Buddleja Houst. ex L.

Butterfly bush (en), Buddléia (fr)


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Scrophulariaceae


Trees or shrubs; young branchlets conspicuously vested with stellate trichomes, frequently tetragonal; older branches glabrate, soon becoming woody and develop-ing furrowed bark at the surface. Leaves simple, typically decussate, petiolate or sessile, with only a stipular line connecting the petioles (rarely with well developed foliaceous stipules); blades variable in size and shape, pinnately nerved, the lower surface conspicuously pubescent with stellate trichomes, often also with smaller glandular trichomes underlying the stellate pubescence, the upper surface more sparsely pubescent or sometimes glabrous. Inflorescences basically paniculate but varying from a rather loose, terminal panicle with ultimate dichasial units to a racemose series of cymules (sometimes pseudoverticillate in appearance) or a com-pact head. Flowers usually rather small, actinomorphic, often functionally d 9 (the sterile organ or organs sometimes poorly developed); calyx green, usually covered with a stellate tomentum, the 4 lobes usually shorter than (sometimes equal to) the tube, persistent in fruit; corolla yellow, orange or white (pink or purple in some oriental and African species), campanulate, funnelform or salver-form, covered externally with stellate trichomes, internally with simple unicellular (and pitted) hairs which are distributed variously, the lobes 4, valvate or imbricate, usually shorter than the tube; stamens 4, inserted on the upper l/2 of the corolla-tube; ovary ovoid or subglobose, 2-locular, the number of ovules per locule vari-able, the style single, short, usually not extending appreciably beyond the corolla-lobes, the stigma clavate, usually notched at the apex. Capsules ovoid to oblong, less frequently subglobose, dehiscing septicidally, subsequently splitting loculicid-ally but only at the apex; seeds not exceeding 1.5 mm in length, ovate to oblong or slender and elongate, winged or wingless.
Shrubs, rarely trees or suffrutescent herbs; twigs, leaves (especially underneath) and inflorescences usually covered with a dense tomentum of stellate hairs (sometimes and in some parts intermingled with capitate-glandular hairs); colleters absent. Branches terete or quadrangular, in the latter case sometimes narrowly winged. Leaves opposite or nearly so (in some non-Mal. spp. alternate), either auriculate at the base or connected by a stipular line, or by leafy 'interpetiolar stipules', in a few species perfoliate, entire, serrate-dentate, or rarely lobed. Inflorescences terminal and/or axillary, thyrsoid, racemose, clustered-cymose, or pseudo-verticillate, especially the terminal panicles often long and many-flowered. Bracts linear. Flowers 4-merous. Calyx gamosepalous, outside usually densely tomentose, inside glabrous. Corolla salver-shaped, sometimes campanulate, outside tomentose or glabrous, inside usually sparsely hairy; tube straight or curved, lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens adnate to the corolla-tube (the only exception being B. gynandra, in which they are described as attached to the ovary); anthers subsessile, cleft at base, introrse, mostly included. Ovary 2-celled, placentas thickened, with ∞ ovules; stigma conical or club-shaped. Fruit a septicidal 2-valved capsule (subg. Buddleja) or a 'berry' (subg. Nicodemia). Seeds ∞, small, often winged; endosperm fleshy.
Shrubs, rarely scrambling, or small trees, evergreen or deciduous; indumentum glandular, stellate or lepidote. Lvs usually opposite, entire or toothed, with a stipular ridge connecting the lf pair, or occasionally stipules well-developed. Fls usually in dense panicles, sometimes in racemes, spikes or globular heads; peduncle ± quadrangular. Calyx campanulate. Corolla funnelform or campanulate, usually narrowly so; limb usually < tube and patent. Fr. usually a 2-valved septicidal capsule, rarely a berry; calyx and corolla often persistent. Seeds numerous, minute.
Cal campanulate; cor broadly campanulate to salverform; stamens included; ovary superior; style short; capsule many-seeded; ornamental shrubs, usually with serrate lvs and numerous fls in heads or panicles. 100, mainly of warm reg.
Life form -
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Heliophilous shrubs of open terrain, shrubby vegetation, and forest borders, often invading disturbed places, from the lowland to high up in the mountains (especially some andine species). Many species have fragrant flowers and are frequented by many insects; the widely cultivated B. davidii is well known to attract many butterflies. The seeds of the species with capsular fruits are wind-dispersed; those from the species bearing berries may be dispersed by birds or other animals.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses. The leaves of some species are used as a wash on account of the presence of saponin; for the same reason some species are used as a fish-poison. Moreover, some are used in medicine. A few species are commonly planted as ornamentals.
Uses medicinal ornamental poison
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Buddleja unspecified picture
Buddleja unspecified picture


