Glabrous, herbaceous annuals with erect, semi-erect or weakly climbing stems, inodorous, taprooted. Leaves: 2–4-pinnatisect when mature; immature leaves simple to ternate. Inflorescence a leaf-opposed or terminal elongated raceme. Pedicel short, subtended by bracts. Flowers zygomorphic. Sepals often peltately attached, lateral. Petals entire; dorsal petal produced into a rounded spur; inner pair of petals joined at apex. Stamens 6. Stigma usually 2-lobed. Fruit nut-like, indehiscent, 1-seeded, approximately spherical, with 2 apical pits.
Fls asymmetrical; sep small, closely appressed; pet elongate, ± connivent, the upper one of the 2 outer ones spurred at the base, the 2 outer dilated at the summit, the 2 inner (lateral) coherent at the summit over the stigma; fr 1-seeded, indehiscent, globose or nearly so; style deciduous; mostly annuals with the aspect of Corydalis. 50, Old World.
Glabrous herbs; lvs dissected, usually glaucous or dull. Only the upper petal spurred; fls white or pink with conspicuous dark red, purple or black tips to at least the inner petals. Ovules 1, or 1 on each placenta. Fr. a 1-seeded nutlet.
Flowers zygomorphic in leaf-opposed racemes.
Ovules 1 or 1 on each placenta.
Only the upper petal spurred.
Leaves all cauline.
Fruit a nutlet.
Annual herbs.