Shrubs, trees or lianes with alternate or more rarely subverticillate or subopposite leaves; petioles often rather long; blade 3–5-foliolate or by reduction 1-foliolate or simple.
Flowers bisexual with 4 valvate sepals in a single series arising from a cupular receptacle of which the margin is slightly thickened and annular.
Ovary borne on a gynophore, 1-locular with 2–4 multi-ovulate placentas; stigma sessile or on a short style.
Stamens 12–?; filaments slender, long, the outer ones sometimes sterile and petaloid.
Fruit cylindric, ellipsoid or ovoid, with 3–8 coriaceous valves or indehiscent.
Petals 4 or many, often longer than the sepals.
Inflorescence in terminal or axillary racemes.
Seeds numerous, embedded in a fleshy pulp.
Androgynophore very short.