Lonicera L.

Honeysuckle (en), Chèvrefeuille (fr)


Angiosperms > Dipsacales > Caprifoliaceae


Shrubs erect or dwarf, rarely small trees, sometimes climbers, deciduous or evergreen. Branches hollow or solid with white or brown pith; winter buds with 1 to several pairs of scales, rounded or acutely 4-angular, inner scales sometimes accrescent and reflexed. Accessory buds sometimes present, occasionally terminal buds reduced and substituted by 2 lateral buds. Leaves opposite, rarely whorled, margin entire, rarely dentate or divided; leaves usually estipulate, occasionally with interpetiolar stipules or a swollen interpetiolar line; sometimes 1 or 2 pairs of leaves below inflorescence connate and forming involucral bracts. Inflorescence thyrsoid, terminal or axillary, cymes opposite and usually reduced to paired flowers, rarely 1-, sometimes 3-flowered. Inflorescence occasionally pedunculate; cymes sessile, sometimes forming a capitulum, or cymes pedunculate with a pair of bracts and 2 pairs of bracteoles; bracts usually small, sometimes leaflike; bracteoles usually free, sometimes ± fused and cupular occasionally enclosing ovaries, sometimes absent. Paired flowers with free or partially to completely fused ovaries. Calyx 5-lobed, rarely 4-lobed, sometimes truncate, base occasionally with a collarlike emergence. Corolla white, yellow, reddish, or purple-red, often changing color after anthesis, campanulate, funnelform, regularly or subregularly 5(or 4)-lobed, or bilabiate and upper lip 4-lobed; tube long or short, often shallowly to deeply gibbous on ventral side toward base, rarely spurred. Nectary of compact sessile glandular hairs on ventral side toward base of corolla tube, occasionally in 5 regular lines, rarely swollen at base of style. Stamens 5; anthers dorsifixed. Ovary 2 or 3(-5)-locular; style slender, hairy or glabrous; stigmas capitate. Fruit a berry, red, blue-black, black, green, or white sometimes pruinose, bracteoles occasionally accrescent in fruit and enclosing paired berries. Seeds 1 to numerous, smooth, pitted or granular, with rounded embryo.
2-flowered cymes (dichasia) and bracteate and bracteolate or in sessile verticels of 3-flowered dichasia, the bracts sometimes foliaceous, the bracteoles sometimes connate and enveloping the ovary; pedicels short of wanting. Flowers fragrant, often showy, bisexual, 5-merous;. calyx-tube elliptical or rotund, glabrous or pubescent, sometimes glaucous, the lobes small or obsolete; corolla variously colored, sometimes fading to a different color, rarely regular, mostly strongly 2-lipped and slightly ventricose or variously saccate, gibbous, or spurred, glabrous or pubescent and with 1-5 nectaries along the inside of the tube, the lobes quin-cunical in bud; stamens 5, subequal, the filaments slender, the posterior 3 inserted in the corolla tube slightly above the anterior 2, the anthers oval to oblong or narrowly elliptical, straight in bud but in flower sometimes recurving at both ends, dorsifixed and versatile, mostly exserted, the 4 locules sometimes partly confluent, dehiscing introrsely by longitudinal lateral slits; the ovary inferior, sometimes connate with that of the adjacent flower, 2-3(-5)-loculed, the ovules 3-8 per locule, pendulous from the top of the ovary, anatropous, the style elongate, slender, glabrous or pubescent, the stigma small, indistinctly-lobed. Fruit a juicy or fleshy few-seeded berry, often shiny and bright-colored, rarely enveloped by accrescent bracteoles, mostly surmounted by the persistent calyx lobes; the seeds compressed, ovoid with smooth or granular testa, the endosperm fleshy, the embryo terete, minute, straight or slightly curved, the cotyledons terete.
