Portulaca L.

Purslane (en), Pourpier (fr)


Angiosperms > Caryophyllales > Portulacaceae


Succulent annual or perennial herbs or infrequently shrublets; stems articulated or not; roots sometimes tuberous. Leaves alternate or opposite, fleshy, linear to obovate, shortly petiolate, caducous, often absent at flowering time; axillary hairs and scales present, these sometimes conspicuously encircling the nodes and overlapping the leaves. Inflorescence terminal though sometimes overtopped by subsequent growth; peduncle expanded into a flat platform bearing one or more sessile flowers and bordered by a circlet of involucral leaves, or inflorescence rarely an open cyme (1 species in East Africa); involucral bracts enclosing woolly hairs and sometimes triangular scales; flowers fugacious, developing in succession. Sepals ovate-triangular, basally connate, hooded. Petals 4–5(–6), adnate basally to the sepals, varying slightly in width. Stamens several to numerous, adherent to the petals in a single whorl, filaments connate basally. Ovary semi-inferior, multi-ovulate; style usually elongate and disarticulating at maturity; stigma branched, the branches recurving. Capsule circumscissile, basal portion rim-like to infundibuliform, membranous to coriaceous, persistent, the dome-shaped top usually cartilaginous, brittle, forming a lid carrying the persistent collapsed perianth. Seeds many, grey, brown or black (immature seeds brown), sometimes iridescent with a metallic sheen, reniform to rounded, smooth or often ornamented with tubercles or pegs.
Herbs, annual (perennial in P. suffrutescens). Roots tuberous, fleshy, fibrous, or small taproots. Stems erect to prostrate, branched, fleshy or suffrutescent; trichomes in inflorescence or stem nodes absent or present, glabrous otherwise. Leaves alternate or subopposite, congested and involucrelike immediately proximal to inflorescence; blade terete, subterete, or flattened. Inflorescences terminal in clusters, or axillary on short branches. Flowers sessile or subsessile, usually open only in sunshine; sepals broadly clasping at base, herbaceous to scarious, falling from top of capsule; petals ephemeral, 5-7, usually distinct, margins usually entire; stamens (4-)6-40(-100); ovary half inferior to inferior, plurilocular proximally to 1-locular distally, placentation free-central; style 1, short, stigmas 3-8(-18). Capsules membranaceous, chartaceous, dehiscence circumscissile. Seeds many, brown to black or gray, reniform to cochleate; seed coat smooth or variously sculptured, granular to stellate-tuberculate or spiny. x = 4, 5, 8, 9.
Annual or perennial, prostrate to ascending, succulent herbs. Leaves alternate or subopposite, often upper ones crowded in a foliar involucre around flowers, flat or terete, sometimes succulent; stipules scarious, fimbriate or present as tufts of hairs, rarely absent. Inflorescences of subapical flowers, clustered in a capituliform cyme or solitary. Sepals 2, opposite, free or connate below, unequal, usually persistent; petals (4-)5(-6), free or connate at base, falling off rapidly; stamens 4-8 or more, basipetalous, filaments often pubescent below; ovary inferior of half-inferior, ovules numerous, styles 2-9, united below, rarely free. Fruit a 1-locular, membranous or chartaceous, circumscissile capsule; seeds numerous, reniform or cochleate, testa smooth or tuberculate.
Annual or perennial herbs, succulent. Leaves alternate or approximate, terete to plane, often whorled about the flowers; stipules scarious, fimbriate or tufted, sometimes very small, rarely absent. Inflorescence near the stem apex, crowded, the flowers sometimes solitary, yellow to red. Sepals 2, opposite, connate below, the anterior larger than the posterior, usually persistent. Petals 4-6, connate at the base or free, somewhat auto-deliquescent. Stamens 4 to many, inserted at the base of the petals, the filaments often hairy below. Ovary half to wholly inferior, the ovules numerous, the styles 3-to 9-parted, rarely simple. Capsule circumscissile, chartaceous; seeds reniform to cochleate, numerous, the testa smooth or minutely tuberculate.
Mostly succulent, copiously branched herbs. Leaves linear to orbicular, in most species with axillary hairs. Flowers in (1-)2-30-flowered, terminal capituli; receptacle infundibular, mostly with hairs or scales in the axils of the bracts (and bracteoles), surrounded by a whorl of c. 3-30 involucral leaves (or in some Australian spp. in axillary and/or terminal dichasia). Sepals occasionally keeled or hooded, persistent or caducous with the petals, stamens and style. Petals 4-6(-8), mostly obovate, occasionally emarginate or mucronate. Stamens 4-∞, in 1 whorl. Ovary half-inferior, occasionally apparently inferior; style with 2-18 arms. Capsule with a caducous circumscissile operculum. Seeds ∞ (in some Australian spp. 1-4).
Herbs annual or perennial. Stems prostrate or decumbent; nodes or leaf axils with scales, bristles, and/or hairs, sometimes short and inconspicuous. Leaves alternate or opposite, usually sessile, flat or terete. Inflorescence a terminal head of sessile, solitary or clustered flowers, subtended by an involucre of leaves. Sepals connate at base into tube, persistent but inconspicuous. Petals 4 or 5(-8+), free or shortly connate at base. Stamens 4-100, adnate to base of petals. Ovary half-inferior. Stigma 2-9-lobed. Capsule circumscissile, sessile, globose or nearly so. Seeds mostly glossy black or iridescent gray, less often brown, orbicular-reniform, minute, often tuberculate, without caruncle.
Glabrous, taprooted, annual or perennial, fleshy herbs. Stems branching, prostrate to ascending, vegetative and reproductive. Lvs many, usually spiralled to subopposite, sometimes opposite, the uppermost whorled below the infl.; axillary hair-tufts present. Infl. terminal, few-flowered, bracteate, or fls solitary. Sepals hooded, the anterior overlapping the posterior. Petals 4-6. Stamens 4-many. Ovary semi-inferior, of 3-8 fused carpels; style branches 3-8. Capsule thin-walled, 1-locular, circumscissile; seeds many.
Sep 2; pet 4–6, commonly 5 (more in double-fld forms); stamens 6– many; ovary partly inferior; styles or style-branches (2)3–several; capsule circumscissile near the middle; seeds many; ours succulent annuals with mostly alternate cauline lvs, the uppermost crowded and forming an involucre to the fls, these sessile or nearly so, solitary or glomerate at the ends of the stem and branches. 100+. mostly warm reg.
Leaves shortly petiolate or sessile, opposite or alternate, fleshy, cylindric or plane, glabrous (at least in our species); stipules divided into numerous hairs or more rarely membranous or absent.
Ovary semi-inferior, 1-locular, at least in the upper part; placentation free central; ovules many or very rarely 1 or several; style simple with 2-several stigmas.
Sepals 2, unequal, the larger slightly enfolding the margins of the smaller, connate into a tube below, which is adnate to the base of the capsule.
Flowers sessile, solitary or a few together at the ends of the branches and surrounded by a group of 2-several apical leaves.
Petals 4–5 (6), fugacious, free or ± united, marcescent and enfolding the ripe capsule.
Seeds 1-?, usually reniform, smooth or variously tuberculate or granulate.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs; branches erect or often prostrate.
Stamens 4 — c. 100, inserted on the corolla or at its base.
Capsule dehiscing transversely.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system fibrous-root tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Savannahs, shores, in pastures and ruderal places, along waysides, etc.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses. P. oleracea is a well known vegetable with cultivars, P. quadrifida and other species are used as medicine (see CAIUS J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 41 1939 369 ), P.pilosa sens. lat. cultivated for ornamental purpose.
Uses medicinal ornamental
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 14 - 21
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 29
Germination luminosity light
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Portulaca unspecified picture
Portulaca unspecified picture


