Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, shortly petioled, with 2 distinct glands on the decurrent leaf-bases. Stipules very early caducous. Flowers bisexual, fascicled or glomerate in dense axillary cymes, rather small, fragrant, shortly pedicelled. Calyx-tubs short, 5-lobed. Petals 5, inserted on the base of the calyx-tube as is the corona consisting of 5 filiform, fimbriate, epipetalous phalanges. Stamens 5; filaments flat, linear; anthers ovate-oblong. Ovary subglobose, on a sometimes very short gynophore. Styles 3-5; stigmas thick, reniform-capitate. Fruit capsular, inflated, dehiscent from the apex into 3 valves. Seeds ∞, obovate-compressed, with crustaceous testa.
Stamens 5, alternate with the petals, with the lower part of the filaments connate and adherent to the gynophore or to the ovary; anthers linear or subovate-oblong, cordate at the base, dorsifixed, 2-locular, dehiscing by 2 longitudinal slits.
Ovary sessile or shortly stipitate, ovoid, 1-locular, with 3–5 multiovulate parietal placentas; styles (2)3(5), free, sometimes hairy; stigmas subreniform or capitate.
Corona consisting of numerous laciniae disposed in 1 row, free or connate below, regularly distributed or arranged in 5 oppositipetalous bundles.
Inflorescences in terminal panicles or flowers solitary or in pairs, rarely 3–5, contemporary with or appearing before leaves.
Seeds ovoid, compressed, enveloped by a fleshy cup-shaped aril, with a crustaceous testa.
Leaves alternate, coriaceous, ± hairy, petiolate; stipules very small, caducous.
Petals (4)5, also imbricate, narrower and thinner in texture than the sepals.
Embryo straight, surrounded by fleshy endosperm; cotyledons leafy.
Trees or shrubs, usually with a short rust-coloured indumentum.
Capsule subglobose, 3(5)-valved, the valves membranous, downy.
Sepals (4)5, imbricate, downy, marcescent.
Erect shrubs or small trees. No tendrils.
Calyx-tube very short.
Flowers hermaphrodite.