Hybanthus Jacq.

Greenviolet (en)


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Violaceae


Small gnarly shrubs or half-shrubs or herbs, rarely trees up to 8 m, in a few species the twigs thorny and microphyllous. Innovations sprouting from axillary or terminal buds, simple themselves, more or less densely covered with simple, rarely stellate hairs. Stipules generally small and mostly caducous. Leaves in a spiral or rarely (sub)opposite, often herbaceous, sometimes leathery, more or less sessile with a tapering base, to c. 15 by 4 cm, but mostly smaller to sometimes almost needle-shaped, margin entire to incised, rarely thickened underneath, the teeth sometimes glandular. Flowers generally solitary in the leaf axils, rarely in more or less reduced axillary cymes or dichasia up to several cm long or in raceme-like elongated monochasia, rarely in a terminal leafy panicle; bracts mostly present; pedicel slender, with 2 bracteoles beneath an articulation, the top curved downwards to give the flower an horizontal position. Flower 0.3-2 cm, bisexual, but rarely cleistogamous, zygomorphic. Sepals subequal, small, more or less triangular, persistent, rarely the margin with deep incisions. Petals unequal, persistent, posterior ones small and straight, middle ones longer and falcate, anterior one extended to a lip, with a claw more or less deeply saccate to shortly spurred and distinct blade often hairy above. Filaments free or seldom partly connate, sometimes short; the anterior pair with a patent gland at the base outside; anthers with rounded to elongate thecae (which rarely have an appendage at the top) and a distinct membranous connective appendage. Ovary with 3 placentas bearing 3-24 ovules; style S-shaped with anterior stigma. Fruit subtended by the dried up flower, c. 1 cm in size, subglobose before maturity, capsular with 3 leathery valves. Seeds a few mm, ellipsoid, mostly with a small caruncula.
Herbs or subshrubs, annual or perennial, [subshrubs, shrubs], caulescent, homophyllous, glabrous or hairy. Stems persistent, 1–20, usually erect, sometimes suberect or prostrate, leafy, simple or branched, from thick, fleshy or subligneous, branched or unbranched rhizome or taproot. Leaves cauline, simple, proximal usually opposite, distal usually alternate, petiolate or sessile; stipules not adnate to petiole, linear-subulate to leaflike, usually shorter than leaves; blade not overlapping basally, linear, lanceolate to oblanceolate, ovate to obovate, or elliptic, surfaces not mottled. Inflorescences axillary in leaf axils, 1–3(4)-flowered or in poorly defined racemes; peduncle jointed; bracteoles present or absent. Flowers: sepals subequal, not auriculate; upper 2 and lateral 2 petals not showy, 0.5–5 mm, lowest petal showy, larger than others, narrowed at middle, angular-deltate, elliptic, oblong, orbiculate, or ovate, upper and lateral petals usually glabrous, lower sometimes bearded adaxially; spur gibbous; stamens connate, lowest 2 filaments not spurred with nectary; cleistogamous flowers present or absent. Capsules ovoid, globose, obtusely trigonous, oblong, or ellipsoid, glabrous. Seeds (3–)6–9, globose to slightly flattened, glabrous [hairy], with whitish elaiosome. x = 4.
Herbs, suffrutices, shrubs, or infrequently small trees. Leaves alternate, some-times opposite, petiollate or sessile, the stipules usually small and persistent, rarely caducous, the blade entire-margined or ? serrate or crenate. Flowers usually axillary and solitary or few-fasciculate, sometimes in axillary or terminal racemes, rarely in cymose inflorescences, zygomorphic; pedicels articulate; sepals free, sub-equal, without basal auricles, persistent; petals unequal, persistent or not; anterior petal smaller or mostly much larger than the others, unguiculate, the claw gibbous-saccate or shortly calcarate at the base; stamens with the anthers subsessile or on distinct filaments, these free or connate, the 2 anterior ones each bearing a nectari-ferous appendage dorsally, the appendages free or coherent; anthers free or coherent, with membranous connective appendages apically; ovary with 3 placentae, each placenta (2-) 3-oo-ovulate; style usually clavate, the apex slightly curved to un-cinate, the stigma terminal. Capsules loculicidally and elastically 3-valvate, the valves carinate; seeds globose or ovoid, the testa smooth or alveolate, the endo-sperm copious, the cotyledons flat.
Annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs or occasionally shrubs with simple or much-branched stems. Leaves spirally arranged, occasionally opposite or fasciculate, petiolate or sessile, the lamina simple, entire or toothed; stipules small and persistent, rarely foliaceous. Flowers zygomorphic, solitary in the leaf-axils, rarely terminal or in clusters; pedicels articulate in the middle or the upper half, with an opposite or subopposite pair of bracteoles. Sepals subequal, without a basal appendage. Petals unequal, the lowermost one (anterior) usually much larger than the others and clawed, with a short basal spur. Stamens unequal, free or somewhat coherent, the lower pair each with a short nectar-secreting appendage which extends into the spur; anthers with a thin dorsal connective-appendage. Fruit a loculicidal capsule with 3 contractile valves. Seeds pitted or striate, usually with a small aril.
Small shrubs [or herbs]. Leaves alternate, ± sessile; stipules in pairs, small; leaf blade narrowly elliptic to almost needle-shaped, margin entire to incised. Flowers axillary, bisexual, zygomorphic, solitary, with a pair of bracteoles at joint of peduncle and pedicel. Sepals persistent, ± triangular, nearly equal, margin entire, without appendages at base. Petals unequal, posterior ones straight and small, anterior one extended into a lip, with a short spur at base. Stamens connivent around gynoecium; filaments free, short; anthers 2-celled, with a distinct membranous connective appendage, lower two with a patent gland at base. Ovary: ovules numerous, on 3 parietal placentas; style simple, geniculate at base, conspicuously clavate, with an anterior opening stigmatic cavity. Fruit a 3-valved capsule, subglobose, valves leathery. Seeds numerous, ellipsoid, with longitudinal ribs.
Shrubs or perennial herbs, sometimes creeping. Bark often becoming corky. Leaves alternate or fasciculate, rarely opposite, sessile or shortly petiolate, entire to dentate; stipules present or absent. Inflorescence axillary, cymose or racemose, or flowers solitary. Sepals subequal. Petals unequal; anterior spurred, clawed, the lamina broad; posterior pair linear; lateral pair broader. Stamens on short filaments; anthers free but cohering by narrow wings, sometimes penicillate, often appendaged; anterior stamens with basal nectaries. Ovary globose; ovules 3–6; style sigmoid; stigma expanded. Fruit a capsule, coriaceous. Seeds ovoid-ellipsoidal, 2–3 mm long, brown to black, arillate. [Description of Hybanthus from George (1982: 102); may contain elements of Afrohybanthus-editorial note, 23 July 2020]
Sep subequal, without auricles; pet small, subequal (in ours), emarginate, recurved at the tip, the lower one wider than the others, gibbous or spurred at base, and more strongly notched at the tip; stamens (in ours) connate into a sheath surrounding the pistil and bearing a bilobed gland at the base; style hooked at the tip; fr a 3-valved capsule; leafy-stemmed perennial herbs (ours) or shrubs with alternate (seldom opposite or even whorled) lvs and inconspicuous, greenish-white fls pedicellate in the axils. (Cubelium) 150, mostly warm reg.
Stamens with filaments of varying length, free or ± coherent, the two anterior ones (and rarely also the lateral ones) with free or coherent appendages which extend into the spur and may secrete nectar ("spur-appendages"); anthers free or coherent, with a thin dorsal prolongation of the connective ("connective-appendage").
Leaves alternate or opposite, petiolate or sessile, entire or ± serrate; stipules usually small and persistent, rarely foliaceous or deciduous.
Inflorescence of single flowers in the leaf axils or, more rarely, terminal racemes or axillary racemes or clusters; pedicels articulated.
Ovary with 3 placentae each bearing (2) 3–? ovules; style bent downwards and ± thickened towards the apex, entire; stigma terminal.
Petals unequal, the anterior one smaller, or usually much larger, than the others, unguiculate, with a short basal spur.
Seeds spheroidal-ovoid, smooth or ribbed or pitted, with abundant endosperm and a small aril.
Fruit a loculicidal capsule with 3 elastic valves, keeled and thickened along the suture.
Sepals almost equal, without a basal appendage.
Herbs, shrublets or shrubs.
Flowers zygomorphic.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 8.0
Root system rhizome tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -