Column short and stout or elongated and more slender, often narrow towards the base and enlarged at the level of the stigma; androclinium straight or sloping, the anther cap sometimes beaked; rostellum entire, elongated, porrect or deflexed; pollinia 2, sessile on a single stipes; viscidium variously shaped; stigma an oval or rhomboid sticky depression.
Leaves distichous, fleshy or coriaceous, sheathing at the base, usually oblanceolate, sometimes linear or ligulate, unequally 2-lobed at the apex.
Stems usually unbranched, covered with the remains of overlapping leaf bases, with few to several leaves towards the apex.
Epiphytic herbs with short or long woody stems bearing numerous long aerial roots towards the base.
Flowers resupinate, white, sometimes tinged with green, brown or pink.
Lip entire, often similar to tepals, spurred at the base.
Inflorescence lateral, racemose, few-to many-flowered.
Sepals and petals free, spreading or reflexed.
Ovary elongated, straight or somewhat curved.
Capsule cylindric or ellipsoid.