Shrubs or (in Malaysia exclusively) woody climbers twining to the right, or, in the absence of sufficient support, locally scrambling shrubs; bark at last lengthwise splitting, twigs mostly contorted. Leaves hairy or glabrous, entire (in the Malaysian spp.), free (or in extra-Malaysian subg. Periclymenum) connate. Stipules absent, but leaf-bases connected by a raised line on the node. Flowers 5-merous, mostly sessile, in 2-flowered, axillary, peduncled or rarely almost sessile cymes, not rarely specially developed towards the end of the branches and forming a leafy terminal panicle. Cymes occasionally 3-flowered. Each pair of flowers subtended by 2 bracts and 4 bracteoles, the latter sometimes covering the ovary. Calyx-tube ovoid or subglobose, teeth mostly small. Corolla elongated, mostly 2-lipped, upper lip representing 4 lobes, and mostly 4-lobed at its apex, lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens 5, anthers introrse, mostly exserted; filaments inserted near the apex of the tube. Ovary 2-3-celled, style filiform, elongated, usually exsert, and exceeding the stamens, stigma capitate. Ovules axile, 3-8 per cell, pendulous. Berries mostly few-seeded, free or (in extra-Malaysian spp.) connate in pairs. Seeds generally ovoid with fleshy albumen and a terete embryo.
Deciduous or evergreen, climbing or erect shrubs. Stems hollow or with brown or white pith. Winter buds with 2 or several outer scales. Lvs entire, rarely lobed, usually exstipulate, rarely stipulate. Fls generally fragrant, either in axillary pedunculate pairs and each pair with 2 bracts and 4 bracteoles, or in sessile axillary whorls or terminal heads. Calyx small or minute, 5-toothed. Corolla 5-lobed, nearly regular or ± irregular, sometimes bilabiate; tube short or long, sometimes gibbous. Stamens 5, included or exserted. Ovary 2-3-(5)-celled, adjacent walls in paired fls sometimes united. Styles slender; stigma capitate. Fr. a few-or sometimes many-seeded, berry.
Cor tubular or funnelform, mostly conspicuous, deeply or shallowly 5-lobed, often bilabiate with a 4-lobed and a 1-lobed lip, the tube often gibbous or spurred at base; cal short, 5-toothed; stamens 5; ovary 2–3-locular with several ovules per locule; style elongate; stigma capitate; fr a few-seeded berry; erect shrubs or trailing or twining vines, with simple, mostly entire lvs; infl terminal, of 1–few 6-fld whorls, or axillary, the peduncles then bearing a pair of terminal sessile fls, their ovaries sometimes united. 180, N. Hemisphere. (Nintooa, Phaenanthus, Xylosteon)
Vines, shrubs, or small trees, mostly pubescent with simple, several-celled hairs, some with transparent terminal glands which often dry reddish-brown; branches fistulose or solid. Leaves evergreen or deciduous, simple, mostly entire, paired, some pairs sometimes connate-perfoliate, glabrate or pubescent, sometimes glaucous beneath, membranaceous, coriaceous, or succulent, petiolate, mostly estipulate, bud scales often present. Inflorescences mostly numerous, pedunculate,
Life form -
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


