Stamens all joined in a sheath open on the upper side, with longer basifixed anthers alternating with shorter dorsifixed anthers, the carinal anther intermediate.
Leaves digitately 3-foliolate, petiolate; stipules inconspicuous or absent, up to 1 mm long and caducous if present.
Pods pointing upwards, narrowly oblong to linear, laterally compressed between the seeds, dehiscent, 1–8-seeded.
Flowers small, in short terminal or leaf-opposed racemes; bracts and bracteoles small.
Seeds rounded to very shortly oblong, with a small hilar sinus on the short side.
Calyx shorter than the corolla, 2-lipped, the upper lip bifid, the lower trifid.
Style tapered, curved up to a small capitate terminal stigma.
Small slender-stemmed shrubs.