Scabiosa L.

Pincushion flowers (en), Scabieuses (fr), Scabieuse (fr)


Angiosperms > Dipsacales > Caprifoliaceae


Herbs, biennial or perennial, sometimes subshrubs due to lignification at base, rarely annual. Leaves opposite; cauline leaves amplexicaul; leaf blade pinnatipartite or pinnatisect, rarely entire. Capitula terminal, oblate-globose, ovoid, or ovoid-conical, long pedunculate; involucral bracts leaflike, in 1 or 2 series; receptacles conical to semiglobose, sometimes columnar; bracts linear-lanceolate, 1-veined, back often carinate; involucel (epicalyx) 1, broadly funnelform or angular-columnar, 8-ribbed in fruit, furrowed in entire length, or furrowed only above and rounded at base, often fissured into 2-8 pits apically, top becoming a membranous, campanulate or rotate crown, 16-30-veined, margin dentate. Calyx stalked, disklike, 5-segmented into radial setae. Corolla usually dimorphic, tubular, blue, purple, purple-red, yellow, or white, 4-or 5-lobed; that of marginal ray flowers usually larger, 2-lipped; upper lip usually 2-lobed, shorter; lower lip 3-lobed, elongated and raylike; that of central flowers usually tubular; lobes subequal in length. Stamens 4, exserted. Ovary enveloped in involucels; style slender; stigma peltate or capitate. Achenes enveloped in involucels, crowned with persistent setose calyx. Seeds with a large, straight embryo and scanty endosperm.
Erect perennial or annual herbs, usually markedly heterophyllous. Leaves entire or deeply divided. Inflorescence terminal. Heads involucrate with 1–2 rows of foliaceous bracts shorter or longer than the flowers. Receptacle bracts linear-lanceolate, much shorter than the flowers, glabrous or pubescent. Involucel smooth or 8-furrowed towards the top only or throughout its length, with a membranous many-veined entire or subentire erect or spreading limb. Calyx small with 5 teeth each produced into a long scabrid or barbed bristle; bristles subequal, spreading in fruit. Corolla 5-fid (4–6-fid flowers occur sometimes in the same head); lobes unequal. Marginal flowers are usually considerably longer than the inner ones with a more asymmetric corolla. Stamens 4. Stigma oblique, entire.
Annual or perennial herbs; stems without prickles. Lvs opposite, simple or often pinnate, mostly in basal rosettes. Infl. a flattened, hemispheric, or cylindric capitulum; involucral bracts usually linear-lanceolate, sometimes crowded, obtuse to acute; receptacular bracts lacking spines. Involucel-tube cylindric, 8-ribbed, expanding above at fruiting into a flattened, membranous corona with many veins. Calyx prolonged into 5 setae, persistent at fruiting. Corolla unequally 5-lobed; tube short, usually longer in marginal than central fls. Stamens 4. Fr. ovoid, ribbed, pitted, or obscurely angled, glabrous to hairy, bearing the corona and setae.
Cal cupuliform, the upper part usually prolonged into 5 setae; involucel 8-ribbed and cylindric below, expanded above into an orbicular or funnelform, scarious corona with many (sometimes excurrent) veins; cor with short tube and 5 unequal lobes, the marginal ones usually enlarged and subradiate; herbs with long-pedunculate heads and 1–3 rows of herbaceous involucral bracts. 80, Eurasia, Afr.
Involucel tube cylindrical, smooth or furrowed, 4–8 ribbed, expanded above into a membranous, many veined, erect or spreading corona.
Capitula hemispherical or cylindrical, often on long peduncles, involucral bracts herbaceous, in 1 to several rows.
Corolla of 5 unequal lobes, (rarely 4–6), and a short tube, usually longer in the marginal flowers.
Receptacle bracts usually linear–lanceolate, shorter than the flowers, glabrous or pubescent.
Calyx small, usually with 5 bristle–like teeth, spreading in fruit.
Annual or perennial herbs, often heterophyllous.
Leaves opposite, simple or deeply divided.
Stamens 4.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 10 - 15
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Scabiosa unspecified picture


Scabiosa world distribution map, present in China, New Zealand, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000034213
BDTFX ID 87163
INPN ID 197403
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Scabiosa Scabiosella Spongostemma Asterocephalus Chetastrum Trochocephalus Sixalix

Lower taxons

Scabiosa adzharica Scabiosa jezoensis Scabiosa fumarioides Scabiosa georgica Scabiosa eremophila Scabiosa owerinii Scabiosa paphlagonica Scabiosa parielii Scabiosa x lucidula Scabiosa libyca Scabiosa correvoniana Scabiosa corsica Scabiosa columbaria Scabiosa beauverdiana Scabiosa thysdrusiana Scabiosa semipapposa Scabiosa turolensis Scabiosa andryifolia Scabiosa imeretica Scabiosa farinosa Scabiosa parviflora Scabiosa nitens Scabiosa mollissima Scabiosa meskhetica Scabiosa balcanica Scabiosa arenaria Scabiosa bipinnata Scabiosa colchica Scabiosa cephalarioides Scabiosa cartenniana Scabiosa taygetea Scabiosa tenuis Scabiosa tenuisecta Scabiosa silenifolia Scabiosa sosnowskyi Scabiosa triniifolia Scabiosa velenovskiana Scabiosa vestina Scabiosa webbiana Scabiosa daucoides Scabiosa comosa Scabiosa incisa Scabiosa transvaalensis Scabiosa lacerifolia Scabiosa africana Scabiosa angustiloba Scabiosa japonica Scabiosa albanensis Scabiosa buekiana Scabiosa austroafricana Scabiosa drakensbergensis Scabiosa tysonii Scabiosa lachnophylla Scabiosa pyrenaica Scabiosa andryalifolia Scabiosa galianoi Scabiosa solymica Scabiosa praemontana Scabiosa holosericea Scabiosa triandra Scabiosa canescens Scabiosa cinerea Scabiosa ochroleuca Scabiosa lucida Scabiosa atropurpurea