Lemna L.

Lentille d'eau (fr), Lentille-d'eau (fr)


Angiosperms > Alismatales > Araceae


Small aquatics, floating at the surface or sometimes completely submerged in which case they come to the surface only in the flowering period. Fronds either solitary or connected in groups of 2-10 (sometimes even more), symmetric to slightly asymmetric, round, elliptic, oblong, obovate or lanceolate, flat or slightly swollen, sometimes considerably inflated at the ventral side, often with a median row of papillae on the flat or slightly convex dorsal side; with or without red pigment cells in the epidermis; raphides in the parenchyma; no brown pigment cells; druses none; stomata on the dorsal side of floating plants, but absent in the submerged plants; margin entire, rarely denticulate; nerves 1-3(-5). Stipe hyaline and fugacious or green and persistent, attached to the margin. Dorsal as well as ventral scale absent. Root 1 (rarely absent), slightly vascularized, with or without a distinct root sheath; root cap straight or curved, obtuse, mucronate or acute. Budding pouches 2, basal, lateral, one on either side of the axis, dorso-ventrally flattened, more or less triangular in outline, opening by a transverse slit; slit coinciding with the margin of the frond, rarely ventral or dorsal to the margin. Inflorescence 1, lateral, developing from one of the budding pouches, consisting of 1 ♀ and 2 ♂ flowers enclosed by a membranous spathe. Anther bilocular, transversely dehiscent. ♀ Flower superior and lateral to the 2 ♂ flowers, consisting of a globular ovary with a short, persistent style. Ovary with 1 orthotropous or amphitropous ovule or with 2-4 anatropous ovules. Fruit symmetric or asymmetric, more or less compressed, with or without wings. Seeds longitudinally ribbed, rarely smooth.
Roots 1 per frond. Fronds floating or submersed, 1 or 2--20 or more, coherent in groups or forming chains, lanceolate-ovate, flat or gibbous, 1--15 mm, margins entire or denticulate, upper surfaces sometimes with small conic papillae along veins (especially at node and near apex); air spaces in tissue; reproductive pouches 2, lateral, at base from which daughter fronds and flowers originate, triangular; veins 1--5(--7), originating from point in proximal part of frond (node) or if more than 3 veins present, outer ones sometimes branching distally from inner ones; scale at base of frond absent; anthocyanins sometimes present; pigment cells absent (red pigmentation present in some species); turions absent (sometimes present in L. turionifera). Flowers 1(--2) per frond, surrounded by small utricular, membranous scale; stamens 2, 4-locular. Seeds 1--5, longitudinally ribbed. x = 10, 21, 22..
Fronds free floating on water surface or submersed, 1 to many individual fronds coherent together, green on upper surface, sometimes red on lower surface, symmetric or asymmetric in shape, flat or sometimes gibbous on lower surface; 2 lateral pouches reproducing daughter fronds and flower present at base, bases of pouches not surrounded by a scale; veins 1-5(-7), splitting from node toward apex. Pigment cells absent. Root 1, sometimes dropped off or lacking (Lemna trisulca), surrounded by a short tubular sheath at base and enclosed by a cap at apex. Daughter fronds connected to mother frond by a thin white stipe or a green stalk (L. trisulca). Flower surrounded by small, utricular, membranous scale; stamens 2, 4-locular. Seeds 1-5, longitudinally ribbed.
Aquatics, submerged or more usually floating in great numbers; individual thalli cohering. Thalli oblong to ovate, ± asymmetrical, thin or spongy. Daughter thallus budding from lateral pocket. Root solitary, devoid of hairs,shortly sheathed near point of origin; sheath simple or laterally winged; apex of root sheathed by a conspicuous root-cap, tip acute or obtuse. Flowering erratic; floral pocket lateral with spathe enclosing 2 staminate and 1 pistillate flowers. Fruit (l–6)-seeded. Seed usually ribbed.
Thallus flat to strongly convex beneath, variously rotund, ovate, obovate, oblong, or stipitate, with 1–5 obscure nerves from a nodal point near the base, or nerveless; root 1, opposite the nodal point, without vascular tissue, surrounded by an inconspicuous short sheath at base; reproduction as in Spirodela; ovules 1–6; seed longitudinally ribbed and transversely striate, or smooth. 10, cosmop.
Fronds attached by the basal margins, each bearing a solitary root; reproductive pouches opening as clefts in either margin of the basal portion of the frond. Spadix of 1 pistillate and 2 staminate flowers, surrounded by an inconspicuous spathe.
Fronds floating on or below water surface, 1–many cohering together; margins entire or denticulate; nerves 1–5 (–7); frond base without a scale. Turions mostly absent. Roots 1 per frond.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -