Deciduous, shade-loving terrestrial orchids with fleshy, rootless rhizomes that are constricted at the nodes and resemble a caterpillar. Rhizomes are attached to a substrate by masses of short, white root hairs (rhizoids) arising on the underside. Leaves petiolate, broad, thin-textured, in a loose rosette. Inforescence terminal on a stem, spicate, short, fleshy, few-flowered. Flowers resupinate, small, white, hairy externally, with a tubular base formed by the fusion of the lateral sepals with the basal half of the dorsal sepal. Dorsal sepal narrow, cucullate. Lateral sepals fused at base to form a short tube. Petals free or partly fused to the dorsal sepal. Labellum much larger than other segments, with an inflated, sac-like hypochil containing small calli; and an apical epichil with two prominent, divergent lobes with toothed margins. Pollinia two, yellow, sectile attached via caudicle to long viscidium.
Small terrestrial herbs with erect leafy stems arising from fleshy rhizomes. Leaves membranous, petiolate, with a sheathing base, erect. Inflorescence terminal, erect; scape with few sheaths; raceme short, pubescent, up to 20-flowered. Flowers small, white. Sepals joined for half their length. Petals equalling the sepals and adnate to the dorsal sepal. Lip equal to or longer than the perianth, joined to base of column, erect, saccate at base with 2 calli, lobed at the apex; lobes broad, divergent, entire or toothed. Column short, erect, with 2 apical appendages parallel to the elongate rostellum and 2 lateral stigmas; anther dorsal, acuminate; pollinia 2, sectile; caudicle short; viscidium oblong. Capsule obovoid or oblong.
Lip equalling or longer than the tepals, erect, joined to base of the column, saccate at the base with 2 calli, lobed at the apex; the lobes divergent, entire or toothed.
Column short, erect, with 2 apical appendages parallel to the elongate rostellum and 2 lateral stigmas.
Anther dorsal, acuminate; pollinia 2, sectile; caudicle short; viscidium oblong.
Sepals joined for about half their length; petals adnate to the dorsal sepal.
Small terrestrial herb with erect leafy stems arising from fleshy rhizomes.
Inflorescence terminal, erect; upper stem with few sheaths.
Leaves thin-textured, petiolate with a sheathing base.
Flowers small, mostly white.