Sida L.

Fanpetals (en), Abutilon (fr)


Angiosperms > Malvales > Malvaceae


Herbs, shrubs or infrequently small trees, annual or perennial, glabrous or variously pubescent, the hairs mostly stellate. Leaves distichous or spiralled, sub-sessile to long-petiolate, the stipules persistent or caducous, the blade undivided to palmatilobed. Flowers axillary and solitary, or in paniculiform, racemiform, corym-biform or capitate inflorescences, subsessile to long-pedicellate, the pedicel some-times adnate to the petiole of the subtending leaf or bract; epicalyx absent, the flowers in a few species subtended closely by stipule-like bracts (simulating an epicalyx); calyx 5-merous, terete or angulate, dentate or lobed, persistent to greatly accrescent; petals 5, often conspicuously oblique, adnate to the base of the staminal tube, usually yellow or orange; staminal tube dilated at the base, filamentiferous at the apex, the filaments few to numerous, the anthers reniform, usually everted; ovary of 5-oc carpels, each carpel 1-ovulate, the ovules pendulous; styles isomerous with the carpels, free at least in the upper part, filiform, the stigmas capitellate or capitate. Fruits composed of a single whorl of mericarps usually separating freely from the axis and each other, the mericarps 3-gonous or 3-quetrous, apically muti-cous to 2-aristate, the dorsum smooth to rugose to muricate, the lateral walls smooth or reticulate or rugose or clathrate, indehiscent or apically dehiscent, rarely dehiscent to the base dorsally or by breakdown of the lateral or basal walls; seeds glabrous or variously shortly pubescent; endosperm scanty or absent; embryo curved; cotyledons plicate or contortuplicate.
Herbs, annual or perennial, subshrubs, or shrubs. Stems erect, ascending, or reclining to procumbent, glabrous or hairy, sometimes viscid (S. glabra). Leaves spirally arranged (distichous in S. planicaulis and S. ulmifolia), petiolate or subsessile; stipules persistent, usually linear to lanceolate or falcate; blade usually unlobed (lobed with maplelike leaves in S. hermaphrodita), base cuneate, cordate, subcordate, truncate, or rounded, margins crenate, dentate, serrate, or entire. Inflorescences axillary solitary (sometimes paired or clustered) often plicate in bud, usually 1/2 divided, often 10-ribbed at base (unribbed in S. hermaphrodita) or angulate, lobes acute or acuminate to triangular or ovate; corolla white, cream, yellow, yellow-orange, salmon-pink, red-orange, or reddish [purplish], sometimes with dark-red center; staminal column included; style 5–14-branched; stigmas capitate. Fruits developed or muticous, reticulate, glabrous or hairy, lateral walls usually persistent, indehiscent below with well-differentiated dorsal wall, indehiscent or partially dehiscent apically. Seeds 1 per mericarp, glabrous. x = 7, 8.
Herbs perennial or annual, subshrubs or shrubs, to 2 m, most parts with stellate, simple and/or glandular hairs. Leaves simple; stipules threadlike to narrowly lanceolate; leaf blade entire (sometimes lobed), margin usually dentate, without foliar nectaries. Flowers solitary or paired, axillary or subterminal, often in axillary or terminal racemes or panicles, rarely in umbels or glomerules. Epicalyx absent. Calyx campanulate or cup-shaped, 5-lobed, often 10-ribbed basally and plicate in bud. Corolla mostly yellow, rarely white or ± orange [or rose or purplish], sometimes with a dark center. Petals 5, free, basally connate. Filament tube pubescent or glabrous, with many anthers at apex. Ovary 5-10-loculed; ovules 1 per locule, pendulous; style branches as many as carpels; stigma capitate. Schizocarp ± disk-shaped or globose; mericarps (4-)5-10(-14), sculptured or smooth, sometimes partly membranous, mostly beaked, often with 1 or 2 apical awns, often minutely stellate puberulent, dehiscent or indehiscent. Seeds 1 per mericarp, smooth, glabrous except sometimes for minute hairs around hilum.
Epicalyx wanting (in our spp.); cal 5-lobed, persistent and enclosing the fr, the ten costae leading alternately to the lobes and sinuses; stamen-column bearing anthers at the top; carpels 5–15, each with a single pendulous ovule; mature mericarps each with a lower, indehiscent, 1-seeded portion and an upper, dehiscent portion that is often tipped with 1 or 2 erect or connivent or inflexed beaks; upper and lower parts of the mericarp set apart dorsally by a shoulder that is an extension and joining of 2 lateral ribs; herbs and small shrubs with mostly small fls solitary or fascicled in the axils or forming a terminal panicle. 150+, warm reg.
Annual to perennial herbs or shrubs. Lvs toothed or lobed. Fls axillary and solitary, or in terminal spikes or heads; epicalyx 0; calyx evenly 5-toothed; petals spreading, usually obtuse. Style branches as many as loculi, filiform or clavate. Fr. of usually numerous, 1-seeded, sometimes awned, dehiscent or indehiscent mericarps, arranged in a single flat whorl and separating from central axis at maturity.
Flowers small to medium-sized, usually cream or orange, long-pedicelled to subsessile or solitary, clustered or fasciculate in the leaf-axils or arranged in racemes (sometimes subcapitate or subumbellate) or spikes.
Fruit of 5 to many mericarps ultimately separating from the torus, dehiscent at the apex (or rarely at the base) or indehiscent, smooth, transversely ribbed, glabrous or hairy, usually acute, beaked or awned.
Annual or perennial herbs or suffrutices, erect or prostrate, glabrous or pubescent or pilose to densely tomentose or velutinous.
Leaves usually undivided, serrate or crenate-serrate, occasionally 3-lobed, cuneate to cordate at the base, usually petiolate.
Staminal tube dilated at the base, divided at the apex into several to many free filaments; free parts of filaments terete.
Ovary of 5 to many carpels, each with a single pendulous ovule; style terete or subclavate; stigmas capitate or truncate.
Calyx shallow-campanulate to saucer-shaped; lobes ovate or triangular, generally acute to acuminate.
Seeds triangular; cotyledons folded; endosperm scanty or absent.
Petals not clawed.
Epicalyx absent.
Life form
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 2.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Sida unspecified picture
Sida unspecified picture
Sida unspecified picture


