Climbing or erect herbs or shrubs, rarely trees. Leaves pinnately 3–9-foliolate, more rarely 1-foliolate; stipules and stipels present. Inflorescences few-flowered, racemose, or flowers axillary, solitary or paired, sometimes on the old wood; upper pairs of bracts connate; bracteoles large. Calyx 5-lobed, upper pair of lobes joined only at the base. Corolla large, white, red or blue; standard large, much exceeding the other petals, rounded, erect, emarginate, without appendages. Vexillary stamen free or ± joined to the bundle; anthers almost uniform or 5 dorsifixed alternating with 5 subbasifixed. Ovary stipitate, 2-many-ovuled. Style elongated, incurved, bearded inside at the slightly dilated apex; stigma terminal. Cleistogamous flowers occur in some species. Pod linear-oblong, compressed, sometimes longitudinally ribbed, filled with soft tissue but not septate. Seeds subglobose or ellipsoid, compressed; hilum small, central or subcentral; aril not developed.
Perennial herbs or subshrubs, twining. Leaves pinnately 3-7-foliolate; stipules and stipels persistent. Inflorescence axillary, 1-or 2-flowered. Flowers large and beautiful; bracts paired, stipulelike, persistent; bracteoles similar to bracts or slightly larger, or sometimes leaflike. Calyx membranous, tubular, 5-lobed; lobes lanceolate or triangular, equal to or shorter than tube. Corolla longer than calyx; standard large, almost applanate or sometimes cucullate, abaxially minutely hairy, base clawed, without auricles; wings and keels much shorter. Stamens diadelphous; vexillary stamen free, or ± connate; anthers uniform. Ovary with stipe, with sheathing disk at base; ovules many; style complanate, long, curved, interior with beard. Legume stipitate, linear or linear-oblong, dehiscent, compressed or inflated, filled with soft tissue but not septate. Seeds subglobose or ellipsoid, compressed; hilum small, central or subcentral, strophiole absent.
Fls resupinate, the banner lowermost; cal somewhat gibbous at base, irregular, the 2 upper lobes partly connate, shorter than the lower; standard rotund-obovate, retuse, narrowed to the base, much exceeding the other pet; keel-pet strongly incurved but not twisted, shorter than the wings and coherent with them to the middle; stamens 10, monadelphous below; anthers all alike; style strongly incurved, pubescent on the concave side; fr stipitate, linear-oblong, flattened, dehiscent, several-seeded; twining herbs or shrubs with pinnately 3–9-foliolate, stipellate lvs and large, bracteolate fls solitary or in small clusters on axillary peduncles. 40, warm reg.
unless with fruit, petals usually lacking; the calyx infundibular, small, persistent in fruit, bracteolate, 5-lobed; stamens short, free or diadelphous, ovary similar to chasmogamous flowers but smaller, style bent abruptly back towards the base and the stigma in contact with anthers.
Seeds variously coloured, oblong-ellipsoid, compressed, with a central to excentric hilum and a persistent white rim aril and funicular remnant.
Inflorescences few-flowered in racemes, or flowers axillary, solitary or paired; upper pair of bracts connate; bracteoles large.
Ovary stipitate, 2–many-ovuled; style elongate, curved, bearded and slightly widened towards the terminal stigma.
Corolla large, often resupinate; standard much exceeding the other petals, often pubescent outside.
Pod linear-oblong, compressed or convex, dehiscent, with or without longitudinal ribs.
Leaves pinnately 3–9-foliolate, rarely 1-foliolate; stipels present or absent.
Vexillary filament free or joined to the others at the base.
Calyx 5-lobed, upper pair of lobes joined only at the base.
Trailing, climbing or erect herbs, shrubs or small trees.