Column very short and broad; anther-loculi parallel, canals absent; pollinia 2, with short caudicles and round viscidia; staminodes present, longer or shorter than the anther; stigmas ± club-shaped, erect; rostellum very short.
Inflorescence an erect lax or dense raceme, flowers sometimes sub-secund; bracts small, shorter than ovary.
Terrestrial, lithophytic or epiphytic herb with swollen fleshy roots.
Flowers numerous, white, pink or lilac, usually with darker spots.
Sepals briefly united to base of column and lip, otherwise free.
Lip spurred or unspurred, longer than tepals, 3–5-lobed.
Leaves several to many, in a basal rosette.
Scape erect with a few scattered sheaths.
Capsules erect, ellipsoid or cylindrical.
Petals erect, oblique.