Sabicea Aubl.

Woodvine (en)


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Rubiaceae


Lianes, straggling shrubs or sometimes scarcely woody climbers, usually ± hairy. Leaves opposite, petiolate; stipules entire or emarginate, often comparatively large, mostly with conspicuous colleters within. Flowers sometimes showing limited heterostyly, small or medium-sized, in sessile or pedunculate several–many-flowered paniculate or capitate axillary inflorescences or in a few cases plant cauliflorous; bracts often conspicuous, sometimes forming an involucre. Calyx-tube ellipsoid-oblong or ovoid; tubular part of limb sometimes cylindrical and elongated; lobes often well-developed. Corolla usually ± white, tube mostly narrowly cylindrical; lobes small, valvate. Stamens with very short filaments or ± sessile, the anthers ± medifixed, narrowly oblong, inserted towards the base of the tube in long-styled flowers and near the throat in shorter styled flowers but only the tips exserted if at all. Ovary 4–5-locular, with elliptic placentas usually externally covered with ovules; style slender, glabrous, divided into 5 long narrow stigmatic lobes or style with 5 arms terminating in slightly thicker stigmatic lobes. Berries globose, many-seeded, fleshy. Seeds irregularly ovoid, compressed, mostly angular, finely reticulate or striate.
Climbing shrubs. Inflorescences axillary, sessile or pedunculate, the flowers disposed in bracteate heads or in corymbose or umbellate cymes. Flowers with the hypanthium somewhat ellipsoid, the lobes 3-6, linear or oblong; corolla usu-ally funnel shaped, the lobes 4-5, shorter than the tube, valvate in bud; stamens 4-5, usually included, the anthers dorsifixed, inserted in the tube or in the throat of the corolla; style usually included, the stigmas 4-5, linear; ovules numerous on axile placentae. Fruits fleshy or leathery, 4-5-celled; seeds numerous, minute.
Flowers sometimes showing limited heterostyly, small or medium sized, in sessile or pedunculate several-to many-flowered paniculate or capitate axillary inflorescences or in a few cases plant cauliflorous (not in Flora Zambesiaca area); bracts often conspicuous, sometimes forming an involucre.
Stamens with very short filaments or ± sessile, the anthers ± medifixed, narrowly oblong, inserted towards the base of the tube in long-styled flowers and near the throat in short-styled flowers but only the tips exserted if at all.
Ovary 4–5-locular with elliptic placentas usually externally covered with ovules; style slender, glabrous, divided into 5 long narrow stigmatic lobes or style with 5 arms terminating in slightly thicker stigmatic lobes.
Leaves opposite, petiolate; stipules shortly sheathing; limbs entire or emarginate, often comparatively large, often reflexing, mostly with conspicuous colleters within.
Calyx tube ellipsoid-oblong or ovoid; limb-tube sometimes cylindrical and elongated; lobes often well developed.
Seeds irregularly ovoid, compressed, mostly angular, finely reticulate or striate.
Corolla usually ± white; tube mostly narrowly cylindrical; lobes small, valvate.
Lianes, straggling shrubs or sometimes scarcely woody climbers, usually ± hairy.
Berries globose, many-seeded, fleshy.
Life form -
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Sabicea unspecified picture


Sabicea world distribution map, present in Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Central African Republic, Congo, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Dominica, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Togo, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-4000033717
INPN ID 628203
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Sabicea calophylla Sabicea aspera Sabicea asperula Sabicea boliviensis Sabicea brachiata Sabicea brachycalyx Sabicea bracteolata Sabicea brasiliensis Sabicea brevipes Sabicea dinklagei Sabicea discolor Sabicea diversifolia Sabicea gilletii Sabicea glabrescens Sabicea globifera Sabicea grandifolia Sabicea harleyae Sabicea lanuginosa Sabicea liberica Sabicea longepetiolata Sabicea parviflora Sabicea pedicellata Sabicea pyramidalis Sabicea romboutsii Sabicea schaeferi Sabicea schumanniana Sabicea setiloba Sabicea smithii Sabicea speciosa Sabicea stellaris Sabicea subinvolucrata Sabicea surinamensis Sabicea talbotii Sabicea tchapensis Sabicea trailii Sabicea trianae Sabicea trigemina Sabicea velutina Sabicea venezuelensis Sabicea chocoana Sabicea amazonensis Sabicea angustifolia Sabicea arborea Sabicea aristeguietae Sabicea bariensis Sabicea bigerrica Sabicea burchellii Sabicea calycina Sabicea cameroonensis Sabicea camporum Sabicea cauliflora Sabicea congensis Sabicea cordata Sabicea cruciata Sabicea dewevrei Sabicea duparquetiana Sabicea entebbensis Sabicea erecta Sabicea exellii Sabicea ferruginea Sabicea flagenioides Sabicea fulva Sabicea fulvovenosa Sabicea geantha Sabicea geophiloides Sabicea gigantostipula Sabicea grisea Sabicea hirta Sabicea humilis Sabicea loxothyrsus Sabicea mildbraedii Sabicea mollis Sabicea mollissima Sabicea morillorum Sabicea mortehanii Sabicea multibracteata Sabicea najatrix Sabicea nobilis Sabicea oblongifolia Sabicea panamensis Sabicea rufa Sabicea verticillata Sabicea villosa Sabicea vogelii Sabicea bequaertii Sabicea cana Sabicea cinerea Sabicea dewildemaniana Sabicea dubia Sabicea gabonica Sabicea novogranatensis Sabicea caminata Sabicea carbunica Sabicea composita Sabicea ingrata Sabicea klugii Sabicea laxa Sabicea marojejyensis Sabicea mattogrossensis Sabicea mexicana Sabicea pseudocapitellata Sabicea capitellata Sabicea floribunda Sabicea johnstonii Sabicea urbaniana Sabicea urceolata Sabicea xanthotricha Sabicea proselyta Sabicea becquetii Sabicea ceylanica Sabicea bullata Sabicea urniformis Sabicea golgothae Sabicea crystallina Sabicea jacfelicis Sabicea mapiana Sabicea ndjoleensis Sabicea parmentierae Sabicea sciaphilantha Sabicea tersifolia Sabicea amomi Sabicea batesii Sabicea cuneata Sabicea liesneri Sabicea medusula Sabicea orientalis Sabicea acuminata Sabicea parva Sabicea pearcei Sabicea segregata Sabicea seua Sabicea solitaria Sabicea stipularioides Sabicea umbellata Sabicea venosa Sabicea apocynacea Sabicea aurifodinae Sabicea sanguinosa Sabicea sthenula Sabicea goossensii Sabicea thomensis Sabicea pilosa Sabicea purpurea Sabicea rosea Sabicea thyrsiflora Sabicea tillettii Sabicea tomentosa Sabicea gracilis Sabicea hierniana Sabicea lanata Sabicea leucocarpa