Herbs, subshrubs or shrubs. Leaves opposite or rarely in whorls of 3–5, very rarely alternate. Flowers zygomorphic, 6-merous, usually solitary at the upper nodes, or forming ± one-sided usually simple raceme-like inflorescences, the flowers alternate, decussate or rarely whorled, interpetiolar, axillary or from the internodes, the pedicels joined to them; bracteoles 2 or lacking. Calyx tubular, often brightly coloured and usually ± irregular, gibbous or ± spurred, the sac containing a nectary; lobes short. Petals usually 6, rarely 2 or 4 or missing, often small or vestigial. Stamens 11, rarely 6 or 9, very rarely 4. Ovary sessile; disc present or rarely ± absent; ovules numerous or (2–)3–few. Capsule splitting with the placenta finally reflexed. Seeds flattened, biconvex, often narrowly winged.
Herbs or shrubs. Lvs usually opposite, decussate, rarely alternate or whorled, entire or nearly so. Fls 6-merous, zygomorphic, monomorphic, solitary or in racemes, sometimes in verticels; pedicels usually interpetiolar rather than axillary; bracteoles 2 or 0. Calyx tube ± curved, ribbed, usually pouched or spurred at base, often coloured, oblique, usually with an epicalyx tooth between each lobe. Petals 6, rarely fewer or 0, unequal, shortly clawed, inserted near rim of calyx tube. Stamens 6-14, rarely fewer, inserted on upper 1/2 of calyx tube, included or exserted. Disc at base of ovary glandular, asymmetric. Ovary sessile, 2-celled but septum often disappearing early. Ovules 2-many in each cell. Stigma 2-lobed. Capsule enclosed by calyx, dehiscing longitudinally.
Fls irregular, 6-merous; hypanthium tubular, prominently 12-ribbed, swollen or spurred at the base on one side, oblique at the mouth; stamens usually 11 or 12, alternately unequal; pet unequal; ovary with a curved gland at its base, imperfectly 2-locular; style slender; capsule included in the hypanthium, opening along the upper side, the hypanthium also splitting along the upper side; herbs or shrubs with opposite lvs and solitary or racemose fls. 200+, mainly tropical and subtropical Amer.
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs. Leaves opposite or whorled, petiolate; stipules bristle-like. Flowers solitary or in cymes, zygomorphic, 6-merous. Hypanthium tubular to urceolate, ribbed; appendages reduced to teeth. Ovary with 2 carpels. Capsule enclosed in hypanthium.