Calophyllum L.

Caldésie à feuilles de parnassie (fr), Alisme à feuilles de parnassie (fr), Alisma à feuilles de parnassie (fr)


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Calophyllaceae


Trees, rarely shrubs, sometimes polygamous; latex yellow; twigs terete to compressed or angular, glabrescent; vegetative buds fine tomentose. Leaves op-posite, the costa prominent, the lateral veins straight, parallel, numerous, alter-nating with resin ducts which may be sclerified and appear on the dried leaf surface as veins; petioles mostly short. Inflorescences mostly short axillary or terminal racemes, rarely forming reduced panicles; deciduous bracts sometimes present; pedicels usually slender. Flowers polygamous, sepals (2-)4, the inner pair often petaloid; petals 2-4 to many or wanting, opposite or imbricate; stamens mostly numerous, in staminate flowers congested in the middle, in pistillate flow-ers 2 to many seriate below the ovary, the filaments slender, sometimes basally connate; the anthers oblong or ovoid, basifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary 1-locular, the style slender, inflexed in bud, the stigma peltate, the ovule 1, erect, anatropus. Fruit an indehiscent drupe, mostly subglobose, the endocarp hard or thin, the locule sometimes not filling the fruit; seed erect, ovoid or globose, the cotyledons 2, thick and fleshy.
Trees or shrubs, with clear [or milky or yellow] latex. Apical buds rarely abortive; buds lacking (or with) scales. Leaves opposite, petiolate [or rarely sessile], leathery, usually glabrous; secondary veins many, almost perpendicular to midvein, ± prominent above; tertiary venation absent; translucent glandular canals present between veins. Inflorescence cymose or thyrsiform, terminal or axillary. Flowers bisexual [or rarely unisexual]. Sepals and petals together 4-12 (usually 4 + 4 in Chinese species), 2-or 3-whorled, not always differentiated, outer (sepals) decussate, inner (petals) imbricate. Stamens many, not obviously fascicled; filaments scarcely united or all free, slender; anthers erect, basifixed; fasciclodes absent. Ovary 1-loculed, glabrous [tomentose], with a single erect ovule; style elongate, slender; stigma often peltate. Drupelike berry with thin exocarp ("skin"), thin fleshy mesocarp and thin endocarp sometimes adherent to seed. Seed 1, large, with thin [or thick] testa ("stone"); embryo with broad fleshy cotyledons.
Trees or rarely shrubs, secreting a milky yellow or clear latex; bark of young trees with characteristic diamond-or boat-shaped fissures. Leaves opposite, petiolate or rarely ± sessile, entire, usually coriaceous, with very numerous and closely placed fine parallel lateral nerves alternating with ± translucent glandular canals. Flowers terminal or axillary, in few–many-flowered racemes or panicle-like cymes or rarely reduced to 1–3, hermaphrodite. Sepals 4, free, the inner pair sometimes ± petaloid. Petals 2 or 4–8 or sometimes absent, white, imbricate, not always distinguishable from the inner sepals. Stamens numerous, usually arranged in 4 bundles opposite the petals or sometimes ± free; filaments slender and ± flexuous; anthers ovate to linear-oblong. Ovary 1-locular, with solitary erect ovule; style simple, slender, often flexuous; stigma peltate. Fruit a drupe, with brittle or thick pericarp and 1 large seed.
Trees [shrubs], hairy at least on buds, with stilt or loop roots. Stems ± flattened and angled when young. Leaves: petiole concave, without adaxial protuberance; blade coriaceous, venation close, apparently unbranched, parallel, uniting to form marginal or submarginal vein and alternating with and usually more prominent than latex canals, without tertiary venation visible between lateral veins. Inflorescences racemiform; peduncle and rachis usually present; bracts usually deciduous, small. Flowers bisexual; sepals deciduous, 4, distinct, in decussate pairs, outer 1–2 pairs rarely much different from rest; stamens obscurely 4-fascicled; style slender, ca. 4 times as long as ovary. Fruits drupaceous; pericarp firm or fleshy, smooth when fresh. Seeds 1. x = 16.
Trees, hermaphrodite; latex present usually coloured. Twigs ±flattened. Leaves petiolate; lamina ±coriaceous, with numerous parallel secondary veins, reticulate venation absent. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, solitary, cymose, pseudoracemose or pseudopaniculate, with 1 to many flowers; bracts mostly deciduous. Flowers pedicellate, with perianth of tepals 4–8 (–13); stamens many, 2 or several seriate, slightly connate at base, anthers basifixed, oblong, dehiscing longitudinally; ovary subglobose or ovoid, unilocular, ovule solitary, style single, terete; stigma often peltate. Fruit a drupe; exocarp thin usually brittle; mesocarp well developed, fleshy to fibrous; endocarp bony or crustaceous, 1-seeded.  
Leaves opposite, almost always petiolate, entire, often coriaceous, with lateral nerves numerous, slender, close together and parallel (usually nearly at right angles to the midrib), alternating with ± translucent glandular canals.
Androecium of 4 antipetalous stamen-fascicles each of numerous stamens, or sometimes with stamens apparently free; filaments slender and sometimes flexuous; anthers ovate to linear-oblong; fasciclodes absent.
Flowers terminal or axillary, in few-to many-flowered racemes or paniculate cymes or rarely reduced to 1–3, bisexual.
Petals 4–8 (sometimes absent), white, imbricate, not always distinguishable from the inner sepals.
Ovary 1-locular, with a single erect ovule; style simple, slender, often flexuous; stigma peltate.
Trees or rarely shrubs secreting a milky or yellow or clear latex.
Sepals 4, decussate, free, the inner pair sometimes ± petaloid.
Fruit a 1-seeded drupe with crustaceous pericarp.
Seeds large.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Wood of Calophyllum has been used as a building material and for canoe construction; oil obtained from its fruit has been used for medicinal purposes and lamp fuel.
Uses medicinal oil wood
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Calophyllum unspecified picture


