Twigs often with numerous adventitious buds on older nodes. Petioles 6-10 mm, often grading into the narrow leaf base, mostly in middle part with glands. Leaf-blade 7-14 by 2.5-6 cm, apex acutish; above shiny to rather dull; beneath ± concolorous, rather dull, secondary nerves c. 5-7 pairs, apically hardly distinguishable; glands 1-6, 0.4-0.6 mm diam. Inflorescences unbranched or with one side-branch, up to 5 cm long, often several together in the leaf axils; axes rather dark, sparsely minutely hairy; lower bracts (sub)opposite. Pedicel c. 3.5 mm, reddish brown, densely minutely hairy. Sepals: outer ones c. 2.5 by 2 mm; inner ones c. 3.5 by 3 mm. Petals orange when dry, the longest one c. 12 mm; carina faintly appressedly hairy outside near apex; other petals nearly glabrous. Stamens: filaments widened but hardly thickened above their base and there densely more or less woolly hairy, further glabrous; anthers c. 1.2 mm long. Ovary c. 2 mm stipi-tate, appressedly hairy; style very long (c. 10 mm), exserting over c. 2 mm from the carina, faintly appressedly hairy; ovules 4. Fruit c. 2 cm diam., smooth, light brown, faintly hairy; pedicel 2.5-6(-8) mm, minutely hairy. Seed(s) 1 or 2.