Annona L.

Annona (en)


Angiosperms > Magnoliales > Annonaceae


Trees or shrubs , taprooted; trunks buttressed or not buttressed at base. Bark thin, mostly broadly and shallowly fissured, scaly, fissures anastomosing. Shoots slender, stiff, terete; lenticels raised; buds naked. Leaves persistent or deciduous to late deciduous. Leaf blade leathery or membranous, glabrous to pubescent. Inflorescences axillary or supra-axillary, occasionally from axillary buds on main stem or older stems, solitary flowers or fascicles; peduncle bracteolate. Flowers: receptacle convex to ±globose or elongate, elevated; sepals deciduous, 3(-4), smaller than outer petals, valvate in bud; petals 6(-8) in 2 whorls, usually fleshy, those of outer whorl larger, valvate in bud, those of inner whorl more ascending, distinctly smaller or reduced, rarely absent, valvate or imbricate in bud; nectaries present as darker-pigmented, usually corrugate zones adaxially near petal bases; stamens very numerous, packed into ball, club-shaped, curved; connective dilated, hooded or pointed beyond anther sac; pistils numerous, sessile, partially connate to various degrees with at least stigmas distinct; ovules 1(-2) per pistil; style and stigma club-shaped or narrowly conic. Fruits fleshy syncarps, 1 per flower, usually ovoid to nearly globose, surface variable depending on orientation, structure, and relative connation of pistil apices. Seed usually 1 per pistil, ovoid to ellipsoid, beanlike, coat tough, margins various, narrow. x =7.
Trees, shrubs or subshrubs, with simple or stellate hairs or glabrous. Flowers usually hermaphrodite, solitary, fasciculate or in few-flowered cymes, terminal, leaf-opposed or extra-axillary, pedicellate; buds globose, ovoid or elongate, 3-angled; bracteoles 0–2, persistent. Sepals 3, valvate, free, smaller than the petals. Petals usually 6 in 1–2 whorls, both valvate or the inner one imbricate, subequal or the inner ones reduced or absent, free or united at the base, thick and coriaceous, mostly suberect or connivent. Stamens numerous, linear or linear-clavate; filaments short; anther-cells sometimes unequal, extrorse; connective-prolongation obliquely capitate, dilated or ± apiculate. Carpels numerous, ± united, cylindrical, with 1 erect basal ovule; styles clavate; stigmas muricate. Fruit pedicellate, syncarpous, fleshy, indehiscent, ovoid-globose or cylindrical. Seeds numerous, irregularly arranged; aril terminal, compressed, annular or grooved and ridged so as to appear fibrillated.
Small or medium trees, unarmed, with simple hairs. Flowers bisexual, solitary or several in leaf-opposed, terminal or internodal cymes. Submedial and basal bracts present. Sepals valvate in bud, free or shortly connate. Petals free or rarely (not in Australia) connate, 6 in two series or inner series absent or rudimentary; outer petals valvate; inner petals when present valvate or imbricate in bud. Stamens mostly linear; filament short; connective truncate, flat or convex at apex. Pollen grains in tetrads. Carpels numerous, free or connate at anthesis; ovule 1, basal; stigma oblong or conical, sometimes nearly as long as ovary. Fruit a syncarpium, fleshy, indehiscent, many-seeded, mostly ovoid to globose. Seeds mostly obloid, sometimes bilaterally flattened, mostly brown, smooth or slightly undulate. See also Du Puy (1993: 63).
Trees or shrubs, with an indument of simple or stellate hairs. Inflorescences terminal, leaf-opposed, extra-axillary, or sometimes cauliflorous, never axillary, 1-flowered or in few-flowered clusters. Pedicel usually short. Sepals 3, small, valvate. Petals 6, in 2 whorls or inner whorl rudimentary or absent, free or connate at base; outer petals valvate, fleshy but leathery when dry, connivent or somewhat spreading, inside basally concave, margin thick; inner petals imbricate or valvate. Stamens many; filament short; connectives apically convex or apiculate. Carpels many, often connate; ovule 1 per carpel, basal; styles clavate; stigmas muriculate. Fruit syncarpous, surface covered with knobs, bulges, spines, or less often smooth. Seeds many per syncarp, embedded in edible pulp.
Shrubs or trees with simple or stellate hairs. Flowers solitary or in few-flowered inflorescences, terminal or opposite the leaves, or extra-axillary from the internodes. Sepals 3, small, valvate. Petals 6, free or connate at the base, biseriate, or the inner rudimentary or absent, the outer valvate, the inner imbricate or valvate. Stamens numerous, the anther cells not locellate, the connective generally terminat-ing in a swollen head or hoodlike process above the pollen sacs. Carpels numerous or rarely few; ovule 1, basal, erect. Fruit fleshy, formed by the concrescence of the carpels and the torus, usually areolate on the surface, the areoles, indicating the united carpels, being often gibbous or acuminate.
Evergreen or sometimes deciduous shrubs or trees, with simple or stellate hairs. Lvs ± coriaceous. Fls solitary or few together, terminal, or lateral and lf-opposed, sometimes cauliflorous. Sepals 3, valvate, small, connate at base. Petals 6, in 2 whorls, sometimes inner whorl reduced to scales or 0; outer petals fleshy, valvate, greenish or yellowish, ± concave. Stamens numerous; filaments fleshy, connective produced above and concealing anthers, forming a truncate disc apically. Carpels numerous, 1-seeded, soon becoming united; ovule basal. Fr. a fleshy syncarp, often large, sometimes the fleshy carpels only loosely cohering.
Petals 6, free or connate at the base, in two equal or ± unequal whorls, or the inner whorl sometimes absent, both valvate or the inner whorl imbricate, thick, coriaceous, connivent or suberect, concave at the base or throughout.
Stamens ?, linear or linear-clavate, with thecae extrorse and often unequal at the base, and connective-prolongation obliquely capitate or apiculate, sometimes ± papillose; filaments short.
Flowers usually bisexual, solitary or in few-flowered cymes or fascicles, terminal or extra-axillary or sometimes on the old wood, pedicellate.
Carpels numerous, free at first or united from the beginning, ± cylindric, with a single basal ovule; style clavate; stigma muricate.
Trees, shrubs or shrublets, not climbing, glabrous or with simple or stellate hairs.
Fruit a fleshy syncarp, ovoid-globose to cylindric, many-seeded.
Seeds irregularly arranged in the syncarp; aril carunculoid.
Sepals 3, valvate, much shorter than the petals, free.
Buds globose to conic or triquetrous.
Bracteoles 0–2, persistent.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Several species have large, sweet fruits and are cultivated in many tropical regions, including Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. The fruit of a number of Annona species are eaten. The commercially grown Custard Apple in Australia is Annona ×atemoya Mabb., which is a hybrid of A. cherimola Mill. and A. squamosa L. There are several cultivars.
Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Annona unspecified picture


