Heracleum L.

Cowparsnip (en), Berce (fr)


Angiosperms > Apiales > Apiaceae


Herbs, perennial, rarely biennial. Root fusiform or cylindrical, thickened, rarely fibrous. Stem erect, terete and often ribbed or striate, branching. Basal and lower leaves petiolate; petiole sheaths usually conspicuously broad; blade ternately or pinnately compound, hairy or glabrous. Umbels loose compound, terminal and lateral, terminal umbel with bisexual flowers, the lateral often with only staminate flowers; bracts few or absent, often caducous; rays numerous, spreading-ascending; bracteoles several, linear or lanceolate, entire; umbellules many-flowered. Calyx teeth triangular, lanceolate or obsolete. Petals white, rarely pinkish or pale yellow, obovate or obcordate, base cuneate, apex notched with a narrowly incurved lobule; outer flowers of the umbel often radiant with outer petals enlarged, broadly obovate, apex deeply 2-lobed. Stylopodium conic; styles short, erect or reflexed. Fruit obovoid, ovoid, broadly ovoid or suborbicular, strongly dorsally compressed, hairy or glabrous; dorsal and intermediate ribs filiform, sometimes raised, lateral ribs usually winged; vittae 1(–2) in each furrow, 2(–6) or absent on commissure, narrow, reaching to base of mericarp or clavate and much shorter than mericarp. Seed face plane, rarely slightly concave. Carpophore parted to base, usually persistent.
Perennial or biennial herbs, dwarf to gigantic, glabrous or more frequently ± densely furnished with unicellular, simple and subglandular hairs. Leaves simple and lobed to 1–2-pinnately or ternately divided with usually broad, dentate-incised to pinnatifid segments; sheaths often large, soft. Umbels numerous, compound, pedunculate; involucre present or absent; involucel usually of numerous narrow bracteoles. Flowers polygamous. Calyx-teeth present, small and usually deciduous. Petals white to creamy, greenish or pink, the outer petals of the outer partial umbels slightly to very conspicuously radiate, the inner with an inflexed tip. Fruit very strongly dorsally compressed with thickened marginal wings and 3 filiform but often quite prominent dorsal ribs, glabrous to hairy; stylopodia conical, from a broad crenate-margined discoid base; vittae solitary in the valleculae, 0–2 on the commissure, slender to clavate, usually reaching most of the way down each mericarp but sometimes short; carpophore deeply bifid. Endosperm very flattened, shallowly rounded dorsally or sulcate at the vittae, flat or slightly concave centrally on the commissural face.
Fr elliptic to obovate, strongly flattened dorsally, usually pubescent, the lateral ribs broadly winged, the others filiform; oil-tubes 2–4 on the commissure, solitary in the intervals, extending only part-way from the stylopodium toward the base of the fr, readily visible; carpophore bifid to the base; umbels large and compound, with numerous unequal rays; bracts lanceolate, deciduous; umbellets many-fld; bractlets linear; sep minute or none; pet white; outer fls of at least the marginal umbellets irregular, the outer pet enlarged and often bifid; tall, stout biennials and perennials with large, ternate or once pinnate lvs and broad, toothed or cleft lfls, the petioles sheathing and usually conspicuously expanded. 60, circumboreal, only one native to N. Amer.
Perennial or biennial herbs, seldom glabrous. Leaves broad-lobate to tripinnate, rarely ternately dissected, segments broad. Umbels compound with many rays. Involucres few or 0, simple, rarely many; involucels many, rarely divided. Flowers polygamous, often radiating, white or yellowish. Calyx teeth obsolete, seldom small, linear, lanceolate. Petals obovate, cuneate-rhomboid or unguiculate, emarginate to 2-fid with inflexed tips. Ovary hairy or pubescent. Fruits orbicular-obovate or elliptical, strongly dorsally flattened; dorsal and intermediate ribs thin-filiformous, lateral ribs usually with a broad wing; vittae usually solitary in each ridge, as long as the mericarps or abbreviated and dilatated below. Carpophore 2-partite.
Biennial or perennial herbs, usually hairy and often rhizomatous, sometimes of great size. Lvs 1-3-pinnate or ternate, or simple and digitately lobed; segments usually broad. Umbels compound, pedunculate; bracts and bracteoles present or 0, entire. Petals white, greenish or pink, usually irregular; petals of inner fls entire and inflexed, those of outer fls often 2-lobed; calyx teeth minute. Fr. ellipsoid to globose, strongly flattened dorsally, not beaked, spineless, but sometimes hairy; commissure broad; ribs 5 per mericarp, the dorsal slender, the lateral with a thickened wing; lateral wings of opposing mericarps appressed; vittae broad, club-shaped, solitary in furrows and < fr.
Petals white (sometimes flushed with pink, especially in bud), often markedly unequal and radiate, those on the outer margin of the umbel being much larger than those on the inside, the whole umbel therefore tending to function like a capitulum in attracting insects, although the individual flowers remain quite distinct.
Vittae solitary in the intervals, clearly visible from the exterior, and tending to be club-shaped, narrowing towards the base, with 2 in the commissural face.
Marginal ridges expanded to form a broad wing, the dorsal ones filiform; wings somewhat thickened and closely appressed to those of the opposing mericarp.
Fruit orbicular to broadly obovate, very strongly dorsally compressed, with a broad commissure.
Leaves pinnately divided, usually with broad segments.
Umbels compound; bracts 0; bracteoles several.
Calyx teeth minute or obsolete, unequal.
Perennial, biennial or annual herbs.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system fibrous-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 30 - 90
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Heracleum unspecified picture
Heracleum unspecified picture
Heracleum unspecified picture


