Zornia J.F.Gmel.

Zornia (en)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae


Annual herbs or suffruticose perennials to 2 m tall; stems diffusely branched, prostrate and spreading to upright and ascending. Leaves digitately 2-or 4-fo-liolate; leaflets often pellucid-punctate, exstipellate; stipules subfoliaceous, paired, peltate, auriculate, 3-to 11-nerved, often punctate. Inflorescence spicate, rarely racemose, terminal or axillary, interrupted to congested, 1-to several-flowered; bracts paired, lateral, stipuliform, 3-to 15-nerved, sometimes punctate, enclosing a sessile flower; bracteoles absent. Flowers 5-merous; calyx subhya-line, the tube short, 5-lobed, usually 5-to 10-nerved, ciliate, the 2 upper lobes connate nearly to the apex, the 2 lateral lobes much shorter, the lowest oblong or lanceolate, subequal to the upper lip; corolla yellow, orange yellow, or rarely white, frequently purple striate, the standard suborbicular, clawed, to 17 mm long, the wings obliquely obovate or oblong, shorter than standard, usually clawed and auriculate, the keel incurved, subrostrate, smaller than the wings; stamens 10, monadelphous, the filaments connate into a closed tube, splitting dorsally, persistent, the anthers alternately longer, subbasifixed, and short, ver-satile; ovary sessile, the ovules 2-several, campylotropous, the style filiform, persistent basally, the stigma minute, terminal. Fruit a loment of 2-15 articles, compressed, the upper suture nearly straight, the lower deeply sinuate, articu-lations glabrous to puberulent or pilose, smooth or echinate, usually reticulate, indehiscent; seeds black or dark brown, orbicular to subreniform, estrophiolate. Chromosomes: n = 10.
Herbs, annual or perennial, usually prostrate or decumbent. Stems slender. Stipules leaflike, spurred basally to point of insertion, basal portion usually divided. Leaves paripinnate, 2[-4]-foliolate; leaflets opposite, subsessile; leaflet blades usually pellucid punc­tate. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, sparse spikes; bracts usually peltate, stipulelike. Flowers small, usually enclosed in a pair of bracts. Bracteoles absent. Hypanthium short. Calyx small, 2-lipped, adaxial lobes short. Corolla usually yellow; petals ± equal. Stamens monadelphous; anthers dimorphic. Ovary linear, undulate, with 5-8 ovules; style filiform; stigma terminal. Legume a loment, compressed, not stipitate, smooth or surface echinate-setose, indehiscent, divided into few to many subglobose-oblate arti­cles, abaxial suture straight, adaxial suture sinuate, apex usually without a beak. Seeds 1 to several, ovoid or reniform, compressed.
Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves digitately 2-or 4-foliolate; leaflets ± glandular-punctate, exstipellate. Stipules well developed, produced below the point of insertion, often glandular-punctate. Inflorescence spicate, terminal or axillary; bracts in pairs, stipule-like, often glandular-punctate, ciliate, enclosing the flowers when in bud. Calyx hyaline, ciliate, the 2 upper lobes connate. Petals all clawed, forming a normal pea-flower. Stamens with filaments united below into a closed tube; anthers 10, alternately long and short; the upper part of the tube circumscissile, being cast after flowering complete with the stamens and the petals (at least in the tropical African species). Ovary with 5–8 ovules. Legume flattened, segmented, the segments with or rarely without bristles.
Cal irregular, membranous, the 2 upper lobes connate most of their length, the lateral ones much shorter, the lowest one lanceolate, about equaling the upper; standard broadly obovate to suborbicular, much exceeding the other pet; wings short-clawed, the blade half-orbicular, minutely auriculate; keel boat-shaped, obtuse; stamens 10, monadelphous, the tube closed; anthers alternately oblong and globose; fr transversely segmented and eventually separating into 1-seeded indehiscent joints; herbs with palmately compound 2-or 4-foliolate lvs and mostly small fls in interrupted terminal spikes, each fl subtended by a pair of large bracts. 80, warm reg.
Stamens monadelphous, united into a column below, which at maturity is circumscissile and the upper part is shed with the petals, the lower tubular part remaining to protect the young ovary; 5 small versatile anthers alternate with 5 larger sub-basifixed anthers.
Calyx hyaline, ciliate, persistent, 5-lobed, the upper pair joined and the laterals smaller than the other 3.Corolla medium-sized, mostly yellow or orange-yellow, often striated with purple; standard almost round, clawed; wings and keel clawed.
Leaves digitately 2-or 4-foliolate; leaflets mostly glandular-punctate; stipules well developed, produced below the point of insertion, mostly similarly punctate; stipels absent.
Inflorescence spicate, terminal or axillary; bracts paired, stipule-like, mostly similarly punctate, ciliate, enclosing the flowers when in bud.
Fruit sessile, 2–15-jointed; the articles glabrous to pilose with or without stiff bristles, mostly prominently nerved, sometimes glandular.
Ovary subsessile, with (2)5–8 ovules; style curved with minute terminal stigma.
Seeds ovoid, compressed, mostly black or dark brown, without appendages.
Erect or prostrate, perennial or annual herbs.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 2.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Zornia unspecified picture


Zornia world distribution map, present in China, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30022518-2
WFO ID wfo-4000041278
BDTFX ID 100894
INPN ID 627990
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Zornia cearensis Zornia cryptantha Zornia curvata Zornia harmsiana Zornia hebecarpa Zornia lasiocarpa Zornia brasiliensis Zornia echinocarpa Zornia flemmingioides Zornia gardneriana Zornia apiculata Zornia brevipes Zornia capensis Zornia durumuensis Zornia milneana Zornia pratensis Zornia reptans Zornia leptophylla Zornia villosa Zornia pallida Zornia albiflora Zornia chaetophora Zornia adenophora Zornia vaughaniana Zornia diphylla Zornia baliensis Zornia papuensis Zornia virgata Zornia glaziovii Zornia orbiculata Zornia sinaloensis Zornia venosa Zornia pardina Zornia sericea Zornia thymifolia Zornia trachycarpa Zornia bracteata Zornia glabra Zornia burkartii Zornia multinervosa Zornia albolutescens Zornia glochidiata Zornia linearis Zornia setosa Zornia ramboiana Zornia contorta Zornia acuta Zornia disticha Zornia maritima Zornia floribunda Zornia ramosa Zornia oligantha Zornia microphylla Zornia puberula Zornia intecta Zornia quilonensis Zornia walkeri Zornia arenicola Zornia afranioi Zornia guanipensis Zornia prostrata Zornia dichotoma Zornia myriadena Zornia tenuifolia Zornia punctatissima Zornia subsessilis Zornia grandiflroa Zornia macdonaldii Zornia lasiocarpa Zornia dyctiocarpa Zornia laevis Zornia confusa Zornia acauensis Zornia vichadana Zornia herbacea Zornia ulei Zornia decussata Zornia muriculata Zornia stirlingii Zornia melanocarpa Zornia areolata Zornia fimbriata Zornia megistocarpa Zornia piurensis Zornia mitziana Zornia grandiflora Zornia zollingeri Zornia filifoliola Zornia songeensis Zornia muelleriana Zornia latifolia Zornia reticulata Zornia gibbosa