Shrub or small tree, 5-6 m. Axillary buds (2 or) 3(-5), distant, the upper one 3—5(—15) mm supra-axillary, usually shortly stipitate (stalk up to 3 mm), ± oblong, c. 1-2 mm long (excl. stalk), more or less acute. Petiole 3.5-4.5(-6) mm. Leaf-blade 4-8 by 1.5-3.5 cm, apex acuminate to cuspidate; above dark green; beneath glaucous-papillose, secondary nerves c. (5-)7 or 8 pairs, not forming an intra-marginal nerve; glands c. 6-8(-10), usually near midrib, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., basal ones somewhat larger. Flowers unknown. Infructescences shorter than the leaves, unbranched; axes minutely hairy. Fruit (immature) globular, rather sparsely minutely appressedly hairy; pedicel 3-3.5 mm, minutely ap-pressedly hairy. Seed (immature) 1; abortive ovules 3.