Cayaponia Silva Manso

Melonleaf (en)


Angiosperms > Cucurbitales > Cucurbitaceae


Plants perennial, usually monoecious, sometimes dioecious, climbing; stems <annual or perennial>, puberulent or glabrous; roots tuberous; tendrils unbranched or 2[–3]-branched. Leaves: blade [subquadrangular] pentagonal, deltate, or ovate, unlobed or 3–5-lobed, lobes broadly triangular or deltate to ovate-deltate, oblong-oblanceolate, or elliptic, margins denticulate or serrulate, surfaces sometimes with disc-shaped glands abaxially near base or bracts filiform or absent. Flowers: hypanthium campanulate; sepals 5, deltate to triangular or linear [ovate-lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or linear-subulate]; petals 5, connate 1/2–2/3 length, white, cream, or pale green [orange to yellow], oblong-lanceolate to linear-oblong, 5–10 mm, glabrous or puberulent or tomentose adaxially, corolla rotate to campanulate. Staminate flowers: stamens 3; filaments inserted near hypanthium rim, distinct; thecae distinct or connate, forming a head, sigmoid-replicate, connective narrow; pistillodes with 3-lobed ovary. Pistillate flowers: ovary 3-locular (or 1 or 2 by abortion), globose to ovoid or ellipsoid-cylindric; ovules 1–4(–10) per locule; style 1, narrow; stigmas 1, 3-lobed; staminodes 3, minute. Fruits dry pepos or berrylike, red to scarlet, orange, or golden brown [green], mostly ellipsoid-cylindric [to globose], smooth, <glabrous>, indehiscent. Seeds [1–]3–12[–30], obovoid, [ovoid or oblong], subcompressed, not arillate, margins variably differentiated, sometimes thinner or with narrow light-colored stripe, surface smooth.
Climbers, perennial; monoecious (or dioecious, not in Malesia). Probract absent. Tendrils 2-or 3-branched or unbranched. Leaves: blade simple, unlobed or lobed, or 3-8-foliolate, usually with scattered glands near the insertion to the petiole. Flowers whitish or yellowish green, solitary or fascicled, arranged in racemes, or subpaniculate; petals free or short-connate. Male flowers: receptacle-tube campanulate or subcylindrical; petal lobes (ovate-)elliptic or oblong, valvate or (sub)imbricate; stamens 3, free, inserted near the throat of the receptacle-tube (or lower down, not in Malesia), anthers basifixed, often connivent, two 2-thecous, one 1-thecous, thecae plicate, connective not produced; disc (pistillode) absent or small. Female flowers solitary or few-fascicled, arranged in panicles; perianth as in male flowers; ovary ovoid, ovules 1-many per locule, erect, style long, with nectary-like annular disc at base, stigmas 3, unlobed, recurved; staminodes small. Fruit ovoid or subglobose, berry-like, with 3-12 seeds. Seeds little compressed, mostly smooth, margin absent, edge entire.
Dioecious or monoecious tendriled vines; stems 5-to 20-sulcate. Leaves peti-olate, simple or foliolate; tendrils simple or 2-to 5-branched. Staminate flowers in racemes or panicles, or solitary in the axils of the leaves; calyx campanulate or subeylindrical, 5-lobate; corolla campanulate or rotate, 5-lobate; stamens 3, inserted on calyx tube at the base, the filaments free, the anthers longitudinally triplicate, rarely replicate at the apex, connate, one anther unilocular, others bilocular; ovary rudimentary, glandlike, 3-lobed; nectaries present or absent. Pistillate flowers usually disposed as the staminate flowers; calyx and corolla usually as in the staminate flowers; ovary ovoid or oblong, 3-carpellate or rarely unicarpellate through abortion, the styles 3, connate, erect, the stigmas 3, forming a peltate, 3-lobate head, the lobes reflexed; nectary disc surrounding the style at the base; staminodia 3, minute, rarely absent. Fruit ellipsoid or globose, fleshy, corky, indehiscent; seeds 1-15, erect, ovate or oblong, compressed, the testa smooth or roughened.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cayaponia unspecified picture
Cayaponia unspecified picture


Cayaponia world distribution map, present in Madagascar, Panama, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000007090
BDTFX ID 99055
INPN ID 627938
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Arkezostis Cayaponia Trianosperma Druparia Perianthopodus

Lower taxons

Cayaponia bonplandii Cayaponia jenmanii Cayaponia laciniosa Cayaponia longiloba Cayaponia nitida Cayaponia noronhae Cayaponia ophthalmica Cayaponia oppositifolia Cayaponia ovata Cayaponia palmata Cayaponia pedata Cayaponia peruviana Cayaponia petiolulata Cayaponia pilosa Cayaponia quinqueloba Cayaponia racemosa Cayaponia ruizii Cayaponia setulosa Cayaponia simplicifolia Cayaponia triangularis Cayaponia trifoliolata Cayaponia trilobata Cayaponia tubulosa Cayaponia ulei Cayaponia villosissima Cayaponia weddellii Cayaponia rugosa Cayaponia selysioides Cayaponia sessiliflora Cayaponia alarici Cayaponia amazonica Cayaponia americana Cayaponia angustiloba Cayaponia attenuata Cayaponia bonariensis Cayaponia botryocarpa Cayaponia cabocla Cayaponia capitata Cayaponia caulobotrys Cayaponia citrullifolia Cayaponia cogniauxiana Cayaponia coriacea Cayaponia crugeri Cayaponia denticulata Cayaponia diversifolia Cayaponia duckei Cayaponia espelina Cayaponia ferruginea Cayaponia floribunda Cayaponia fluminensis Cayaponia glandulosa Cayaponia gracillima Cayaponia granatensis Cayaponia guianensis Cayaponia longifolia Cayaponia macrocalyx Cayaponia martiana Cayaponia membranacea Cayaponia podantha Cayaponia rigida Cayaponia tayuya Cayaponia ternata Cayaponia tessmannii Cayaponia tibiricae Cayaponia hammelii Cayaponia cordata Cayaponia breviloba Cayaponia domingensis Cayaponia buraeavii Cayaponia lhotzkyana Cayaponia africana Cayaponia biflora Cayaponia boliviensis Cayaponia kathematophora Cayaponia laxa Cayaponia multiglandulosa Cayaponia bidentata