In Malaysia only found in the W. part, confined to the zones above 1000 m alt.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses. Two spp. are used widely as ornamentals.
Uses ornamental
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 180
Germination temperacture (C°) 15 - 21
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment stratification
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Lonicera unspecified picture
Lonicera unspecified picture


Lonicera world distribution map, present in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30006074-2
WFO ID wfo-4000022170
BDTFX ID 86731
INPN ID 194267
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Kantemon Phenianthus Metalonicera Lonicera Caprifolium Xylosteon Devendraea Nintooa Periclymenum

Lower taxons

Lonicera kabylica Lonicera hypoglauca Lonicera jarmilae Lonicera iberica Lonicera iliensis Lonicera laceana Lonicera korolkowii Lonicera kurobushiensis Lonicera glehnii Lonicera gracilipes Lonicera heterotricha Lonicera x helvetica Lonicera himalayensis Lonicera griffithii Lonicera heckrottii Lonicera hellenica Lonicera myrtilloides Lonicera nummulariifolia Lonicera pamirica Lonicera paradoxa Lonicera olgae Lonicera malayana Lonicera microphylla Lonicera buschiorum Lonicera americana Lonicera affinis Lonicera biflora Lonicera aucherii Lonicera anisotricha Lonicera arborea Lonicera annamensis Lonicera elisae Lonicera deleiensis Lonicera demissa Lonicera flava Lonicera floribunda Lonicera fengkaiensis Lonicera cerviculata Lonicera cerasina Lonicera cambodiana Lonicera confusa Lonicera chrysantha Lonicera chamissoi Lonicera schmitziana Lonicera siamensis Lonicera sargentii Lonicera ruprechtiana Lonicera steveniana Lonicera splendida Lonicera strophiophora Lonicera stabiana Lonicera praeflorens Lonicera robertsonii Lonicera pulcherrima Lonicera ramosissima Lonicera tolmatchevii Lonicera subsessilis Lonicera sumatrana Lonicera tatarica Lonicera tschonoskii Lonicera uzenensis Lonicera vaccinioides Lonicera zeravshanica Lonicera x xylosteoides Lonicera xylosteum Lonicera vidalii Lonicera implexa Lonicera kingdonii Lonicera linderifolia Lonicera periclymenum Lonicera apodantha Lonicera braceana Lonicera yunnanensis Lonicera fargesii Lonicera retusa Lonicera setifera Lonicera stephanocarpa Lonicera codonantha Lonicera tubuliflora Lonicera minutifolia Lonicera rupicola Lonicera spinosa Lonicera kawakamii Lonicera tangutica Lonicera oblata Lonicera graebneri Lonicera tatarinowii Lonicera anisocalyx Lonicera oreodoxa Lonicera standishii Lonicera prostrata Lonicera trichosepala Lonicera buddleioides Lonicera ferruginea Lonicera nubium Lonicera calvescens Lonicera longiflora Lonicera longituba Lonicera hildebrandiana Lonicera bournei Lonicera buchananii Lonicera rhytidophylla Lonicera similis Lonicera subaequalis Lonicera carnosifolia Lonicera ciliosissima Lonicera tragophylla Lonicera guatemalensis Lonicera pilosa Lonicera webbiana Lonicera hemsleyana Lonicera jilongensis Lonicera lanceolata Lonicera nervosa Lonicera kansuensis Lonicera hypoleuca Lonicera gynochlamydea Lonicera tricalysioides Lonicera ferdinandi Lonicera calcarata Lonicera crassifolia Lonicera acuminata Lonicera mucronata Lonicera angustifolia Lonicera dioica Lonicera caucasica Lonicera arizonica Lonicera albiflora Lonicera canadensis Lonicera ciliosa Lonicera conjugialis Lonicera fragrantissima Lonicera hispidula Lonicera interrupta Lonicera subspicata Lonicera morrowii Lonicera villosa Lonicera flavida Lonicera mexicana Lonicera alberti Lonicera asperifolia Lonicera hispida Lonicera karelinii Lonicera semenovii Lonicera tomentella Lonicera pampaninii Lonicera reticulata Lonicera oiwakensis Lonicera hirsuta Lonicera ligustrina Lonicera oblongifolia Lonicera standishii Lonicera pilosa Lonicera stenantha Lonicera sublabiata Lonicera macrantha Lonicera fragilis Lonicera brevisepala Lonicera quinquelocularis Lonicera cinerea Lonicera micrantha Lonicera tianshanica Lonicera heterophylla Lonicera cyanocarpa Lonicera virgultorum Lonicera trichosantha Lonicera trichogyne Lonicera altmannii Lonicera humilis Lonicera modesta Lonicera subhispida Lonicera litangensis Lonicera serreana Lonicera harae Lonicera obovata Lonicera mochidzukiana Lonicera maximowiczii Lonicera bracteolaris Lonicera sovetkinae Lonicera simulatrix Lonicera purpurascens Lonicera javanica Lonicera glabrata Lonicera magnibracteata Lonicera utahensis Lonicera involucrata Lonicera pyrenaica Lonicera sempervirens Lonicera maackii Lonicera caerulea Lonicera alpigena Lonicera caprifolium Lonicera nigra Lonicera japonica Lonicera etrusca