Aster L.

Aster (en), Aster (fr)


Angiosperms > Asterales > Asteraceae


Heads generally radiate, the rays pistillate and fertile, anthocyanic or white, in a few spp. reduced and inconspicuous or even wanting, the cor of the pistillate fls then a mere slender tube; invol bracts in 2 or more series, equal or more often imbricate, usually ± herbaceous at the tip and chartaceous below, sometimes herbaceous or chartaceous throughout; receptacle naked, flat or a little convex; disk-fls perfect and fertile, red or purple to yellow; style-branches flattened, with mostly narrow and acute or acuminate, externally short-hairy appendage; achenes several-nerved; pappus of numerous capillary bristles, sometimes with an additional short outer series; perennial (seldom annual) herbs, most spp. fibrous-rooted, with simple, alternate, entire or variously toothed lvs and solitary to more often several or numerous, hemispheric to subcylindric heads. (Brachyactis, Doellingeria, Ionactis, Sericocarpus) 175+, mainly N. Amer. Our spp. bloom in mid-or late summer and fall. Hybrids abound; some of the more notable ones are here formally treated. Some of the species with chromosome numbers based on x=8 (especially in the Heterophylli) tend to have additional B-chromosomes, and have often been reported to have numbers based on 9. The disk-cors characteristically consist of a slender (often short) basal tube and a more swollen limb; the lobes are part of the limb. The terms lvs basally disposed and lvs chiefly cauline are here used as explained under Solidago.The plant traditionally called Aster (or Unamia) ptarmicoides is here referred to Solidago, in spite of its white rays. It hybridizes with several spp. of Solidago (especially of the sect. Oligoneuron), but not with Aster. It is marked by its 10–25 white rays, white disk-cors and copious (but not double) pappus with many of the bristles clavellate-thickened toward the tip.
Perennial herbs, rarely annuals or shrubs. Lvs alternate or all basal, simple, entire to toothed, rarely more deeply incised. Capitula 1-numerous, mostly in cymes or panicles. Involucral bracts in 2-several rows, equal or imbricate, usually herbaceous toward apices, sometimes wholly herbaceous or chartaceous. Receptacle flat or convex; scales 0. Outer florets usually ♀, rarely sterile, usually ligulate, very rarely filiform, few to numerous in 1-2 rows; ligules white to red, purple or blue. Inner florets ☿, tubular, few to numerous. Achenes all similar, obovoid to cylindric, compressed, glabrous or hairy and sometimes glandular, often 4-5-ribbed; pappus of scabrid hairs in 1 row, sometimes with an outer row of short hairs or scales.
Herbs with tuberous roots or woody rhizomes, rarely annual herbs or small shrubs. Leaves alternate, entire or dentate-pinnatifid. Capitula heterogamous, usually radiate, few–many-flowered, solitary or in corymbs; phyllaries 3–4(–5)-seriate, imbricate, the outer shorter than the inner. Ray florets female, usually 1-seriate, sometimes with staminodes; central flowers hermaphrodite, tubular, 5-lobed, anthers linear, obtuse at the base, with a lanceolate appendage at the apex, style bifid with linear branches. Achenes ellipsoid or obovoid, slightly compressed, pubescent and glandular; pappus of many usually unequal bristles, rarely double with an outer row of scale-like bristles.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 0.5 - 1.0
Mature height (meter) 1.0 - 1.5
Root system fibrous-root rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light 7-9
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity 2-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 6-9


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by divisions. Seeds needs stratification.
Mode divisions
Germination duration (days) 14 - 28
Germination temperacture (C°) 20
Germination luminosity light
Germination treatment stratification
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Aster unspecified picture


Aster world distribution map, present in New Zealand and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000003381
BDTFX ID 85946
INPN ID 189558
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Aster Kalimeris Heteropappus Margarita Bellidastrum

Lower taxons

Aster retusus Aster brevis Aster formosanus Aster miyagii Aster maackii Aster sinianus Aster yoshinaganus Aster menelii Aster bulleyanus Aster roscidus Aster microcephalus Aster tricephalus Aster nakaoi Aster nigromontanus Aster x alpinoamellus Aster pycnophyllus Aster willkommii Aster jeffreyanus Aster morrisonensis Aster shimadai Aster sekimotoi Aster incisus Aster marchandii Aster panduratus Aster techinensis Aster aitchisonii Aster falcifolius Aster lautureanus Aster taliangshanensis Aster ovalifolius Aster hersileoides Aster viscidulus Aster dolichopodus Aster diffusus Aster wattii Aster laxifolius Aster curvescens Aster mangshanensis Aster helenae Aster ageratoides Aster trichoneurus Aster bellidiastrum Aster subintegerrimus Aster oreophilus Aster dumosus Aster sikuensis Aster trinervius Aster pycnophyllus Aster turbinatus Aster setchuenensis Aster hayatae Aster laka Aster woroschilovii Aster giraldii Aster pujosii Aster satsumensis Aster kantoensis Aster velutinosus Aster philippinensis Aster ionoglossus Aster megalanthus Aster piccolii Aster sohayakiensis Aster altaicus Aster tientschwanensis Aster vvedenskyi Aster farreri Aster albescens Aster himalaicus Aster limosus Aster ciliatus Aster lipskii Aster hololachnus Aster miser Aster barbellatus Aster tenuipes Aster spathulifolius Aster amellus Aster chingshuiensis Aster takasago-montanus Aster asa-grayi Aster fuscescens Aster biennis Aster batangensis Aster crenatifolius Aster sugimotoi Aster yunnanensis Aster gouldii Aster pseudoglehnii Aster vestitus Aster komonoensis Aster fanjingshanicus Aster polios Aster falconeri Aster lingulatus Aster willkommii Aster sanczirii Aster semiamplexicaulis Aster hispidus Aster sphaerotus Aster salwinensis Aster x handelii Aster tataricus Aster heliopsis Aster lavandulifolius Aster thomsonii Aster longipetiolatus Aster paniculatus Aster tongolensis Aster asterodes Aster stracheyi Aster flaccidus Aster hispidus Aster langaoensis Aster souliei Aster pinnatifidus Aster oreophilus Aster neoelegans Aster yomena Aster mongolicus Aster sikkimmensis Aster x maccallae Aster x columbianus Aster pseudoglehni Aster eligulatus Aster lixianensis Aster semiprostratus Aster lushiensis Aster neolanuginosus Aster pseudosimplex Aster sinoangustifolius Aster verticillatus Aster yuanqunensis Aster bergianus Aster argyropholis Aster scaber Aster yomena Aster biennis Aster likiangensis Aster homochlamydeus Aster bowerii Aster molliusculus Aster itsunboshi Aster smithianus Aster prainii Aster savatieri Aster koraiensis Aster meyendorffii Aster latibracteatus Aster alatipes Aster filipes Aster sampsonii Aster poliothamnus Aster fulgidulus Aster procerus Aster yakushimensis Aster auriculatus Aster indicus Aster arenarius Aster indamellus Aster brachytrichus Aster heterolepis Aster tsarungensis Aster senecioides Aster rugulosus Aster veitchianus Aster miquelianus Aster taiwanensis Aster nitidus Aster diplostephioides Aster madagascariensis Aster oldhamii Aster hypoleucus Aster bipinnatisectus Aster gracilicaulis Aster glehnii Aster motuoensis Aster hunanensis Aster moupinensis Aster taoyuenensis Aster salicifolius Aster medius Aster dimorphophyllus Aster rockianus Aster ascendens Aster bietii Aster dolichophyllus Aster baccharoides Aster mutabilis Aster apinnatifidus Aster pyrenaeus Aster alpinus