Cuphea P.Browne

Waxweed (en)


Angiosperms > Myrtales > Lythraceae


Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, generally branched, sometimes rhizomatous. Leaves opposite or approximate, sessile or petiolate; the stipules setose. Inflores-cence of 1-to several-flowered interpetiolar cymes gathered into terminal bracteate or leafy paniculiform or racemiform clusters. Flowers 6-merous, bisexual, medianly zygomorphic. Hypanthium tubular, appendiculate, more or less gibbous, sometimes spurred, ribbed, occasionally colored, the calyx lobes equal or rarely unequal, valvate. Petals spatulate, 6 or rarely reduced to the posterior 2, inserted at the orifice of the hypanthium, red to violet. Stamens 11, the 2 posterior inserted lower in the hypanthium than the 9 anterior, included, the 9 anterior equal or when unequal the antesepalous stamens longer than the antepetalous, included or exserted, the posterior antesepalous stamen modified into a basal hypogynous, unilateral, ovate to ovate-reniform or more rarely strongly involute-cupuliform disc, the anthers oblong, the filaments glabrous or pubescent. Ovary bicarpellary, superior, sessile, bilocular toward the base, unilocular above, the placentation incompletely axile; ovules few to many; style slender; stigma capitate. Fruit a unilaterally loculicidal capsule enclosed within the persistent hypanthium which also is ruptured by the reflexed protuberant placenta. Seeds lenticular, sometimes marginate.
Herbs, subshrubs or shrubs. Leaves opposite or rarely in whorls of 3–5, very rarely alternate. Flowers zygomorphic, 6-merous, usually solitary at the upper nodes, or forming ± one-sided usually simple raceme-like inflorescences, the flowers alternate, decussate or rarely whorled, interpetiolar, axillary or from the internodes, the pedicels joined to them; bracteoles 2 or lacking. Calyx tubular, often brightly coloured and usually ± irregular, gibbous or ± spurred, the sac containing a nectary; lobes short. Petals usually 6, rarely 2 or 4 or missing, often small or vestigial. Stamens 11, rarely 6 or 9, very rarely 4. Ovary sessile; disc present or rarely ± absent; ovules numerous or (2–)3–few. Capsule splitting with the placenta finally reflexed. Seeds flattened, biconvex, often narrowly winged.
Herbs or shrubs. Lvs usually opposite, decussate, rarely alternate or whorled, entire or nearly so. Fls 6-merous, zygomorphic, monomorphic, solitary or in racemes, sometimes in verticels; pedicels usually interpetiolar rather than axillary; bracteoles 2 or 0. Calyx tube ± curved, ribbed, usually pouched or spurred at base, often coloured, oblique, usually with an epicalyx tooth between each lobe. Petals 6, rarely fewer or 0, unequal, shortly clawed, inserted near rim of calyx tube. Stamens 6-14, rarely fewer, inserted on upper 1/2 of calyx tube, included or exserted. Disc at base of ovary glandular, asymmetric. Ovary sessile, 2-celled but septum often disappearing early. Ovules 2-many in each cell. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule enclosed by calyx, dehiscing longitudinally.
Fls irregular, 6-merous; hypanthium tubular, prominently 12-ribbed, swollen or spurred at the base on one side, oblique at the mouth; stamens usually 11 or 12, alternately unequal; pet unequal; ovary with a curved gland at its base, imperfectly 2-locular; style slender; capsule included in the hypanthium, opening along the upper side, the hypanthium also splitting along the upper side; herbs or shrubs with opposite lvs and solitary or racemose fls. 200+, mainly tropical and subtropical Amer.
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs. Leaves opposite or whorled, petiolate; stipules bristle-like. Flowers solitary or in cymes, zygomorphic, 6-merous. Hypanthium tubular to urceolate, ribbed; appendages reduced to teeth. Ovary with 2 carpels. Capsule enclosed in hypanthium.
Life form
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 8 - 10
Germination temperacture (C°) 21
Germination luminosity light
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cuphea unspecified picture


Cuphea world distribution map, present in Australia, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000010060
COL ID 62Q24
INPN ID 445738
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Cuphea Melanium

