Rhamnus L.

Buckthorn (en), Nerprun (fr)


Angiosperms > Rosales > Rhamnaceae


Shrubs or small to medium-sized trees, deciduous or rarely evergreen, often spinose. Branches opposite or alternate, unarmed or terminating in a woody spine; winter buds naked (R. subg. Frangula) or with scales (R. subg. Rhamnus). Leaves opposite or alternate, rarely fasciculate on short shoots; stipules mainly subulate, caducous, rarely persistent; leaf blade always undivided, pinnately veined, margin serrate or rarely entire. Flowers mostly yellowish green, small, bisexual or unisexual, rarely polygamous, solitary or few fascicled in axillary cymes, cymose racemes, or cymose panicles. Calyx tube campanulate to cup-shaped; sepals 4 or 5, ovate-triangular, adaxially ± distinctly keeled. Petals 4 or 5, rarely absent, shorter than sepals, cucullate to hooded, often enfolding stamens, base shortly clawed, apex often 2-fid. Stamens 4 or 5, surrounded by and equaling petals or shorter; anthers dorsifixed. Disk thin, adnate and lining calyx tube. Ovary superior, globose, free, 2-4-loculed; styles ± deeply 2-4-cleft. Fruit a 2-4-stoned, berrylike drupe, obovoid-globose or globose; stones indehiscent or ventrally dehiscing. Seeds obovoid or oblong-obovoid, unfurrowed or abaxially or laterally with a ± long, narrow to gaping, often distinctly margined furrow; endosperm fleshy.
Trees or shrubs, rarely woody vines, mostly unarmed, deciduous, the buds scaly or naked. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, pinnately-veined, entire or toothed, mostly petiolate. Inflorescences umbellate cymes, sometimes reduced to a single flower, sessile or pedunculate. Flowers bisexual or polygamo-dioecious, small, perigynous; floral tube cupulate to campanulate; calyx lobes 4-5, ovate to deltoid, deciduous separately or with the circumscissile upper part of the floral tube after anthesis; petals 4-5, shorter than the calyx-lobes, ovate to obovate, concave, hooded or flat, often clawed, the margin entire or bibbed apically, inserted at the margin of the floral tube; stamens 4-5, functional or sterile and rudimentary in carpellate flowers, about as long or longer than the petals, inserted at the upper margin of the floral tube; nectariferous disc lining the wall of the floral tube, sometimes thickened near its margin; ovary superior, 2-3-carpellate, + 2-3-locular, the ovules 2-3, the style simple or 2-3-lobed, the stigma 2-3-lobed. Fruit a drupe, subglobose, dark red to black, containing 2-3 pyrenes; seeds 2-3, lenticular or wedge-shaped.
Shrubs or trees, erect or spreading, unarmed or armed with thorns; bud scales present, buds glabrate. Leaves deciduous or persistent, present at flowering, alternate or opposite to subopposite, sometimes fascicled on short shoots; blade not gland-dotted; pinnately veined, secondary veins arching, not parallel. Inflorescences axillary, within foliage, fascicles or cymes, or flowers solitary; peduncles and pedicels not fleshy in fruit. Pedicels present. Flowers usually unisexual, rarely some bisexual (plants polygamous); hypanthium campanulate to cupulate, 2–3 mm wide, usually not circumscissile, rarely so at or just proximal to sepal bases; sepals 4–5, spreading, yellowish, yellowish green, green, or greenish white to white, ovate-triangular, thin, not keeled or crested adaxially; petals 0 or 4[–5], yellowish to cream, hooded, spatulate, not clawed; nectary thin, lining hypanthium; stamens 4–5, (rudimentary in pistillate flowers); ovary superior, 2–4-locular; styles 2–4, connate proximally. Fruits drupes; stones 2–4, longitudinally dehiscent. Seeds obovoid or oblong-obovoid, not beaked, longitudinally furrowed. x = 12.
Shrubs, small trees or scramblers. Leaves alternate to opposite, petiolate, concolorous, penniveined; stipules free, caducous. Inflorescences comprising axillary or extra-axillary short, pedunculate cymes or diffuse foliose pseudoracemes; bracts persistent. Flowers bisexual or dioecious, 4-or 5-merous, greenish. Hypanthium cup-shaped. Sepals erect or spreading, caducous. Petals cucullate or longitudinally rolled around the filament, obscurely clawed, incurved or erect, sometimes absent. Stamens subequal to the petals, incurved. Disc thin, lining the hypanthium, smooth, glabrous. Ovary free, superior; carpels 1–3 (or 4); style deeply branched. Fruit a black (red when young) fleshy drupe with free pyrenes; torus basal.
Trees or shrubs (or scandent shrubs). Leaves alternate (or opposite but not in East Africa), petiolate. Stipules present, small, free, usually soon deciduous. Flowers usually in axillary cymes or these reduced to fascicles or solitary flowers, or rarely in more elaborate bracteate or non-bracteate panicles or thyrses, 5-or 4-merous, usually perfect but in some species dioecious (? not in East Africa), perigynous. Petals present or absent. Disk thin, lining the cup. Ovary 3-celled or reportedly rarely 4-celled (or 2-celled but not in East Africa). Style usually 3-partite about half the length. Fruit a drupe with 3 (or 2 but not in East Africa) or rarely 4 free 1-seeded stones.
Shrubs or small trees, mainly deciduous, often spiny; indumentum of simple hairs or 0. Winter buds with scales. Lvs with small, mostly caducous stipules, alternate or opposite, small to large, often with basal pair of veins more prominent. Fls small, in axillary racemes, cymose umbels or fascicles, usually unisexual (plants dioecious or monoecious), 4-(5)-merous. Calyx lobes triangular. Petals often folded to form a hood, shortly clawed, sometimes 0. Stamens ± included. Staminodes present in ♀ fls. Ovary 2-4-celled, free from disc; styles 2-4; stigmas small, simple. Fr. a drupe with 2-4, nutlet-like pyrenes. Seed furrowed; germination epigeal.
Fls 4–5-merous, perfect or unisexual, the staminate with vestigial pistil, the pistillate with shorter or smaller stamens; pet lacking (in one sp.) or present, small, often obcordate with the sides folded about the stamen; ovary 2–4-locular; fr a drupe with 2–4 1-seeded stones; shrubs or trees with alternate or opposite, pinnately veined, usually toothed lvs and green or greenish-white fls solitary or umbellate in the axils of a few of the lower lvs of the current season. 100, widespread.
Leaves alternate or opposite or fasciculate, petiolate; lamina penninerved, margin often toothed.
Ovary superior, 2–4-locular; ovules 1 per loculus; style simple or 2–3(4)-fid.
Inflorescence an axillary fascicle (in our area), less often flowers solitary.
Fruit obovoid, drupaceous with a fleshy or somewhat woody endocarp.
Petals 4–5 or absent, cucullate or flat.
Disk thin, lining the receptacle.
Stipules small, soon deciduous.
Receptacle urceolate or flat.
Flowers usually bisexual.
Small trees or shrubs.
Sepals 4–5, valvate.
Stamens 4–5.
Life form -
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Rhamnus unspecified picture


