Hopea Roxb.

Hopea (en)


Angiosperms > Malvales > Dipterocarpaceae


Small or medium-sized, occasionally large, trees; bole usually tapering, frequently branching low; buttresses usually thin, sometimes thick; stilt roots and flying buttresses sometimes present; crown, in small species, persistently lanceolate, monopodial, the branches ± horizontal and pendent; becoming densely evenly hemispherical in large trees, with many small straight branches radiating from the bole apex. Bark surface at first smooth, chocolate and grey mottled, hoop-marked; remaining so or becoming cracked and flaked, or fissured. Parts with or without indumentum of broad or narrow lobed hairs. Twigs slender, usually branching horizontally; stipule scars small, inconspicuous. Stipules linear, fugaceous (subpersistent in saplings). Leaves small or medium-sized, or narrowly oblong, large; nerves (see Fig. 64a) either scalariform, with scalariform tertiaries, or 'dryobalanoid' with ± indistinct nerves, and with many equally prominent, but more or less shorter, secondaries, and indistinct reticulate tertiaries, superficially resembling those of Dryobalanops; or intermediate between these two types: 'subdryobalanoid', with more prominent reticulate or partially scalariform tertiaries, more prominent nerves, and fewer, shorter, intermediates. Petiole never geniculate. Inflorescence paniculate, slender, terminal or axillary. Flower buds small, ovoid or rarely globose. Sepals imbricate; 2 outer ovate, ± obtuse, thickened; 3 inner suborbicular, frequently mucronate, thin at the margins. Petals oblong, connate at base and falling in a rosette. Stamens 10, 15 or up to 38 (H. plagata), in 1-3 verticils or irregular, falling with the petals; filaments broad and compressed at base, tapering medially and filiform below the anthers, anthers subglobose, tapering apically, latrorse; with 4 pollen sacs, the outer pair somewhat the larger; appendage to connective usually at least twice as long as anther, slender, glabrous or minutely glandular tuberculate. Ovary glabrous or tomentose, ovoid and with indistinct stylopodium marked by a ring of hairs at the apex of the ovary, or with a distinct stylopodium and hence pyriform, hour-glass-shaped, or cylindrical; style long or short, glabrous; stigma minute (except H. ferrea). Fruit relatively small: 2 outer fruit calyx lobes prolonged, spatulate; 3 inner lobes short, or 5 short, subequal; lobes thickened and saccate at base. Nut ovoid, usually glabrous, with a distinct apical stylopodium if present in the flower. Pericarp splitting at germination into 3 valves (H. pachycarpa) or irregularly; cotyledons photosynthetic, subequal; first pair of leaves opposite, followed by spiral leaves or an initial whorl of 3; branching of sapling mainly at initiation of each period of growth by leader, hence appearing pagoda-like.
Trees evergreen, of main canopy or understory, white resinous. Stipules caducous, small; leaf blade thinly leathery; lateral veins pinnate; tertiary veins scalariform (in Chinese species) [or subreticulate], margin entire. Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate, in lax panicles of unilateral racemes; bracts early caducuous, linear. Calyx segments imbricate. Exposed parts of petals usually pubescent in bud. Stamens (10-)15, slightly connate and adnate to petals; anthers ovoid, small, subequal; connectival appendages aristate or filiform. Ovary ovoid, with prominent filiform style, or hourglass-shaped, with short tapering style. Fruit ovoid or globose; pericarp usually thin, waxy; 1-seeded, closely surrounded by thickened base of calyx segments; 2 fruit sepals winglike, linear, or all orbicular or ovate, subequal.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Main canopy or understorey, rarely emergent, trees of lowland evergreen forests; and also semi-evergreen forests where there are more species, many of them local endemics, than any other dipterocarp genus. Several are semi-gregarious, several riparian.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses. Though some of the larger species provide a heavy durable construction timber few are common enough to be important economically. Several species in sect, subsect. Dryobalanoides produce a clear crystalline resin, damar mata kuching, that was formerly a valuable article of commerce.
Uses timber
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Hopea unspecified picture


Hopea world distribution map, present in China, Congo (Democratic Republic of the), India, and Thailand


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:329418-2
WFO ID wfo-4000018247
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Hopea Pierrea Balanocarpus Dioticarpus

Lower taxons

Hopea auriculata Hopea bilitonensis Hopea bullatifolia Hopea cagayanensis Hopea celebica Hopea centipeda Hopea cernua Hopea chinensis Hopea cordata Hopea cordifolia Hopea coriacea Hopea depressinerva Hopea foxworthyi Hopea glabra Hopea glabrifolia Hopea glaucescens Hopea inexpectata Hopea jacobi Hopea malibato Hopea megacarpa Hopea mengarawan Hopea pachycarpa Hopea parviflora Hopea parvifolia Hopea rugifolia Hopea samarensis Hopea schmidtii Hopea sphaerocarpa Hopea subalata Hopea sublanceolata Hopea tenuivervula Hopea thorelii Hopea treubii Hopea ultima Hopea utilis Hopea vacciniifolia Hopea vesquei Hopea wyattsmithii Hopea acuminata Hopea aequalis Hopea altocollina Hopea andersonii Hopea apiculata Hopea aptera Hopea bancana Hopea basilanica Hopea beccariana Hopea brachyptera Hopea bracteata Hopea brevipetiolaris Hopea canarensis Hopea dryobalanoides Hopea dyeri Hopea enicosanthoides Hopea erosa Hopea ferrea Hopea ferruginea Hopea forbesii Hopea gregaria Hopea griffithii Hopea hainanensis Hopea iriana Hopea johorensis Hopea jucunda Hopea kerangasensis Hopea latifolia Hopea longirostrata Hopea mesuoides Hopea micrantha Hopea mindanensis Hopea montana Hopea myrtifolia Hopea nervosa Hopea nigra Hopea nodosa Hopea novoguineensis Hopea nutans Hopea oblongifolia Hopea obscurinerva Hopea ovoidea Hopea papuana Hopea paucinervis Hopea pedicellata Hopea pentanervia Hopea philippinensis Hopea pierrei Hopea plagata Hopea polyalthioides Hopea ponga Hopea pterygota Hopea racophloea Hopea recopei Hopea reticulata Hopea rudiformis Hopea sangal Hopea semicuneata Hopea shingkeng Hopea sulcata Hopea vietnamensis Hopea celtidifolia Hopea modesta Hopea scabra Hopea odorata Hopea dasyrrhachis Hopea discolor Hopea fluvialis Hopea similis Hopea helferi Hopea pubescens