Betula L.

Birch (en), Bouleau (fr)


Angiosperms > Fagales > Betulaceae


Trees or shrubs , to 30 m; trunks often several, branching excurrent, becoming deliquescent. Bark of trunks and branches dark brown to chalky white, smooth, often exfoliating; lenticels dark, prominent, sometimes horizontally expanded. Wood nearly white to reddish brown, light and soft to moderately heavy and hard, texture fine. Branches, branchlets, and twigs nearly 2-ranked; young twigs differentiated into long and short shoots, sometimes with taste and odor of wintergreen. Winter buds sessile, slender, terete, apex acute; scales several, imbricate, smooth. Leaves mostly on short shoots, nearly 2-ranked. Leaf blade ovate to deltate, elliptic, or nearly orbiculate, 0.5--10(--14) × 0.5--8 cm, thin, margins doubly serrate or serrate (or crenate to shallowly round-lobed in dwarf northern species); surfaces glabrous to tomentose, sometimes abaxially resinous-glandular. Inflorescences: staminate catkins mostly terminal on branchlets, solitary or in small racemose clusters, formed previous growing season and often exposed during winter, expanding with leaves; pistillate catkins proximal to staminate catkins, mostly solitary, erect, ovoid to cylindric, firm; scales and flowers crowded, enclosed within buds during winter, expanding with leaves. Staminate flowers in catkins 3 per scale; stamens (1--)2--3(--4), filaments divided below anthers, nearly to base. Pistillate flowers (1--)3 per scale. Infructescences erect or pendulous; scales usually deciduous with release of fruits (although persisting into winter in a few species), (1--)3-lobed, thickened or leathery but not woody. Fruits samaras, lateral wings 2, moderately wide to broad, membranaceous. x = 14.
Staminate catkins elongate, the scales ovate to rotund, each subtending 3 fls; cal minute, 4-parted or usually 2-parted, one lobe much exceeding the other; stamens 2, each short filament divided near the summit and the anther-sacs separate; pistillate catkins ovoid to cylindric, the scales closely imbricate, generally 3-lobed, relatively thin, at maturity herbaceous or coriaceous, deciduous with or soon after the frs, the catkin disintegrating; fr ordinarily a small samara, the elliptic body with 2 membranous lateral wings and terminated by the short, persistent styles, or sometimes the wings virtually obsolete; trees or shrubs, the bark often separable into thin layers; the catkins appear in the fall and come into anthesis early in the spring (midsummer in B. michauxii). 50, N. Hemisphere. The taxonomy of Betula is complicated by extensive hybridization and introgression, yet the species maintain their identity over large areas of sympatry. Many of the hybrids have been given names. B. ×borealis Spach is B. papyrifera × pumila; B. ×caerulea Blanch. and B.×caerulea-grandis Blanch. are B. papyrifera var. cordifolia × populifolia; B. ×minor (Tuck.) Fernald is B. glandulosa var. glandulosa × a dwarf, alpine form of B. papyrifera, perhaps locally alloploid; B. ×purpusii C. K. Schneid. is B. alleghaniensis × pumila; B. ×murrayana B. V. Barnes & Dancik is an octoploid back-cross of B. ×purpusii with B. alleghaniensis; and B. ×sandbergii Britton is B. glandulosa var. glandulifera × papyrifera.
Trees or shrubs deciduous. Buds sessile, with several overlapping scales. Leaves often glandular punctate abaxially, usually serrate or dentate, rarely lobulate. Male inflorescence pendulous, elongate, cylindric, with numerous overlapping bracts, each bract subtending 2 bracteoles and 3 flowers; calyx 4-lobed; stamens 2; anthers 2-loculed; thecae connate, apex pubescent or glabrous. Female inflorescence 1, or 2-several in a raceme, spicate, ellipsoid, or cylindric; bracts numerous, overlapping, leathery, deciduous, apex deeply 3-lobed, each bract subtending 3 flowers. Nutlet compressed, usually with membranous wings.
Trees or shrubs. Buds sessile, with several imbricate scales. Lvs toothed, few-to many-veined. ♂ catkins formed in autumn, opening in spring often before the lvs; fls with a bract and 2 bracteoles; fls 3 in the axil of each bract; perianth minute, 4-lobed; stamens 2, divided below the anthers. ♀ catkins shorter; fls in groups of 3 each with a bract and 2 bracteoles. Fruiting catkins cylindric to oblong or narrow-ovoid; scales 3-lobed, ± membranous, falling at fr. maturity. Fr. small; wing broad or narrow.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 30.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 30 - 90
Germination temperacture (C°) 18 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment stratification
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Betula unspecified picture
Betula unspecified picture
Betula unspecified picture


Betula world distribution map, present in Afghanistan, Åland Islands, Albania, Austria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Belarus, Switzerland, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Micronesia (Federated States of), Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Morocco, Myanmar, Montenegro, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Norway, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Sweden, Turks and Caicos Islands, Thailand, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam


WFO ID wfo-4000004547
BDTFX ID 85994
INPN ID 189857
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Betula alnoides Betula apoiensis Betula aurata Betula bomiensis Betula x caerulea Betula calcicola Betula chinensis Betula cordifolia Betula dahurica Betula delavayi Betula x dutillyi Betula falcata Betula fargesii Betula glandulosa Betula gmelinii Betula intermedia Betula x jackii Betula luminifera Betula megrelica Betula michauxii Betula minor Betula paramushirensis Betula plettkei Betula populifolia Betula potamophila Betula psammophila Betula pubescens Betula pumila Betula raddeana Betula x raymundii Betula saksarensis Betula x sargentii Betula saviczii Betula schmidtii Betula sunanensis Betula x uliginosa Betula x winteri Betula baschkirica Betula celtiberica Betula coriaceifolia Betula costata Betula cylindrostachya Betula x eastwoodiae Betula ermanii Betula grossa Betula gynoterminalis Betula klokovii Betula kweichowensis Betula maximowicziana Betula medwediewii Betula microphylla Betula zinserlingii Betula potaninii Betula tianschanica Betula utilis Betula x vologdensis Betula chichibuensis Betula corylifolia Betula globispica Betula honanensis Betula karagandensis Betula fruticosa Betula wuyiensis Betula ashburneri Betula minor Betula hornei Betula x piperi Betula x utahensis Betula populifolia Betula humilis Betula x dosmannii Betula skvortsovii Betula avatshensis Betula heptopotamica Betula zimpelii Betula x bottnica Betula x hornei Betula x alpestris Betula x dugleana Betula halophila Betula x purpusii Betula x sandbergii Betula x utahensis Betula papyrifera Betula occidentalis Betula lenta Betula nigra Betula nana Betula alleghaniensis Betula pendula