent; beneath glaucous-papillose, secondary nerves 10-12 pairs, forming a rather distinct intramarginal nerve; glands scattered, numerous, 0.1-0.2 mm diam. Inflorescences up to 10 cm long; axes (rather) densely minutely patently hairy, smooth to pustulate, angular, reddish; flowers solitary or in basal part with up to 3 together, sometimes turned upside-down; lower bracts opposite. Pedicel 5-7 mm, slender, very densely patently shortly whitish hairy. Sepals: outer sepals c. 3 by 2.1 mm; inner sepals c. 5-5.5 by 4-4.5 mm. Petals dark red when dry, the longest one c. 14-17 mm; carina rather densely more or less appressedly hairy outside in middle and apical part; other petals nearly glabrous outside. Stamens: filaments connate over 1-3 mm, widened and hardly thickened above base, basally rather densely whitish hairy in 2 rows; anthers c. 1-1.2 mm. Ovary more or less patently whitish hairy; ovules 4. Fruit (immature) globular, yellowish brown; pericarp thin.