Axillary buds 2 (or 3), 1-1.8 mm long. Petals 3.5—4.5(—6.5) mm; glands present or not. Leaf-blade 3.5-9.5 by 1.4-6 cm, apex sometimes cuspidate; above rather dull, brownish to greenish, midrib little prominent at base; beneath dull, secondary nerves c. 3 or 4 pairs, not forming an intramarginal nerve; glands 8-20, usually situated halfway between margin and midrib, 0.4-0.5 mm diam., basal glands usually present, 0.5-0.6 mm diam. Inflorescences shorter than the leaves, unbranched; axes slightly flattened, brownish, glabrous to very sparsely appressedly hairy. Pedicel 7-8 mm, glabrous. Sepals glabrous outside; outer ones c. 2.8 by 1.7 mm; inner ones 3-3.5 by 1.8-2 mm. Petals white, when dry light brownish, ciliate at apex and base, further glabrous, the longest one 9-10 mm. Stamens: anthers 0.3-0.4 mm long, glabrous. Ovary glabrous; style sparsely appressedly hairy basally; ovules 4. Fruit unknown.