Erect shrubs, subshrubs or perennial herbs, mostly pyrophytes from large woody rootstocks, pubescent or hairy; dioecious in species 11. Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3–4, rarely alternate, entire or variously crenate, toothed or lobed, often scabrid above and rugose. Flowers small, sessile in mostly pedunculate dense heads or spikes which sometimes elongate in fruit, 1–several heads per axil and sometimes forming terminal panicles but often in numerous lower axils; each flower supported by a bract; eventual bare rhachis with floral scars very closely placed. Calyx campanulate or compressed and laterally 2-keeled or 2-winged, undulate, truncate, 2–4-fid or 4-toothed. Corolla white, greenish or creamy yellow, often darker at the throat, more rarely magenta; tube cylindric or funnel-shaped, straight or curved; limb ± 2-lipped, oblique, the anterior lip larger than the posterior. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted in the corolla-tube, included or slightly exserted. Ovary 2-locular, each locule with 1 ovule; style usually short with oblique or recurved stigma. Fruit dry, surrounded by the adpressed calyx, separating into 2 pyrenes at maturity; pericarp papery or hard. Seeds without endosperm.
Shrubs or undershrubs, herbs (not in Australia). Leaves simple, decussately opposite or ternate, rarely alternate or in 4s, exstipulate, petiolate or sessile. Inflorescence spicate, capitate, solitary or fascicled in leaf axils, or aggregate in terminal corymbs or panicles; spikes pedunculate, cylindric or globose. Flowers sessile, bracteate, often ±4-ranked. Calyx ovoid to campanulate or compressed and 2-keeled or 2-winged; rim 2-or 4-fid or 4-dentate. Corolla hypocrateriform or infundibular, 4-lobed, zygomorphic; tube cylindric; lobes oblique, spreading, somewhat 2-lipped. Stamens 4, epipetalous, didynamous; anthers nonappendaged. Ovary 2-locular, each locule with 1 ovule; style short with oblique stigma. Fruit dry, dividing into 2 mericarps at maturity or 1 by abortion. Seeds without endosperm.
Corolla white, greenish or creamy-yellow, often darker at the throat, rarely magenta; corolla tube cylindric or funnel-shaped, straight or incurved; corolla limb weakly 2-lipped, oblique, with the anterior lip larger than the posterior one.
Inflorescences spicate; spikes densely flowered, usually short and head-like in flower, often somewhat elongate and cylindric in fruit, 1–several per axil and sometimes forming terminal corymbs or panicles.
Erect shrubs, undershrubs or perennial herbs, mostly pyrophytes from large woody rootstocks, often aromatic, pubescent, hairy or setose.
Calyx campanulate or compressed and laterally 2-keeled or 2-winged, undulate, truncate, 2–4-fid or 4-dentate at the apex.
Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted in the corolla tube, included or slightly exserted; anthers ovate, with parallel thecae.
Fruit a dry schizocarp surrounded by the appressed calyx; mericarps 2, separating at maturity; pericarp papery or hard.
Leaves opposite or in whorls of 3 or 4, rarely alternate, entire, crenate, serrate, dentate or lobed.
Ovary 2-locular, each locule l-ovulate; style usually short, with an oblique or recurved stigma.
Flowers small, sessile, solitary in the axils of bracts, usually 4-ranked.
Seeds without endosperm.