Shrubs, rarely trees or suffrutescent herbs; twigs, leaves (especially underneath) and inflorescences usually covered with a dense tomentum of stellate hairs (sometimes and in some parts intermingled with capitate-glandular hairs); colleters absent. Branches terete or quadrangular, in the latter case sometimes narrowly winged. Leaves opposite or nearly so (in some non-Mal. spp. alternate), either auriculate at the base or connected by a stipular line, or by leafy 'interpetiolar stipules', in a few species perfoliate, entire, serrate-dentate, or rarely lobed. Inflorescences terminal and/or axillary, thyrsoid, racemose, clustered-cymose, or pseudo-verticillate, especially the terminal panicles often long and many-flowered. Bracts linear. Flowers 4-merous. Calyx gamosepalous, outside usually densely tomentose, inside glabrous. Corolla salver-shaped, sometimes campanulate, outside tomentose or glabrous, inside usually sparsely hairy; tube straight or curved, lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens adnate to the corolla-tube (the only exception being B. gynandra, in which they are described as attached to the ovary); anthers subsessile, cleft at base, introrse, mostly included. Ovary 2-celled, placentas thickened, with ∞ ovules; stigma conical or club-shaped. Fruit a septicidal 2-valved capsule (subg. Buddleja) or a 'berry' (subg. Nicodemia). Seeds ∞, small, often winged; endosperm fleshy.
Shrubs, rarely scrambling, or small trees, evergreen or deciduous; indumentum glandular, stellate or lepidote. Lvs usually opposite, entire or toothed, with a stipular ridge connecting the lf pair, or occasionally stipules well-developed. Fls usually in dense panicles, sometimes in racemes, spikes or globular heads; peduncle ± quadrangular. Calyx campanulate. Corolla funnelform or campanulate, usually narrowly so; limb usually < tube and patent. Fr. usually a 2-valved septicidal capsule, rarely a berry; calyx and corolla often persistent. Seeds numerous, minute.
Cal campanulate; cor broadly campanulate to salverform; stamens included; ovary superior; style short; capsule many-seeded; ornamental shrubs, usually with serrate lvs and numerous fls in heads or panicles. 100, mainly of warm reg.