Basal pinnae gradually reducing in size but not always merging into spines; leaves ±flat (opposing pinnae inserted at about 180°); pinnae green or weakly glaucous, with white and orange-brown trichomes; margins ±recurved; midrib prominent below; hypodermis extensive, almost or fully continuous. Cataphylls soft, not pungent; pollen cones ovoid, orange to orange-brown.
Basal pinnae not gradually reducing to spines; pinnae flat to slightly revolute, slightly to strongly glaucous; margins distinctly recurved; hypodermis extensive, almost or fully continuous. Cataphylls hard, pungent. Pollen cones large, subglobose, yellow or orange.
Basal pinnae not gradually reducing to spines. Cataphylls soft, not pungent. Pollen cones medium-sized to large, ovoid to elongate-ovoid, orange or brown below. Megasporophyll lamina lanceolate to broadly triangular or ovate; lateral spines to 7 mm long, pungent.
Basal pinnae gradually reducing to spines. Cataphylls soft, not pungent. Pollen cones narrowly ovoid to fusiform, orange to brown. Megasporophyll lamina narrowly triangular, lateral spines 12 mm long, not pungent; leaves usually terminating in paired pinnae.
Basal pinnae not gradually reducing to spines; pinnae slightly to strongly revolute, strongly glaucous; hypodermis fully continuous, often with more than 1 layer of cells. Cataphylls hard and pungent or soft. Pollen cones medium, ovoid, orange or brown.
Basal pinnae not gradually reducing to spines. Cataphylls hard, pungent. Pollen cones ovoid, orange to orange-brown. Megasporophyll lamina narrowly to broadly triangular or ovate; lateral spines to 10 mm long, pungent.
Morphological characters and geographical distribution are the same as those for the family.