Rhamnus world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30006159-2
WFO ID wfo-4000032872
BDTFX ID 87108
INPN ID 197112
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Endotropis Sciadophila Alaternus Atadinus Girtanneria Oreoherzogia Ventia Rhamnus

Lower taxons

Rhamnus saxatilis Rhamnus sibthorpiana Rhamnus serpyllacea Rhamnus seravschanica Rhamnus prinoides l'hér. Rhamnus petiolaris Rhamnus philippinensis Rhamnus pichleri Rhamnus persicifolia Rhamnus qianweiensis Rhamnus pyrella Rhamnus purandharensis Rhamnus pulogensis Rhamnus wightii Rhamnus x woloszczakii Rhamnus velutina Rhamnus sumbawana Rhamnus sumatrensis Rhamnus tonkinensis Rhamnus erythroxylon Rhamnus disperma Rhamnus glaucophylla Rhamnus glandulosa Rhamnus x gayeri Rhamnus davurica Rhamnus collettii Rhamnus cornifolia Rhamnus cordata Rhamnus nitida Rhamnus nigrescens Rhamnus rhodopea Rhamnus papuana Rhamnus orbiculata Rhamnus myrtifolia Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris Rhamnus lojaconoi Rhamnus mildbraedii Rhamnus mollis Rhamnus minnanensis Rhamnus kwangsiensis Rhamnus kayacikii Rhamnus kanagusukii Rhamnus ledermannii Rhamnus baldschuanica Rhamnus arnottiana Rhamnus integrifolia Rhamnus alnifolia l'hér. Rhamnus mongolica Rhamnus x bermejoi Rhamnus schlechteri Rhamnus punctata Rhamnus fallax Rhamnus cathartica Rhamnus oleoides Rhamnus libanotica Rhamnus intermedia Rhamnus ishidae Rhamnus alaternus Rhamnus taquetii Rhamnus procumbens Rhamnus diffusa Rhamnus blumeri Rhamnus crocea Rhamnus lanceolata Rhamnus smithii Rhamnus utilis Rhamnus serrata Rhamnus arguta Rhamnus dalianensis Rhamnus globosa Rhamnus bungeana Rhamnus purpurea Rhamnus depressa Rhamnus erythroxylum Rhamnus imeretina Rhamnus microcarpa Rhamnus pallasii Rhamnus parvifolia Rhamnus songorica Rhamnus tortuosa Rhamnus ussuriensis Rhamnus standleyana Rhamnus longistyla Rhamnus wilsonii Rhamnus flavescens Rhamnus hemsleyana Rhamnus xizangensis Rhamnus formosana Rhamnus tzekweiensis Rhamnus hainanensis Rhamnus aurea Rhamnus leptacantha Rhamnus esquirolii Rhamnus rosthornii Rhamnus maximovicziana Rhamnus grandiflora Rhamnus gilgiana Rhamnus virgata Rhamnus sargentiana Rhamnus heterophylla Rhamnus bodinieri Rhamnus nigricans Rhamnus nakaharae Rhamnus napalensis Rhamnus subapetala Rhamnus lamprophylla Rhamnus coriophylla Rhamnus hupehensis Rhamnus rugulosa Rhamnus liukiuensis Rhamnus wumingensis Rhamnus brachypoda Rhamnus fulvo-tincta Rhamnus iteinophylla Rhamnus leptophylla Rhamnus dumetorum Rhamnus tangutica Rhamnus wendtii Rhamnus japonica Rhamnus biglandulosa Rhamnus rosei Rhamnus scopulorum Rhamnus yoshinoi Rhamnus calcicola Rhamnus ninglangensis Rhamnus triquetra Rhamnus infectoria Rhamnus daliensis Rhamnus laoshanensis Rhamnus grubovii Rhamnus pentapomica Rhamnus liboensis Rhamnus prunifolia Rhamnus thymifolia Rhamnus kurdica Rhamnus hirtella Rhamnus x pissjaukovae Rhamnus pilushanensis Rhamnus crenulata Rhamnus persica Rhamnus dolichophylla Rhamnus calderoniae Rhamnus javanica Rhamnus spathulifolia Rhamnus costata Rhamnus staddo Rhamnus pumila Rhamnus lycioides Rhamnus alpina