Tree, up to 30 m, 40 cm dbh. Axillary buds 2 (or 3), 0.5-2.5 mm long, basally wrinkled, in apical part smooth or slightly keeled. Petiole 6-9 mm, often appearing somewhat longer because of the attenuate leaf base, always with 2 rather distinct glands usually situated in the middle part or at the (very) base. Leaf-blade 9-20 by 3.5-11 cm; above slightly bullate between the secondary nerves, shiny, dark to brownish green, nervation often very distinct; beneath slightly shiny, secondary nerves c. 6-8 pairs, apically difficult to count, forming an irregular and fine intra-marginal nerve or ending in the venation; glands mostly very numerous, scattered, c. 0.3-0.5 mm diam. Inflorescences also in lower leaf axils, un-branched or rarely with one short branch, up to 7 cm long; axes rather slender, smooth, very densely shortly more or less appressedly hairy; flowers with 3 together or in the apical part solitary; lower bracts (sub)opposite. Pedicel 2-4 mm, very densely nearly appressedly shortly hairy. Sepals: outer sepals 1.8-2.9 by 1.9-3 mm; inner sepals 2.9-3.5 by 2.6-3.2 mm. Petals rather thin, white (or yellow?) when fresh, when dry light brown or orange, not covering the stamens in anthesis, the longest one 10.5-12.5 mm; carina long-unguiculate, apically ciliate, rather sparsely to rather densely more or less appressedly woolly hairy outside in apical region and slightly so near the base, inside glabrous; other petals ciliate at very apex, near base sparsely to rather densely hairy on either side. Stamens 8, occasionally 9; filaments connate over 0.1-0.5 mm, rather densely more or less appressedly woolly hairy in basal half, glabrous upwards; anthers (0.5-)0.6-0.7 mm, sparsely ciliolate along slits, sparsely and shortly hairy at base. Ovary appressedly hairy; style rather sparsely hairy; ovules 4. Fruit globular, 1.8-2 cm diam., slightly shiny, light brown, faintly appressedly hairy; pericarp rather thin; pedicel up to 6 mm.