Polyalthia Blume


Angiosperms > Magnoliales > Annonaceae


Trees, unarmed, with simple hairs. Flowers bisexual, axillary or ramal or (not in Australia) internodal or leaf-opposed, solitary or in few-many-flowered cymes, pedicel bract present in Australian species. Sepals valvate in bud, free or connate. Petals 6, in 2 similar series, valvate in bud, free, mostly flat and spreading or pendulous. Stamens cuneate; connective broad above and concealing anther cells, flat or slightly convex at tip; anther cells not septate; pollen grains solitary. Carpels few to many; stigma sessile or subsessile. Ovule 1 or (not in Australia) 2-several. Apocarps indehiscent, short or long-stipitate, subglobular. Seed 1 in Australia, ellipsoidal or subglobular, smooth or not, brown. [The above description from the Flora of Australia Volume 2 (Jessup 2007: 48–49) requires revision since (1) it includes Monoon Miq., which has sometimes been treated as Polyalthia section Monoon (Miq.) Hook.f. & Thomson, and is now treated as an accepted species; (2) species that were treated under Haplostichanthus F.Muell. by Jessup (2007: 40–44) are now placed in Polyalthia (following Australian Plant Census, accessed 11 June 2021, based on Xue et al. 2012); and (3) it may include elements of Huberantha Chaowasku, the replacement generic name for Hubera Chaowasku that was segregated from Polyalthia Blume (Chaowasku 2012, 2015), affecting Huberantha nitidissima (Dunal) Chaowasku which was treated as Polyalthia nitidissima (Dunal) Benth. in Jessup (2007)-Editor, 11 June 2021.] Description of Haplostichanthus from Jessup (2007: 40–44): Shrubs, unarmed, with simple hairs. Flowers bisexual, axillary, supra-axillary or leaf-opposed, solitary, sometimes ramal or cauline in cymose fascicles. Sepals valvate in bud, connate at base. Petals valvate in 2 similar or slightly dissimilar series, both series shortly connate at base into a single whorl, convex outside, flat inside; outer petals spreading; inner petals remaining connivent after anthesis or rarely spreading. Stamens wedge-shaped with a truncate connective. Pollen grains solitary. Carpels few or numerous; ovules 1 or few; stigma sessile or subsessile. Apocarps indehiscent, globose to obloid, fleshy. Seeds 1-few, discoid to subglobular, brown, surface variously undulate to rugose.
Trees or shrubs, not climbing, glabrous or with an indumentum of simple hairs. Flowers hermaphrodite, solitary or in 2–many-flowered cymes or fascicles, extra-axillary, axillary or leaf-opposed or sometimes on leafless branches or on the trunk; bracts and bracteoles present. Sepals 3, valvate, much smaller than the petals. Petals 6, in 2 whorls of 3, both valvate, free, subequal or the outer slightly larger, variously shaped, linear, lanceolate, ovate, elliptic, oblong or obovate, often quite large and showy, red, orange, yellow, green or white. Stamens mostly numerous, cuneiform; filaments very short; connective-prolongations flat-topped or slightly convex, covering the anther-cells, rhomboid or round in plan. Carpels few to numerous, free, oblong, 1–5-ovuled, the ovules basal or superposed; style absent or almost so; stigma rectangular, globose or irregularly shaped, with a faint groove on inner side running down inner side of the ovary. Monocarps few to many, indehiscent, ellipsoid, ovoid or subglobose, stipitate or subsessile, 1–5-seeded. Seeds sometimes with a longitudinal circumferential groove.
Trees or shrubs. Inflorescences axillary, internodal, or leaf-opposed, sessile or shortly pedunculate, 1-to many flowered. Flowers usually bisexual. Sepals 3, usually small, valvate or rarely subimbricate in bud, free. Petals 6, in 2 whorls, free, valvate or rarely subimbricate in bud, subequal, flat and spreading; inner petals sometimes slightly larger or smaller than outer, concave and arched over stamens. Stamens usually many; anther locules cuneate; connectives apically orbicular or rhomboidal, concealing anther locules, apex flat-topped or slightly convex. Carpels rather few to many, free; ovules 1 or 2(or 3) per carpel, basal or sutural; styles absent, very short, or long; stigmas mostly dilated. Fruit apocarpous; monocarps few to many, short to long stipitate, mostly globose or ovoid, fleshy. Seeds 1 or 2(or 3) per monocarp, with a longitudinal circumferential groove.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Polyalthia unspecified picture


Polyalthia world distribution map, present in Australia, China, India, Malaysia, Philippines, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:2110-1
WFO ID wfo-4000030676
INPN ID 445392
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Papualthia Tabraca Haplostichanthus Polyalthia Monostichanthus

Lower taxons

Polyalthia bullata Polyalthia debilis Polyalthia corticosa Polyalthia flagellaris Polyalthia cinnamomea Polyalthia chrysotricha Polyalthia hirtifolia Polyalthia igniflora Polyalthia kanchanaburiana Polyalthia meghalayensis Polyalthia dolichopoda Polyalthia elliptica Polyalthia venosa Polyalthia subcordata Polyalthia socia Polyalthia spathulata Polyalthia oblonga Polyalthia montis-silam Polyalthia microsepala Polyalthia gracilipes Polyalthia evecta Polyalthia dumosa Polyalthia dictyoneura Polyalthia endertii Polyalthia bracteosa Polyalthia borneensis Polyalthia barenensis Polyalthia brunneifolia Polyalthia angustissima Polyalthia cauliflora Polyalthia insignis Polyalthia lateritia Polyalthia sessiliflora Polyalthia tipuliflora Polyalthia parviflora Polyalthia obliqua Polyalthia rufescens Polyalthia persicifolia Polyalthia polyphlebia Polyalthia pumila Polyalthia mindorensis Polyalthia motleyana Polyalthia microtus Polyalthia charitopoda Polyalthia miliusoides Polyalthia saprosma Polyalthia stenophylla Polyalthia sympetala Polyalthia bromantha Polyalthia lasioclada Polyalthia myristica Polyalthia monocarpioides Polyalthia pisocarpa Polyalthia kinabaluensis Polyalthia trochilia Polyalthia ichthyosma Polyalthia keraudrenii Polyalthia suberosa Polyalthia lanceolata Polyalthia consanguinea Polyalthia lancilimba Polyalthia heteropetala Polyalthia gamopetala Polyalthia malabarica Polyalthia intermedia Polyalthia pakdin Polyalthia fruticosa Polyalthia hispida Polyalthia johnsonii Polyalthia longirostris Polyalthia luzonensis Polyalthia novoguineensis Polyalthia stellata Polyalthia submontana Polyalthia xanthocarpa Polyalthia stenopetala Polyalthia elegans Polyalthia clemensiorum Polyalthia minutiflora Polyalthia minima Polyalthia miniata Polyalthia verrucipes Polyalthia moonii Polyalthia celebica Polyalthia castanea Polyalthia praeflorens