Lianas or scandent shrubs. Stems and older branches flattened or strap-shaped, young branches terete. Leaves with conspicuous prominent reticulated venation. Inflorescences axillary, supra-axillary or terminal panicles or, single or clustered and sometimes spiciform racemes, often with flattened rhachis. Flowers small, perfect, (sub-) sessile or pedicellate, without articulation on pedicel, often arranged in clusters on one side of rhachis; calyx cupulate, 5-lobed, densely strigose outside, glabrous inside; petals 4-5, free or agglutinated at base, white or cream, fleshy, apex inflexed, midrib frequently prominent, strigose outside, glabrous inside; stamens 4-5, free, glabrous, filaments filiform, anthers-rounded to oblong, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary conical, pilose, 1-celled with 2 collateral ovules, style minute to well developed. Fruit a drupe.