Calophyllum world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000006171
INPN ID 81256
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Ponna ex Calophyllum

Lower taxons

Calophyllum acidus Calophyllum angulare Calophyllum acutiputamen Calophyllum aerarium Calophyllum alboramulum Calophyllum amblyphyllum Calophyllum andersonii Calophyllum apetalum Calophyllum archipelagi Calophyllum aurantiacum Calophyllum aureobrunnescens Calophyllum aureum Calophyllum austroindicum Calophyllum balansae Calophyllum banyengii Calophyllum bicolor Calophyllum biflorum Calophyllum bifurcatum Calophyllum blancoi Calophyllum brachyphyllum Calophyllum brassii Calophyllum calaba Calophyllum calcicola Calophyllum caledonicum Calophyllum canum Calophyllum carrii Calophyllum castaneum Calophyllum celebicum Calophyllum cerasiferum Calophyllum ceriferum Calophyllum chapelieri Calophyllum clemensiorum Calophyllum comorense Calophyllum complanatum Calophyllum costatum Calophyllum costulatum Calophyllum depressinervosum Calophyllum dioscurii Calophyllum dispar Calophyllum dongnaiense Calophyllum drouhardii Calophyllum dryobalanoides Calophyllum echinatum Calophyllum elegans Calophyllum enervosum Calophyllum eputamen Calophyllum euryphyllum Calophyllum exiticostatum Calophyllum ferrugineum Calophyllum fibrosum Calophyllum flavo-ramulum Calophyllum garcinioides Calophyllum goniocarpum Calophyllum gracilipes Calophyllum gracillimum Calophyllum grandiflorum Calophyllum havilandii Calophyllum heterophyllum Calophyllum hirasimum Calophyllum hosei Calophyllum humbertii Calophyllum incumbens Calophyllum insularum Calophyllum lanigerum Calophyllum lankaensis Calophyllum laxiflorum Calophyllum leleanii Calophyllum leptocladum Calophyllum leucocarpum Calophyllum lingulatum Calophyllum longifolium Calophyllum macrocarpum Calophyllum macrophyllum Calophyllum membranaceum Calophyllum milvum Calophyllum molle Calophyllum moonii Calophyllum morobensis Calophyllum mukunense Calophyllum multitudinis Calophyllum neoebudicum Calophyllum obscurum Calophyllum pachyphyllum Calophyllum paniculatum Calophyllum papuanum Calophyllum parkeri Calophyllum parviflorum Calophyllum parvifolium Calophyllum pauciflorum Calophyllum peekelii Calophyllum pelewense Calophyllum pentapetalum Calophyllum persimile Calophyllum pervillei Calophyllum pinetorum Calophyllum pisiferum Calophyllum poilanei Calophyllum praetermissum Calophyllum pulcherrimum Calophyllum pyriforme Calophyllum recedens Calophyllum recurvatum Calophyllum rigidulum Calophyllum rigidum Calophyllum rivulare Calophyllum robustum Calophyllum roseocostatum Calophyllum rotundifolium Calophyllum rubiginosum Calophyllum rufigemmatum Calophyllum rufinerve Calophyllum rugosum Calophyllum rupicola Calophyllum sakarium Calophyllum savannarum Calophyllum sclerophyllum Calophyllum scriblitifolium Calophyllum sil Calophyllum stipitatum Calophyllum suberosum Calophyllum subsessile Calophyllum sundaicum Calophyllum symingtonianum Calophyllum tetrapterum Calophyllum teysmannii Calophyllum thorelii Calophyllum thuriferum Calophyllum thwaitesii Calophyllum tomentosum Calophyllum tournanense Calophyllum trachycaule Calophyllum trapezifolium Calophyllum undulatum Calophyllum utile Calophyllum vanoverberghii Calophyllum venulosum Calophyllum vergens Calophyllum vernicosum Calophyllum verticillatum Calophyllum vexans Calophyllum vitiense Calophyllum waliense Calophyllum walkeri Calophyllum whitfordii Calophyllum ardens Calophyllum articulatum Calophyllum nodosum Calophyllum novoguineense Calophyllum obliquinervium Calophyllum wallichianum Calophyllum polyanthum Calophyllum pubescens Calophyllum africanum Calophyllum pascalianum Calophyllum mesoamericanum Calophyllum collinum Calophyllum confertum Calophyllum dasypodium Calophyllum glaucescens Calophyllum griseum Calophyllum laticostatum Calophyllum lonchophyllum Calophyllum lowei Calophyllum wallichiana Calophyllum woodii Calophyllum streimannii Calophyllum subhorizontale Calophyllum cuneifolium Calophyllum bracteatum Calophyllum caudatum Calophyllum confusum Calophyllum cordato-oblongum Calophyllum coriaceum Calophyllum cucullatum Calophyllum fraseri Calophyllum lineare Calophyllum nubicola d'arcy Calophyllum oliganthum Calophyllum piluliferum Calophyllum tacamahaca Calophyllum polyanthum Calophyllum brasiliense Calophyllum soulattri Calophyllum inophyllum