Annona world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000002240
BDTFX ID 120609
INPN ID 445389
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Rollinia Rolliniopsis Annona

Lower taxons

Annona tenuipes Annona ferruginea Annona fosteri Annona glomerulifera Annona helosioides Annona herzogii Annona hispida Annona jucunda Annona leptopetala Annona mammifera Annona maritima Annona neoamazonica Annona neochrysocarpa Annona neoelliptica Annona neoinsignis Annona neosalicifolia Annona amazonica Annona asplundiana Annona billbergii Annona campestris Annona cascarilloides Annona crassiflora Annona crassivenia Annona cristalensis Annona domingensis Annona dumetorum Annona ecuadorensis Annona ekmanii Annona excellens Annona foetida Annona hayesii Annona holosericea Annona humilis Annona hypoglauca Annona hystricoides Annona impressivenia Annona inconformis Annona insignis Annona ionophylla Annona iquitensis Annona jahnii Annona jamaicensis Annona micrantha Annona moaensis Annona monticola Annona neglecta Annona nipensis Annona nitida Annona nutans Annona oblongifolia Annona paraensis Annona prevostiae Annona pruinosa Annona punicifolia Annona purpurea Annona salzmannii Annona sanctae-crucis Annona scandens Annona scleroderma Annona sclerophylla Annona sericea Annona spinescens Annona spraguei Annona stenophylla Annona sylvatica Annona symphyocarpa Annona tenuiflora Annona tomentosa Annona warmingiana Annona andicola Annona bahiensis Annona boliviana Annona calcarata Annona centrantha Annona cuspidata Annona danforthii Annona dolichopetala Annona edulis Annona emarginata Annona fendleri Annona neosericea Annona neoulei Annona neovelutina Annona pachyantha Annona papilionella Annona pickelii Annona rensoniana Annona rufinervis Annona rugulosa Annona schunkei Annona williamsii Annona frutescens Annona gardneri Annona gracilis Annona haematantha Annona haitiensis Annona havanensis Annona liebmanniana Annona longiflora Annona longipes Annona macrocalyx Annona macroprophyllata Annona malmeana Annona manabiensis Annona oligocarpa Annona palmeri Annona paludosa Annona pittieri Annona poeppigii Annona praetermissa Annona rigida Annona rosei Annona saffordiana Annona salicifolia Annona urbaniana Annona volubilis Annona oxapampae Annona ambotay Annona aurantiaca Annona acuminata Annona acutiflora Annona acutifolia Annona angustifolia Annona annonoides Annona atabapensis Annona cacans Annona coriacea Annona cornifolia Annona crotonifolia Annona bicolor Annona bullata Annona burchellii Annona calophylla Annona cercocarpa Annona cordifolia Annona cubensis Annona deceptrix Annona deminuta Annona densicoma Annona dioica Annona dolabripetala Annona dolichophylla Annona duckei Annona echinata Annona exsucca Annona gigantophylla Annona glauca Annona glaucophylla Annona globiflora Annona vepretorum Annona cordifolia Annona caesia Annona contrerasii Annona neoecuadoarensis Annona parviflora Annona vepertonum Annona membranacea Annona nana Annona paraguayensis Annona ulei Annona cherimola Annona glabra Annona montana Annona muricata Annona reticulata Annona squamosa Annona senegalensis