Lower taxons

Cuphea pinetorum Cuphea alatosperma Cuphea anamariae Cuphea exilis Cuphea filiformis Cuphea lucens Cuphea rupestris Cuphea acicularis Cuphea aequipetala Cuphea appendiculata Cuphea apurensis Cuphea aquilana Cuphea aristata Cuphea armata Cuphea aspera Cuphea avigera Cuphea bahiensis Cuphea bombonasae Cuphea brachiata Cuphea brachyantha Cuphea brachypoda Cuphea bustamanta Cuphea caesariata Cuphea calaminthifolia Cuphea campestris Cuphea campylocentra Cuphea cordata Cuphea crassiflora Cuphea crudyana Cuphea cuiabensis Cuphea cunninghamiifolia Cuphea cylindracea Cuphea dactylophora Cuphea decandra Cuphea delicatula Cuphea dusenii Cuphea egleri Cuphea elliptica Cuphea epilobiifolia Cuphea ericoides Cuphea ferruginea Cuphea flava Cuphea flavisetula Cuphea glauca Cuphea glaziovii Cuphea glossostoma Cuphea grandiflora Cuphea humifusa Cuphea hyssopoides Cuphea koehneana Cuphea laeviuscula Cuphea laminuligera Cuphea lanceolata Cuphea llavea Cuphea lobelioides Cuphea lobophora Cuphea loefgrenii Cuphea lophostoma Cuphea lutea Cuphea luteola Cuphea lutescens Cuphea lysimachioides Cuphea melampyrifolia Cuphea mimuloides Cuphea myrtifolia Cuphea niederleinii Cuphea nivea Cuphea ownbeyi Cuphea painteri Cuphea palustris Cuphea paradoxa Cuphea paranensis Cuphea parsonsia Cuphea pascuorum Cuphea paucipetala Cuphea pohlii Cuphea potamophila Cuphea procumbens Cuphea pseudosilene Cuphea pseudovaccinium Cuphea reticulata Cuphea riparia Cuphea roseana Cuphea rubescens Cuphea rubrovirens Cuphea sabulosa Cuphea salicifolia Cuphea spermacoce Cuphea splendida Cuphea spruceana Cuphea stenopetala Cuphea strigulosa Cuphea sucumbiensis Cuphea tetrapetala Cuphea tolucana Cuphea urbaniana Cuphea watsonii Cuphea weddelliana Cuphea wrightii Cuphea xanthopetala Cuphea fluviatilis Cuphea hispidiflora Cuphea annulata Cuphea alaniana Cuphea angustifolia Cuphea anisoclada Cuphea antisyphilitica Cuphea aperta Cuphea blackii Cuphea circaeoides Cuphea concinna Cuphea confertiflora Cuphea congesta Cuphea corisperma Cuphea denticulata Cuphea dibrachiata Cuphea diosmifolia Cuphea disperma Cuphea distichophylla Cuphea flavovirens Cuphea froesii Cuphea fruticosa Cuphea fuchsiifolia Cuphea galeatocalcarata Cuphea gardneri Cuphea gaumeri Cuphea glareosa Cuphea hatschbachii Cuphea heydei Cuphea hirsutissima Cuphea hookeriana Cuphea iguazuensis Cuphea impatientifolia Cuphea inaequalifolia Cuphea inflata Cuphea ingrata Cuphea insolita Cuphea jorullensis Cuphea karwinskii Cuphea killipii Cuphea laricoides Cuphea leptopoda Cuphea linarioides Cuphea lindmaniana Cuphea linifolia Cuphea melanium Cuphea melvilla Cuphea michoacana Cuphea micrantha Cuphea micropetala Cuphea nudicostata Cuphea odonellii Cuphea ornithoides Cuphea persistens Cuphea pertenuis Cuphea pleiantha Cuphea pseudericoides Cuphea pterosperma Cuphea pulchra Cuphea punctulata Cuphea purpurascens Cuphea quaternata Cuphea radiaticaulis Cuphea ramosissima Cuphea reflexifolia Cuphea repens Cuphea retrorsicapilla Cuphea retroscabra Cuphea rigidula Cuphea salvadorensis Cuphea santos-limae Cuphea sclerophylla Cuphea scolnikiae Cuphea secundiflora Cuphea seleri Cuphea sessiliflora Cuphea sessilifolia Cuphea setosa Cuphea sincorana Cuphea sordida Cuphea spectabilis Cuphea sperguloides Cuphea tenuissima Cuphea thymoides Cuphea tuberosa Cuphea urens Cuphea utriculosa Cuphea varia Cuphea vesiculigera Cuphea viscosa Cuphea viscosissima Cuphea warmingii Cuphea cyanaea Cuphea glauca Cuphea guameri Cuphea ramosissima Cuphea schwackei Cuphea leptosepala Cuphea disperma Cuphea bolivarensis Cuphea acinifolia Cuphea acinos Cuphea carunculata Cuphea densiflora Cuphea hybogyna Cuphea kubeorum Cuphea patula Cuphea philombria Cuphea pustulata Cuphea vargasii Cuphea vesiculosa Cuphea anagalloidea Cuphea arenarioides Cuphea dipetala Cuphea gracilis Cuphea nitidula Cuphea ciliata Cuphea curiosa Cuphea ferrisiae Cuphea cardonae Cuphea empetrifolia Cuphea bracteolosa Cuphea heteropetala Cuphea megalophylla Cuphea schumannii Cuphea baillonis Cuphea watsoniana Cuphea adenophylla Cuphea affinitatum Cuphea reitzii Cuphea rhodocalyx Cuphea rionegrensis Cuphea rusbyi Cuphea scaberrima Cuphea teleandra Cuphea trichochila Cuphea trochilus Cuphea calcarata Cuphea subuligera Cuphea bonplandii Cuphea cyanea Cuphea heterophylla Cuphea intermedia Cuphea polymorpha Cuphea carajasensis Cuphea cataractarum Cuphea chiribiquetea Cuphea cipoensis Cuphea maigualidensis Cuphea mexiae Cuphea rasilis Cuphea spraguei Cuphea stygialis Cuphea tarapotensis Cuphea calophylla Cuphea ignea Cuphea racemosa Cuphea glutinosa Cuphea hyssopifolia Cuphea carthagenensis