Heracleum world distribution map, present in China, New Zealand, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30054087-2
WFO ID wfo-4000017527
BDTFX ID 86544
INPN ID 193203
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Heracleum dubium Heracleum aestivum Heracleum amplifolium Heracleum antasiaticum Heracleum asperum Heracleum atlanticum Heracleum canariense Heracleum candolleanum Heracleum carmeli Heracleum carneiflorum Heracleum caspicum Heracleum caucasicum Heracleum ceretanum Heracleum cinereum Heracleum circassicum Heracleum dalgadianum Heracleum decipiens Heracleum delphinense Heracleum dissectum Heracleum egrissicum Heracleum fastuosum Heracleum freynianum Heracleum gorganicum Heracleum grandiflorum Heracleum moellendorffii Heracleum multibracteatum Heracleum nanum Heracleum orphanidis Heracleum paphlagonicum Heracleum pastinaca Heracleum persicum Heracleum platytaenium Heracleum polyadenum Heracleum ponticum Heracleum pratense Heracleum pubescens Heracleum pumilum Heracleum pusillum Heracleum rechingeri Heracleum redolens Heracleum x rodnense Heracleum roseum Heracleum scabrum Heracleum sommieri Heracleum sosnowskyi Heracleum sphondylium Heracleum stenophyllum Heracleum steveni Heracleum stiriacum Heracleum strelkovi Heracleum subglabrum Heracleum subvillosum Heracleum tenuevittatum Heracleum testiculatum Heracleum trachyloma Heracleum tuberosum Heracleum umbellatum Heracleum umbonatum Heracleum villosum Heracleum wilhelmsii Heracleum carpaticum Heracleum amplissimum Heracleum angustatum Heracleum anisactis Heracleum benearnense Heracleum bhutanicum Heracleum bifarium Heracleum bipinnatum Heracleum biternatum Heracleum branca Heracleum branca-ursina Heracleum crenatifolium Heracleum grossheimii Heracleum humile Heracleum hypoleucum Heracleum idae Heracleum insigne Heracleum intermedium Heracleum isopetalum Heracleum jacquemontii Heracleum jugatum Heracleum kansuense Heracleum lecoquii Heracleum lehmannianum Heracleum leichtlinii Heracleum ligusticifolium Heracleum likiangense Heracleum macranthum Heracleum mandenovae Heracleum marginatum Heracleum schansianum Heracleum suecicum Heracleum tauricum Heracleum taylorii Heracleum viscosum Heracleum woodii Heracleum yoshii Heracleum lanatum Heracleum pinnatum Heracleum maximum Heracleum ossethicum Heracleum abyssinicum Heracleum tiliifolium Heracleum dissectifolium Heracleum henryi Heracleum scabridum Heracleum souliei Heracleum oreocharis Heracleum stenopterum Heracleum vicinum Heracleum forrestii Heracleum kingdoni Heracleum stenopteroides Heracleum rapula Heracleum candicans Heracleum fargesii Heracleum hemsleyanum Heracleum nyalamense Heracleum xiaojinense Heracleum franchetii Heracleum subtomentellum Heracleum leskovii Heracleum akasimontanum Heracleum oncosepalum Heracleum wenchuanense Heracleum wolongense Heracleum amanum Heracleum arcticum Heracleum bailletianum Heracleum brignoliifolia Heracleum coreanum Heracleum cuneiforme Heracleum elgonense Heracleum flavescens Heracleum peshmeniana Heracleum protheiforme Heracleum pulchellum Heracleum pulchrum Heracleum rawianum Heracleum apiifolium Heracleum chorodanum Heracleum glaberrimum Heracleum aconitifolium Heracleum crantzii Heracleum yungningense Heracleum austriacum Heracleum mantegazzianum