Perennial herbs or undershrubs, sometimes with tuberous roots. Stem coarse, tomentose or stellately pubescent. Leaves opposite, large, mostly long-petioled. Flowers medium or large, in few-to many-flowered verticillasters, often forming densely sessile or laxly branched cymose inflorescences, rarely seemingly racemose. Bracts ovate, lanceolate or linear. Calyx campanulate, 10-nerved, subequally 5-toothed. Corolla creamy to orange-yellow, tube slender, erect or incurved; throat narrow or inflated; limb 2-lipped, the upper lip galeate, entire or emarginate, the lower lip spreading, broadly 3-lobed. Stamens 4, pubescent, all ascending, the lower pair longer; anthers connivent in pairs, each anther 4-celled in bud, later 2-celled, cells transverse, parallel. Disk subequal or gibbous behind. Style very briefly 2-branched, lobes subulate, anterior one slightly longer. Nutlets drupaceous, glabrous or pubescent, pericarp usually fleshy and white, with a broad hilum; only 1 or 2, rarely all 4 developed.