Cal obconic, nearly regular, 4-lobed by fusion of the upper 2, the lobes nearly equal, somewhat exceeding the tube; standard broadly obovate, narrowed to a short claw, obscurely auricled; wings oblong, blunt, auricled at base above the slender claw, slightly shorter than the straight, semi-obovate, short-clawed keel-pet; stamens 10, diadelphous; ovary pubescent; style glabrous, fr narrowly oblong, flat, few-seeded, twisted after dehiscence; twining or trailing perennial herbs with pinnately trifoliolate lvs, minute stipules and bracts, and short racemes; fls small, purplish, often 2 or 3 at a node, each closely subtended by a pair of minute bracteoles. 50, mostly warm New World.The proper application of the names G. regularis and G. volubilis is in dispute, and the traditional usage of G. regularis, in particular, may well be incorrect. We here follow the tradition, rather than accepting newer interpretations that are also debatable.
Herbs, trailing or climbing vines or rarely shrubs, perennial. Leaves pinnate (Panama) or digitate trifoliolate or simple; stipels and stipules present. Inflores-cences axillary and terminal, nodose racemes, elongate or short, sometimes sub-sessile; bracts and bracteoles usually present. Flowers mostly pink, purplish or white, the calyx 4-dentate or 4-fid, the upper tooth broader; corolla glabrous or the standard somewhat pubescent; stamens united or the vexilary stamen free, the anthers alike, all fertile, sometimes alternating in height; ovary narrow, mostly pubescent, the style glabrous, curved or nearly straight, the stigma minute. Fruit straight or slightly curved, compressed, sometimes laterally compressed between the seeds or marginally when immature, partially false septate between the seeds, dehiscent by 2 valves; seeds ovoid, dark brown, the hilum small, oval.
Herbs or subshrubs, prostrate, climbing or erect. Leaves 1–7-foliolate, usually pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules small, usually deciduous; stipels present. Flowers in axillary few-flowered often nodose false racemes or fascicles or lower ones sometimes solitary and rarely apetalous. Calyx 4-fid because upper pair of teeth are completely joined. Corolla small. Standard ovate or round, scarcely or not auriculate. Vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform (or ? sometimes reduced to 5). Ovary subsessile; ovules numerous; style filiform, glabrous; stigma small, terminal. Pod linear to linear-oblong, compressed, straight or curved, subseptate, more rarely 1-seeded geocarpous fruits are present. Seeds small; hilum small, central, elliptic, not arillate or with a vestigial rim-aril.
Flowers in axillary few-flowered often nodose false racemes or fascicles or lower ones sometimes solitary and rarely apetalous.
Pod linear to linear-oblong, compressed, straight or curved, subseptate, (more rarely 1-seeded geocarpous fruits are present).
Leaves 1–7-foliolate, usually pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules small, usually deciduous; stipels present.
Seeds small; hilum small, central, elliptic, not arillate or with a vestigial rim aril.
Ovary subsessile; ovules numerous; style filiform, glabrous; stigma small, terminal.
Vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform (or ? sometimes reduced to 5).
Corolla small; standard ovate or round, scarcely or not auriculate.
Calyx 4-fid because upper pair of teeth are completely joined.
Herbs or subshrubs, prostrate, climbing or erect.