Petals free from the stamens, mostly yellow, deciduous; standard obovate, with basal vein 3-branched near the base; wings oblong with the upper proximal corner extended into a small auricle (c. 1/10–1/5 the length of the wing blade); keel obtuse, not or loosely adherent to the wing by a wing spur in a keel pocket (both spur and pocket not or weakly developed).
Pod usually linear or oblong, straight or ± curved, subterete or compressed, often beaked, never coiled or spiny, dehiscent along the ventral suture or indehiscent, usually many-seeded.
Ovary sessile, few–many-ovuled; style long, incurved above, glabrous; stigma small, somewhat expanded from the style but not markedly capitate, with short papillae on the apex.
Flowers in axillary racemes, heads or umbels, or flowers solitary or in pairs, lacking an explosive tripping pollination mechanism; bracts minute; bracteoles absent.
Filament sheath truncate at the apex; free portions of filaments mostly thin; anthers uniform, versatile; vexillary filament free.
Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; leaflets often denticulate; stipules basally adnate to the petiole.
Calyx campanulate, more rarely tubular; teeth subequal.
Herbs, mostly annual, often strongly aromatic.
Seeds mostly verruculose, sometimes smooth.