Perrenial herbs, with a tunicated bulb-like or stoloniferous corm. Stem erect or scandent, simple or branched, sometimes almost absent. Leaves basal or cauline, alternate, sometimes opposite and clustered, simple, entire, sessile, often basally sheathing the stem, the leaf apex sometimes ending in a tendril. Inflorescence an umbel, raceme, or spike, or flowers solitary, with or without bracts. Flowers hypogynous, bisexual, regular, sessile or pedicillate. Perianth segments 6, equal, free or basally connate into a tube, sometimes with a basal nectary. Stamens 6; filaments free or inserted at the base of the perianth segments, filiform, sometimes thickened; anthers basifixed or dorsifixed, versatile, usually dehiscing extrorsely by longitudinal slits, sometimes latrorsely to introrsely. Ovary superior, sessile, syncarpous, 3-locular, ovules many, placentation axile; style 1, 3-branched towards the apex, erect or bent at a right angle from the ovary, or styles 3, free, erect or recurved; stigmas 3. Fruit a capsule, septicidal or loculicidal, 3-valved, coriaceous or fleshy; seeds many, (sub)globose, sometimes with a distinct raphe, sometimes red and fleshy
Pending. See Nordenstam (1998).