Perennial undershrubs with stellate and usually glandular hairs, often viscid becoming varnished. Leaves sessile or nearly so. Inflorescences terminal leafy thyrses or racemes, bracteolate; pedicels articulate. Sepals adnate to ovary. Corolla scarcely bilabiate, with long, stiff, retrorse bristles inside, white to mauve or pinkish; corolla pouch obscure; auricle obsolete; lobes broadly winged. Stamens free, epigynous. Ovary incompletely 2-locular; style simple; indusium ±horizontal, with long bristles on lips; ovules 2-8. Fruit a capsule; valves 2, entire or bifid. Seeds ovoid, scarcely compressed, glossy, strophiolate, not winged.