Shrubs deciduous. Winter buds small, with 2–8 exposed scales. Leaves alternate, usually shortly petiolate, simple; stipules absent; leaf blade veins usually pinnate, rarely 3–5 from base, margin serrate or incised, sometimes lobed, rarely entire. Flowers in umbels, umbel-like racemes, corymbs, or panicles, bisexual, rarely ± unisexual. Hypanthium campanulate or cupular, lined by nectariferous disk. Sepals 5, valvate or slightly imbricate, usually slightly shorter than hypanthium. Petals 5, imbricate or contorted, usually longer than sepals. Stamens 15–60, borne between disk and petals. Disk annular, usually lobed. Carpels (3–)5(–8), free; ovules (2 to) several per carpel, pendulous; styles terminal, subterminal, or abaxial; stigma capitate or disciform. Follicles bony, often dehiscent along adaxial suture. Seeds linear to oblong, minute; testa membranous.
Deciduous or semi-deciduous, large, sometimes suckering shrubs, not armed; stems usually erect; young shoots often brittle. Lvs usually distributed along stems, sometimes in fascicles on short shoots, usually simple, sometimes lobed, entire, dentate, crenate or serrate, usually shortly petiolate; stipules 0. Infl. a lateral or terminal panicle, corymb or umbel. Fls 5-merous, small, shortly pedicellate, ☿ or rarely unisexual. Hypanthium cup-shaped or turbinate. Epicalyx 0. Sepals small, connate at base, usually persistent. Petals 5, usually > sepals, ± spreading, white to crimson. Stamens 15-60, inserted on margin of calyx tube. Ovary superior; carpels (3)-5-(8), free; styles (3)-5-(8); ovules several in each locule. Fr. of coriaceous or leathery follicles; seeds several per follicle; very small.
Unarmed shrubs. Leaves simple. Stipules absent. Flowers in terminal or axillary umbels, corymbs, or panicles. Hypanthium campanulate to turbinate, upper part of disc free, erect, fleshy. Sepals valvate or slightly imbricate. Petals white or pink. Stamens 15-many. Pistils 1-8, often 5; ovaries 1-locular; style (sub)terminal; ovules 2-several. Follicles dry, dehiscing ventrally and later at the top also dorsally. Seed with membranous testa, endosperm thin or absent.
Hypanthium cupulate or turbinate; sep 5; pet 5, small, spreading; stamens 15–many; pistils mostly 5; styles terminal; ovules 2–several; fr a firm follicle, dehiscent on the ventral suture; endosperm none; shrubs with exstipulate, simple lvs and white to pink or purple fls in terminal or lateral infls. 70, N. Hemisphere