Buddleja world distribution map, present in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:25036-1
WFO ID wfo-4000005691
BDTFX ID 86038
INPN ID 190093
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Toxina Adenoplusia Buddleja Adenoplea Romana Emorya

Lower taxons

Buddleja microstachya Buddleja filibracteolata Buddleja acuminata Buddleja araucana Buddleja auriculata Buddleja axillaris Buddleja bhutanica Buddleja blattaria Buddleja brachiata Buddleja brachystachya Buddleja bullata Buddleja cardenasii Buddleja caryopteridifolia Buddleja cestriflora Buddleja chapalana Buddleja chenopodiifolia Buddleja colvilei Buddleja curviflora Buddleja cylindrostachya Buddleja domingensis Buddleja dysophylla Buddleja elegans Buddleja euryphylla Buddleja fallowiana Buddleja glomerata Buddleja griffithii Buddleja hookeri Buddleja ibarrensis Buddleja kleinii Buddleja lojensis Buddleja longiflora Buddleja longifolia Buddleja loricata Buddleja macrostachya Buddleja madagascariensis Buddleja minima Buddleja misionum Buddleja nana Buddleja nitida Buddleja nivea Buddleja oblonga Buddleja officinalis Buddleja perfoliata Buddleja pichinchensis Buddleja polycephala Buddleja polystachya Buddleja pulchella Buddleja racemosa Buddleja rufescens Buddleja skutchii Buddleja striata Buddleja thyrsoides Buddleja tibetica Buddleja utahensis Buddleja venenifera Buddleja vexans Buddleja volubilis Buddleja shaanxiensis Buddleja simplex Buddleja adenantha Buddleja alata Buddleja albiflora Buddleja alternifolia Buddleja americana Buddleja anchoensis Buddleja aromatica Buddleja asiatica Buddleja candida Buddleja cooperi Buddleja cordata Buddleja cordobensis Buddleja coriacea Buddleja corrugata Buddleja crispa Buddleja crotonoides Buddleja cuneata Buddleja davidii Buddleja diffusa Buddleja formosana Buddleja forrestii Buddleja fusca Buddleja globosa Buddleja grandiflora Buddleja hatschbachii Buddleja heliophila Buddleja hieronymi Buddleja incana Buddleja indica Buddleja interrupta Buddleja iresinoides Buddleja jamesonii Buddleja lanata Buddleja latiflora Buddleja legendrei Buddleja limitanea Buddleja marrubiifolia Buddleja megalocephala Buddleja mendozinensis Buddleja montana Buddleja multiceps Buddleja myriantha Buddleja paniculata Buddleja parviflora Buddleja scordioides Buddleja sessiliflora Buddleja soratae Buddleja speciosissima Buddleja sphaerocephala Buddleja stenostachya Buddleja sterniana Buddleja suaveolens Buddleja subcapitata Buddleja subherbacea Buddleja taliensis Buddleja tsetangensis Buddleja tubiflora Buddleja tucumanensis Buddleja wardii Buddleja whitei Buddleja yunnanensis Buddleja jinsixiaensis Buddleja normaniae Buddleja salviifolia Buddleja agathosma Buddleja brasiliensis Buddleja cuspidata Buddleja gynandra Buddleja hastata Buddleja hypsophila Buddleja sphaerocalyx Buddleja duclouxii Buddleja fragifera Buddleja henryi Buddleja praecox Buddleja pterocaulis Buddleja purdomii Buddleja ramboi Buddleja lindleyana Buddleja saligna Buddleja japonica Buddleja stachyoides