Thrixspermum Lour.

Hairseeds (en)


Angiosperms > Asparagales > Orchidaceae


Herbs, epiphytic, lithophytic, or rarely terrestrial, monopodial, medium-sized. Stems ascending, climbing, or pendulous, either short with several closely spaced leaves, or long with many, well-spaced leaves. Leaves flat, never terete or laterally compressed, sometimes fleshy, base sheathing, jointed. Inflorescence lateral, axillary, racemose, long or short, few to many flowered, a few flowers opening at a time, flowering of many lowland species initiated by a sudden afternoon rainstorm; floral bracts either distichous and persistent on a flattened rachis or facing all directions on terete rachis. Flowers usually ephemeral, often fully open for only half a day, small to medium-sized, very variable, from a few millimeters to several centimeters in diam. Sepals and petals subsimilar; lip adnate at base to end of column foot, immovable, saccate but not truly spurred, usually with a partly hairy or papillose front wall callus, 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect; mid-lobe rather thick and fleshy. Column short, stout, sometimes winged, with a long foot; pollinia waxy, 4, appearing as 2 unequal masses, subglobose, attached by a common short and broad stipe to a solitary viscidium. Capsule long, slender.
Epiphytic orchids ranging from sparsely branched to much-branched, bushy clumps. Stems short to long, fibrous, erect or pendulous. Leaves thick, leathery, well-spaced or crowded. Racemes arising from stem opposite leaf, apical part flattened, with prominent bracts. Flowers resupinate or non-resupinate, arranged either in 2 ranks or spiral, short-lived (less than a day), produced sporadically with all plants in locality flowering synchronously. Sepals and petals similar in shape and size. Labellum fixed immovably to apex of column foot. Labellum lamina 3-lobed; lateral lobes small; spur prominent. Column broad with short foot. Pollinia 4 in 2 unequal pairs, orange, hard, waxy, attached via very short stipe to small viscidium.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Moist forests, particularly rainforest and mangroves.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Thrixspermum unspecified picture


Thrixspermum world distribution map, present in Andorra, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Moldova (Republic of), Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Solomon Islands, Thailand, Taiwan, Province of China, Viet Nam, Vanuatu, and Samoa


WFO ID wfo-4000038280
INPN ID 672793
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Thrixspermum Dendrocolla Cordiglottis

