Leaves petiolate, alternate, simple, entire, 4: coriaceous, penninerved, with densely reticulate tertiary venation; stipules intrapetiolar, usually completely united, deciduous or caducous.
Stamens 5 + 5, with filaments of equal or unequal length united below to form a shallow cup sometimes bearing 5 glands outside.
Petals (4) 5, white, free, unguiculate, deciduous; nectary appendage small (more rarely absent).
Ovary 2-locular, loculi 1-ovulate; styles united; stigmas 2, free, spreading or reflexed.
Flowers axillary, solitary or in few-flowered fascicles, heterostylic.
Sepals (4) 5, valvate, connate at the base, ± coriaceous.
Young shoots terete or ± compressed.
Fruit probably drupaceous.
Shrubs or small trees.