Sida world distribution map, present in China, India, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000035304
BDTFX ID 87218
INPN ID 197640
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Dictyocarpus Pseudomalachra Sida Diadesma Lamarkia Side

Lower taxons

Sida ovota Sida argentea Sida antillensis Sida arenicola Sida anomala Sida argillacea Sida hookeriana Sida fibulifera Sida intricata Sida everistiana Sida calyxhymenia Sida brachypoda Sida corrugata Sida cordata Sida ciliaris Sida clementii Sida cleisocalyx Sida marabaensis Sida martiana Sida meridiana Sida paucifolia Sida nummularia Sida nemorensis Sida haenkeana Sida hirsutissima Sida goniocarpa Sida linifolia Sida linearifolia Sida macropetala Sida jamaicensis Sida setosa Sida rufescens Sida rzedowskii Sida samoensis Sida tiagii Sida teysmannii Sida trichopoda Sida pritzeliana Sida platycalyx Sida poeppigiana Sida pseudopotentilloides Sida pueblensis Sida phaeotricha Sida petrophila Sida pleiantha Sida planicaulis Sida quettensis Sida pusilla Sida viarum Sida urens Sida waltoniana Sida arsiniata Sida bordasiana Sida castanocarpa Sida ectogama Sida ferrucciana Sida harleyi Sida honoriana Sida itaparicana Sida leitaofilhoi Sida meloana Sida pseudorubifolia Sida simpsonii Sida teresinensis Sida tressensiae Sida wingfieldii Sida aprica Sida abutilifolia Sida barclayi Sida atherophora Sida asterocalyx Sida ammophila Sida aggregata Sida adscendens Sida alii Sida alba Sida andersonii Sida angustissima Sida hyssopifolia Sida floccosa Sida elongata Sida echinocarpa Sida caudata Sida calchaquiensis Sida calliantha Sida bipartita Sida brownii Sida coutinhoi Sida hackettiana Sida macaibae Sida longipedicellata Sida jussiaeana Sida javensis Sida kingii Sida hoepfneri Sida laciniata Sida serrata Sida rupicola Sida salviifolia Sida santaremensis Sida sangana Sida tanaensis Sida riedelii Sida rigida Sida rohlenae Sida repens Sida ravii Sida zahlbruckneri Sida pindapoyensis Sida schumanniana Sida arboae Sida cuspidata Sida caulorrhiza Sida calva Sida blepharoprion Sida brachystemon Sida chapadensis Sida confusa Sida dubia Sida emilei Sida pseudocymbalaria Sida rivulicola Sida surumuensis Sida tobatiensis Sida ulei Sida weberbaueri Sida jatrophioides l'hér. Sida cuneifolia Sida chrysantha Sida lancifolia Sida ternata Sida hibisciformis Sida rodrigoi Sida ovalis Sida szechuensis Sida yunnanensis Sida monteiroi Sida lonchitis Sida luschnathiana Sida schininii Sida vagans Sida brittonii Sida beckii Sida yungasensis Sida boliviana Sida cerradoensis Sida argentina Sida ascendens Sida aurantiaca Sida glaziovii Sida goyazensis Sida gracillima Sida hassleri Sida linearis Sida multicrena Sida nesogena Sida palmata Sida potentilloides Sida rubifolia Sida rubromarginata Sida subcuneata Sida elliottii Sida fallax Sida lindheimeri Sida neomexicana Sida tragiifolia Sida regnellii Sida galheirensis Sida decandra Sida hederifolia Sida subcordata Sida orientalis Sida turneroides Sida esperanzae Sida longipes Sida bakeriana Sida gracilipes Sida oligandra Sida monticola Sida prolifica Sida xanti Sida schimperiana Sida libenii Sida centuriata Sida coradinii Sida gertiana Sida pires-blackii Sida vallsii Sida hatschbachii Sida petropolitana Sida reitzii Sida sampaiana Sida paradoxa Sida charpinii Sida cristobaliana Sida dureana Sida pedersenii Sida glutinosa Sida ulmifolia Sida quinquevalvacea Sida anodifolia Sida fastuosa Sida hyalina Sida acutifolia Sida graniticola Sida amatlanensis Sida ribifolia Sida chiquitana Sida picklesiana Sida glomerata Sida alamosana Sida michoacana Sida variegata Sida vespertina Sida ovata Sida bakeriana Sida pseudocordifolia Sida mysorensis Sida shinyangensis Sida spenceriana Sida potosina Sida limensis Sida chinensis Sida cordifolioides Sida massaica Sida ogadensis Sida hemitropousa Sida grazielae Sida guianensis Sida tuberculata Sida cabreriana Sida albiflora Sida ruizii Sida glabra Sida tenuicarpa Sida cordifolia Sida rhombifolia Sida spinosa Sida abutifolia Sida acuta