Shrub or tree to 8 m tall; branches terete, mostly glabrous and grey or reddish, dark, sometimes drying almost black, the twigs 6-2& cm long, densely tomentose with mostly sessile multangulate stellate hairs; bud scales tomentose but glabres-cent. Leaves ovate, apically obtuse or acuminate, basally subcordate, rounded, or obtuse, often oblique, the margins entire or toothed, the teeth often appearing gland-tipped, above with dispersed to dense, sessile or stalked multangulate hairs and sparse, small, short-stalked glands, sometimes glabrescent, beneath densely tomentose, the midvein mostly recurved, the secondary veins 4-5 on each side, obscure near the leaf apex; petioles 5-15 mm long, tomentose; stipules absent. Inflorescence terminal, 2-4-times compound cymes 5-8 cm in diameter, the bracts narrow, spatulate to lanceolate, variable in size, to 5 cm long, the bracteoles linear, 2-5 mm long, rarely equaling the flowers, mostly pubescent; pedicels 1-2 mm long, tomentose. Flowers white, fragrant; calyx 2 mm long, the tube cylindrical or obconical, mostly with numerous stalked, red-dying glands, seldom glabrous or with eglandular simple hairs, the lobes deltoid to obtuse, sometimes emarginate, conspicuously ciliate, rarely pubescent dorsally; corolla campanulate, glabrate with a few hairs inside and out near the apex of the tube, 2-3 mm long, lobed to ca. 1/2 way down, the lobes rounded, quincuncial in bud; stamens exserted, the filaments narrowed apically, slightly gibbous basally, the anthers ca. 1 mm long; the ovary 1-loculed, superior portion (style) conical, the stigmas 3, more or less distinct and unequal. Fruit an ellipsoid, black, juicy berry ca. 5 mm long.
Shrubs or small trees, deciduous or sometimes evergreen. Branchlets glabrous or pubescent with simple, fascicled or stellate hairs, rarely lepidote hairs; winter buds perulate or naked. Leaves usually opposite, rarely ternate, simple, petiolate, entire, dentate, or 3-5-lobed; stipules usually small or absent. Inflorescence terminal or at apices of short branches with 1-or 2-jugate leaves, compound, corymbose-or paniculate-cymose. Flowers small, actinomorphic, but sometimes marginal flowers of inflorescence enlarged, somewhat zygomorphic and sterile, rarely entire inflorescence consisting of such sterile flowers; bracts and bracteoles usually small and caducous. Calyx small, 5-toothed. Corolla white, rarely reddish, pinkish, or greenish, rotate, campanulate, hypocrateriform, or tubular, 5-lobed. Stamens 5; filaments filiform; anthers medifixed, longitudinally dehiscent, introrse. Ovary semi-inferior, 3-loculed, 1 locule fertile with a single ovule, and 2 sterile; styles short; stigmas slightly capitate to 3-lobed. Fruit a 1-seeded drupe with a ± compressed pyrene, red, purplish, black, or rarely yellow when mature.
Shrubs or small trees. Leaves petiolate, simple, entire or serrate-dentate or trifid, pinnate-or palmate-nerved, (in the Malaysian species) exstipulate. Inflorescence terminal, compound, corymbiform or paniculate, primary rays usually whorled, flowers cymosely arranged. Bracts and bracteoles usually small, caducous. Flowers actinomorphic, the marginal ones sometimes (not in Malaysia) radiant, neutral. Calyx 5-lobed or 5-partite. Corolla white, creamy or pink, rotate, campanulate, hypocrateriform or tubular; lobes 5, imbricate in bud. Stamens 5; filaments narrow. Ovary 1-celled. Ovule anatropous, pendulous from the apex, solitary. Style short, conical; stigmas 3, often connate. Fruit a drupe, crowned by the persistent calyx and style, 1-seeded. Endocarp horny or stony, in cross-section often undulate or with inflexed edges. Albumen often ruminate.
Deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees. Winter buds naked or scaly. Lvs lobed or not, with small stipules or exstipulate. Infl. of cymosely arranged corymbs or panicles. Fls actinomorphic, usually ☿; outer fls sometimes sterile and enlarged. Calyx 5-lobed, minute. Corolla rotate to campanulate, sometimes salverform or almost tubular; lobes 5. Stamens 5, small, often exserted. Ovary 1-celled. Style 1 or 0; stigma 3-lobed. Fr. a drupe; pyrene 1, usually compressed.