Pyrostria Comm. ex Juss.


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Rubiaceae


Style slender, slightly longer than corolla-tube, somewhat tapered at apex; stigmatic knob ± as wide as long, 2–several-lobed, lobes only separating to reveal stigmatic surface in ♀ and hermaphrodite flowers, solid, attached to style at base or sometimes slightly recessed; ovary 2(–10 outside Africa)-locular, each locule containing one pendulous ovule. Disk annular or hemispherical; the area between the ovary and disc sometimes elongate (in Madagascan species only). Fruit yellow to red, fleshy; 2-locular fruit subspherical to heart-shaped or less often didymous, bilaterally flattened, often elaborated with extra lobes or wings; multilocular fruit lobed according to number of locules; pyrenes thinly woody to woody, narrowly obovoid to obovoid with ventral face flattened, crested around the apex, eventually dehiscing from the point of attachment back along the crest (fig. 132/22, p. 754). Seeds ± narrowly obovoid with ventral face flattened and apex somewhat crested; endosperm entire; testa finely reticulate; embryo straight or slightly curved with radicle erect; cotyledons small, set perpendicular to ventral face of seed.. Small shrubs to medium-sized trees. Leaves not deciduous, petiolate, less often subsessile or occasionally sessile; blades drying blackish brown, slate-grey or sometimes dull green, typically subcoriaceous, usually glabrous, very infrequently pubescent; tertiary nerves obscure (or rarely apparent); domatia present as glabrous to pubescent cavities or sometimes absent; stipules triangular at base, sometimes produced into a lobe or ovate to linear, persistent or readily caducous, with a few silky hairs and colleters inside. Flowers unisexual or hermaphrodite, 4-or 5-merous, borne in pedunculate umbels, sometimes with both peduncle and pedicels somewhat reduced, in dioecious species the ♀ inflorescence contains fewer flowers (often solitary) than the ♂; bracts paired, connate and entirely surrounding inflorescence in bud, persistent, with silky hairs and colleters towards base inside or rarely with dense rusty hairs. Calyx-tube ± ovoid in ♀ and hermaphrodite flowers but very reduced in ♂ flowers; limb reduced to a rim, sometimes shortly dentate or bearing unequal or less often equal lobes or sometimes (in Mauritian species) cupular. Corolla rather fleshy, usually drying dark with the lobes pale above; tube shorter than or longer than the lobes, throat densely congested with crisped or less often straight hairs, lacking a well-defined ring of deflexed hairs inside; lobes spreading, reflexed or sometimes ± erect, thickened towards the apex, sometimes shortly apiculate, upper surface of lobes usually graniculate or very finely colliculate. Stamens set at throat; filaments short, attached near the base of the anther; anthers erect, less often spreading or rarely reflexed, ovate to oblong-ovate, the dorsal face, except for the margin, covered with darkened connective tissue, sometimes extending into a short apiculum
Leaves petiolate, less often subsessile or occasionally sessile; blades drying blackish-brown, slate-grey or less often dull green, typically subcoriaceous but occasionally chartaceous or coriaceous, usually glabrous, very infrequently pubescent; tertiary nerves obscure (or rarely apparent); domatia present as glabrous to pubescent cavities, or sometimes absent; stipules triangular at their base, sometimes produced into a lobe, or linear to ovate, persistent or readily caducous, with a few silky hairs and colleters inside.
Style slender, slightly longer than corolla tube, somewhat tapered at apex; pollen presenter as wide as long, 2–several-lobed, but lobes only separating to reveal stigmatic surface in female and hermaphrodite flowers, solid, attached to style at base or sometimes slightly recessed; disk annular or hemispherical; the region between the ovary and disk sometimes elongating (in Madagascan species only); ovary 2–10-locular, each loculus containing one pendulous ovule.
Corolla rather fleshy, usually drying dark with the lobes pale above; tube shorter than or longer than the lobes, throat densely congested with crisped or less often straight moniliform hairs, lacking a well-defined ring of deflexed hairs inside; lobes spreading, reflexed or sometimes erect, thickened towards the the apex, sometimes shortly apiculate, upper surface of lobes usually graniculate or very finely colliculate.
Flowers unisexual or hermaphrodite, 4-or 5-merous borne in pedunculate umbels, sometimes with both peduncle and pedicels somewhat reduced, in dioecious species the female inflorescence containing fewer flowers (often solitary) than the male; bracts paired, connate and entirely surrounding the inflorescences in bud, persistent, with silky hairs and colleters towards base inside.
Stamens set at throat; filaments short, attached near the base of the anther; anthers erect, less often spreading or rarely reflexed, ovate to oblong-ovate, the dorsal face, except for the margin, covered with darkened connective tissue, sometimes extending into a short apiculum.
Seeds narrowly obovoid with ventral area flattened and apex somewhat crested; endosperm entire; testa finely reticulate; embryo straight or slightly curved with radicle erect and cotyledons small and set perpendicular to ventral face of the seed.
Fruit yellow to red, fleshy, when 2-locular subspherical to obcordate in lateral view, or less often didymous, bilaterally flattened, often elaborated with extra lobes or flanges, when multi-locular lobes correspond to number of locules.
Calyx tube ± ovate in female and hermaphrodite flowers, and very reduced in male flowers; limb reduced to a rim, sometimes shortly dentate or bearing unequal lobes, or sometimes (in Mauritian species) cupular.
Pyrenes thinly woody to woody, ellipsoid to obovoid with ventral face flattened, crested around the apex, eventually dehiscing from the point of attachment back along the crest.
Small shrubs to medium-sized trees.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Pyrostria unspecified picture


Pyrostria world distribution map, present in Angola, Comoros, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Mauritius, Oman, Philippines, Réunion, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, eSwatini, Seychelles, Thailand, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-4000032312
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Pyrostria affinis Pyrostria alaotrensis Pyrostria amporoforensis Pyrostria analamazaotrensis Pyrostria andilanensis Pyrostria bibracteata Pyrostria breonii Pyrostria chapmanii Pyrostria cordifolia Pyrostria fasciculata Pyrostria ferruginea Pyrostria lobulata Pyrostria macrophylla Pyrostria madagascariensis Pyrostria major Pyrostria media Pyrostria pseudocommersonii Pyrostria sarodranensis Pyrostria socotrana Pyrostria urschii Pyrostria variistipula Pyrostria viburnoides Pyrostria angustifolia Pyrostria bispathacea Pyrostria isomonensis Pyrostria serpentina Pyrostria ixorifolia Pyrostria richardiae Pyrostria revoluta Pyrostria oleifolia Pyrostria neriifolia Pyrostria capuronii Pyrostria asosa Pyrostria antsalovensis Pyrostria ankaranensis Pyrostria ampijoroensis Pyrostria ambongensis Pyrostria sambavensis Pyrostria heliconioides Pyrostria brunnescens Pyrostria perrieri Pyrostria verdcourtii Pyrostria louvelii Pyrostria longiflora Pyrostria cochinchinensis Pyrostria princei Pyrostria polymorpha Pyrostria commersonii Pyrostria andringitrensis Pyrostria mandrarensis Pyrostria montana Pyrostria obovatifolia Pyrostria oligophlebia Pyrostria ramosii Pyrostria elmeri Pyrostria inflata Pyrostria italyensis Pyrostria hystrix Pyrostria antsirananensis Pyrostria tulearensis Pyrostria suarezensis Pyrostria ankazobeensis Pyrostria alluaudii Pyrostria anjouanensis Pyrostria uzungwaensis Pyrostria pendula Pyrostria orbicularis Pyrostria phyllanthoidea