Lower taxons

Thrixspermum amplexicaule Thrixspermum angustatum Thrixspermum arachnitiforme Thrixspermum aurantiacum Thrixspermum brevibracteatum Thrixspermum carinatifolium Thrixspermum centipeda Thrixspermum clavilobum Thrixspermum collinum Thrixspermum cordulatum Thrixspermum corneri Thrixspermum doctersii Thrixspermum duplocallosum Thrixspermum elmeri Thrixspermum elongatum Thrixspermum fuscum Thrixspermum gombakense Thrixspermum gracilicaule Thrixspermum graeffei Thrixspermum hystrix Thrixspermum incurvicalcar Thrixspermum indragiriense Thrixspermum inquinatum Thrixspermum ligulatum Thrixspermum linearifolium Thrixspermum lombokense Thrixspermum longicauda Thrixspermum longilobum Thrixspermum longipilosum Thrixspermum loogemanianum Thrixspermum maculatum Thrixspermum ponapense Thrixspermum psiloglottis Thrixspermum pugionifolium Thrixspermum pulchellum Thrixspermum pulchrum Thrixspermum punctatum Thrixspermum purpurascens Thrixspermum quinquelobum Thrixspermum sarawakense Thrixspermum sarcophyllum Thrixspermum scopa Thrixspermum scortechinii Thrixspermum simum Thrixspermum squarrosum Thrixspermum subteres Thrixspermum subulatum Thrixspermum sumatranum Thrixspermum sutepense Thrixspermum tahanense Thrixspermum trichoglottis Thrixspermum validum Thrixspermum vanoverberghii Thrixspermum xantholeucum Thrixspermum zollingeri Thrixspermum carnosum Thrixspermum aberrans Thrixspermum acutilobum Thrixspermum agamense Thrixspermum agusanense Thrixspermum amesianum Thrixspermum annamense Thrixspermum brevicapsularis Thrixspermum brevicaule Thrixspermum brevipes Thrixspermum brunnescens Thrixspermum calceolus Thrixspermum canaliculatum Thrixspermum celebicum Thrixspermum clavatum Thrixspermum complanatum Thrixspermum congestum Thrixspermum conigerum Thrixspermum crassifolium Thrixspermum crescentiforme Thrixspermum cymboglossum Thrixspermum eximium Thrixspermum filifolium Thrixspermum fimbriatum Thrixspermum flaccidum Thrixspermum fleuryi Thrixspermum formosanum Thrixspermum fragrans Thrixspermum integrum Thrixspermum iodochilus Thrixspermum japonicum Thrixspermum javanicum Thrixspermum kjellbergii Thrixspermum lampongense Thrixspermum latifolium Thrixspermum latisaccatum Thrixspermum malayanum Thrixspermum merguense Thrixspermum montanum Thrixspermum musciflorum Thrixspermum obtusum Thrixspermum pauciflorum Thrixspermum platystachys Thrixspermum poilanei Thrixspermum recurvum Thrixspermum remotiflorum Thrixspermum sagoense Thrixspermum saruwatarii Thrixspermum walkeri Thrixspermum warianum Thrixspermum weberi Thrixspermum wenzelii Thrixspermum williamsianum Thrixspermum acuminatissimum Thrixspermum anceps Thrixspermum ancoriferum Thrixspermum angustifolium Thrixspermum borneense Thrixspermum lucidum Thrixspermum pusillum Thrixspermum pygmaeum Thrixspermum raciborskii Thrixspermum crassilabre Thrixspermum tsii Thrixspermum saccatum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum teretifolium p.o'byrne Thrixspermum xantholomum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum odoratum Thrixspermum lengguanianum & p.o'byrne Thrixspermum alabense Thrixspermum semiteretifolium Thrixspermum kocyanii Thrixspermum linusii Thrixspermum rimauense Thrixspermum ventricosum Thrixspermum hiepii Thrixspermum luciferum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum mergitiferum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum stelidioides Thrixspermum erythrolomum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum bromeliforme Thrixspermum cootesii Thrixspermum merguense Thrixspermum breviscapum Thrixspermum longipedicellatum Thrixspermum pulverulentum Thrixspermum westenenkii Thrixspermum merapohense p.o'byrne Thrixspermum cryptophallon p.o'byrne Thrixspermum bicolor p.o'byrne, Thrixspermum ochraceum p.o'byrne, Thrixspermum megacarpum p.o'byrne, Thrixspermum anjunganense p.o'byrne Thrixspermum bosuangii p.o'byrne Thrixspermum caudatum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum chanianum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum kipandicum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum scandens p.o'byrne Thrixspermum milneri p.o'byrne Thrixspermum pachychilum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum rubrocalcaratum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum indicum Thrixspermum majus Thrixspermum fernandeziae Thrixspermum fulgens Thrixspermum grandiflorum p.o'byrne Thrixspermum pinocchio p.o'byrne Thrixspermum torajaense p.o'byrne Thrixspermum cerinum Thrixspermum denticulatum Thrixspermum fantasticum Thrixspermum filiforme Thrixspermum pardale Thrixspermum patens Thrixspermum pensile Thrixspermum platycaule Thrixspermum robinsonii Thrixspermum roseum Thrixspermum rostratum Thrixspermum samarindae Thrixspermum tenuicalcar Thrixspermum tortum Thrixspermum triangulare Thrixspermum tylophorum Thrixspermum leucorachne Thrixspermum multicolor Thrixspermum neohibernicum Thrixspermum oreadum