Fls regular or the cor somewhat ventricose, (4)5-merous as to the cal, cor, and stamens, the cor short-campanulate to elongate-campanulate or subsalverform; ovary 4-locular, 2 locules with several abortive ovules, 2 with each a single functional ovule; style well developed; stigma ± capitate; fr a 2-stoned white or red berry-like drupe; low bushy shrubs with short-petioled, ovate-oblong to rotund, entire or sometimes toothed or lobed lvs, and clusters of small white or pink fls terminating the stem or also in the upper axils. 8 N. Amer., 1 China.
Deciduous, erect to almost prostrate shrubs. Winter buds with c. 2 pairs of outer scales. Lvs simple, entire or sometimes lobed, exstipulate. Fls terminal or axillary, forming clusters or spike-like racemes; bracts and bracteoles present. Calyx 4-5-lobed, small. Corolla 4-5-lobed, actinomorphic; tube campanulate to ± tubular. Stamens 4-5, included or slightly exserted. Ovary 4-celled, with 2 fertile and 2 sterile loculi; fertile loculi with 1 ovule. Style slender; stigma capitate. Fr. a berry-like drupe with 2, ± compressed pyrenes.