Portulaca world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:325899-2
WFO ID wfo-4000030996
BDTFX ID 87047
INPN ID 196604
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Portulaca nivea Portulaca colombiana Portulaca conzattii Portulaca macrantha Portulaca mucronata Portulaca foliosa Portulaca insignis Portulaca halimoides Portulaca hereroensis Portulaca teretifolia Portulaca umbraticola Portulaca pygmaea Portulaca pusilla Portulaca rubricaulis Portulaca saxifragoides Portulaca elatior Portulaca oleracea Portulaca nitida Portulaca granulatostellulata Portulaca hatschbachii Portulaca sedoides Portulaca sedifolia Portulaca samoensis Portulaca brevifolia Portulaca canariensis Portulaca nicaraguensis Portulaca papillatostellulata Portulaca cypria Portulaca rausii Portulaca trituberculata Portulaca zaffranii Portulaca hirsutissima Portulaca lanuginosa Portulaca caulerpoides Portulaca sclerocarpa Portulaca smallii Portulaca suffrutescens Portulaca collina Portulaca trianthemoides Portulaca eruca Portulaca amilis Portulaca macbridei Portulaca biloba Portulaca centrali-africana Portulaca papulosa Portulaca gilliesii Portulaca cardenasiana Portulaca cyanosperma Portulaca hawaiiensis Portulaca lutea Portulaca philippii Portulaca pilosissima Portulaca howellii Portulaca mauritiensis Portulaca fragilis Portulaca longiusculotuberculata Portulaca mexicana Portulaca wightiana Portulaca sanctae-martae Portulaca ragonesi Portulaca confertifolia Portulaca thellusonii Portulaca columbiana Portulaca macrosperma Portulaca fascicularis Portulaca humilis Portulaca yecorensis Portulaca guanajuatensis Portulaca matthewsii Portulaca rzedowskiana Portulaca fulgens Portulaca psammotropha Portulaca insularis Portulaca rotundifolia Portulaca simpliciuscula Portulaca masonii Portulaca californica Portulaca obtusa Portulaca chacoana Portulaca minensis Portulaca frieseana Portulaca meyeri Portulaca stellulatotuberculata Portulaca striata Portulaca obtusifolia Portulaca hatsbachii Portulaca mucronulata Portulaca papulifera Portulaca rosae Portulaca costata Portulaca tuberculata Portulaca argentinensis Portulaca expatriata Portulaca hoehnei Portulaca gracilis Portulaca pedicellata Portulaca echinosperma Portulaca cubensis Portulaca werdermannii Portulaca tingoensis Portulaca kermesina Portulaca cryptopetala Portulaca elongata Portulaca fluvialis Portulaca perennis Portulaca villosa Portulaca quadrifida Portulaca pilosa Portulaca grandiflora