Tree, up to 14 m. Axillary buds with the form of a clove; scales 6.5-12 mm long, at base slightly enlarged and convex, distinctly enlarged at the rounded to ± emarginate apex, and there with 2 more or less distinctly prominent knob-like appendages; buds of second order c. 5-6 mm long, hardly thickened at apex. Petiole 9-17 mm. Leaf-blade 8.5-18 by 3.5-6.5 cm; above greenish to brownish; beneath glaucous-papillose, secondary nerves c. 7 or 8 pairs, forming an indistinct intramarginal nerve in apical half; glands few to rather numerous, mostly near the midrib, c. 0.2-0.3 mm, basal ones up to 0.5 mm diam. Inflorescences up to 20 cm long; axes dark, minutely patently hairy; in basal part flowers in clusters of up to 7 together; lower bracts opposite. Pedicel 4.5 mm, ± grooved, densely very shortly, ± appressedly hairy. Sepals: outer sepals 3 by 3.2 mm; inner sepals 4.1 by 4.1 mm, with tiny glandular spots at apex. Petals dark red when dry, the longest one 8.5 mm; carina appressedly hairy outside; other petals glabrous outside, the upper ones sparsely ciliate to halfway. Stamens: filaments widened above base and with a distinct densely appressedly hairy knoblike appendage at inner side, further glabrous; anthers 0.5 mm long. Ovary subsessile, half-patently hairy; style hairy in two rows to near apex; ovules 4. Fruit unknown.