Sonchus L.

Sowthistle (en), Laiteron (fr)


Angiosperms > Asterales > Asteraceae


Annual to perennial herbs, taprooted or roots creeping and perennating. Tomentum generally confined to infls, or 0, composed of fine tangled and branched and/or long glandular or eglandular hairs. Stems usually branching above. Lvs basal and cauline, undivided to 1-(2)-pinnatifid. Capitula terminal and axillary, pedunculate, sometimes ± umbellate. Involucral bracts usually with tangled short white branching hairs, often with longer glandular or eglandular hairs, rarely glabrous; outer bracts small; inner bracts becoming larger, not in distinct rows. Receptacle mammillate, glabrous or with small scales or fine hairs. Corolla ligulate, yellow, or ligule pinkish beneath. Style branches filiform, dark. Achenes brown, numerous, weakly or strongly flattened, 3-5-ribbed on each face, winged or not; beak 0; pappus > achene, soft, white; bristles of 2 types, both scabrid: fine hairs with 2-fid apices, and very fine hairs with numerous microscopic recurved barbs at apices.
Fls all ligulate and perfect, yellow, few to more often numerous (80+ in all our spp.); invol ovoid or campanulate, rarely narrower, its bracts generally imbricate, occasionally merely calyculate, often basally thickened in age; achenes flattened, 6–20-ribbed, merely narrowed at the tip, beakless, glabrous, often transversely rugulose; pappus of numerous white, capillary, often somewhat crisped bristles that tend to fall connected, and some stouter outer bristles that fall separately; lactiferous herbs with alternate or all basal, entire to dissected, mostly auriculate, often prickly-margined lvs, and solitary to usually several or many, medium-sized to rather large heads in an irregularly corymbose-paniculiform to subumbelliform infl. 50, Old World.
Herbs or subshrubs; stems erect or scrambling, often hollow. Leaves alternate, often pinnatifid or pinnatisect; basal (root-crown) leaves smaller. Capitula in corymbs or panicles, rarely solitary; involucre cylindrical to spreading, often woolly at base; phyllaries in several series, imbricate, the outermost smallest and becoming swollen at base; receptacle epaleate, pitted. Florets many; corolla yellow; anthers sagittate at base; style branches with minute sweeping hairs. Achenes compressed, few-ribbed; pappus of mixed bristles and fine hairs.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, branching, sometimes glaucous. Hairs simple, glandular and eglandular. Leaves basal and cauline. Inflorescences cymose. Capitula pedunculate; involucral bracts multiseriate, not hardening, reflexed at maturity. Florets: ligules yellow (in Australia). Achenes homomorphic, moderately to strongly compressed, unbeaked. Pappus of bristles, partially persistent; bristles nearly smooth or scabridulous, of 2 types within pappus.
Capitula many-fld, in terminal subcorymbose to umbellate panicles, homogamous; phyll. imbricate in several series; receptacle flat, nude; florets ligulate, yellow. Achenes ± compressed, ribbed, not beaked; pappus of cop. soft slender hairs. Erect lfy annual to perennial herbs with cop. latex. About 40 spp. of temperate regions, some widespread; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Achenes reddish-brown, narrowly obovoid to ellipsoid, ± compressed, glabrous, without a beak, ribbed; ribs 1–4, often with secondary ribs between, uniformly narrow, eventually ± swollen, or marginal ribs wing-like, smooth, rugulose or retrorsely and minutely tuberculate.
Leaves alternate, cauline, undivided or runcinate to pinnately-lobed, ± auriculate to sagittate, margins subentire or acicular-denticulate to irregularly and sharply dentate; basal leaves smaller, less dissected.
Florets numerous, yellow, the ligule sometimes reddish outside with age; anthers sagittate at the base with the auricles shortly setaceous-acuminate; style branches medium to long, sweeping hairs small.
Stems erect, sometimes scrambling, mostly solitary, branched above, leafy throughout or leaves ± crowded below, hollow (at least in the Flora Zambesiaca area).
Phyllaries several-seriate, imbricate, densely tomentose to glabrescent, sometimes glandular-setose outside, the outer eventually ± swollen at the base.
Involucres 1–2 times as long as broad, cylindric-campanulate to spreading, ± persistently tomentose below, sometimes glabrous.
Capitula few in terminal clusters, or many in lax compound corymbs, sometimes solitary, stalked or some subsessile.
Pappus several-seriate, dimorphic of stiff straight setae intermixed with down-like hairs.
Annual, perennial or biennial herbs.
Receptacle pitted, epaleate.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system creeping-root tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Sonchus unspecified picture
Sonchus unspecified picture


Sonchus world distribution map, present in Australia and New Zealand


WFO ID wfo-4000035760
BDTFX ID 87242
INPN ID 197758
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Sonchus masguindalii Sonchus intermedius Sonchus pitardii Sonchus webbii Sonchus macrocarpus Sonchus hydrophilus Sonchus pinnatifidus Sonchus erzincanicus Sonchus nanus Sonchus wildpretii Sonchus glaucescens Sonchus fauces-orci Sonchus malayanus Sonchus tenerrimus Sonchus araraticus Sonchus ortunoi Sonchus wilmsii Sonchus friesii Sonchus maculigerus Sonchus gummifer Sonchus bornmuelleri Sonchus asper Sonchus bupleuroides Sonchus novae-zelandiae Sonchus ustulatus Sonchus sosnowskyi Sonchus crassifolius Sonchus saudensis Sonchus bipontini Sonchus esperanzae Sonchus x rokosensis Sonchus hierrensis Sonchus afromontanus Sonchus gomeraensis Sonchus cavanillesii Sonchus asper Sonchus hotha Sonchus novae-zelandiae Sonchus rotundilobus Sonchus obtusilobus Sonchus aemulus Sonchus transcaspicus Sonchus pinnatus Sonchus gandogeri Sonchus jacottetianus Sonchus platylepis Sonchus microcephalus Sonchus x jaquiniocephalus Sonchus x novocastellanus Sonchus grandifolius Sonchus arvensis Sonchus obtusilobus Sonchus schweinfurthii Sonchus bourgeaui Sonchus denticulato-lanceolata Sonchus brachylobus Sonchus daltonii Sonchus schweinfurthii Sonchus sventenii Sonchus lidii Sonchus tectifolius Sonchus denticulato-platyphylla Sonchus microcarpus Sonchus heterophyllus Sonchus pustulatus Sonchus brachylobus Sonchus integrifolius Sonchus regis-jubae Sonchus tuberifer Sonchus arboreus Sonchus fragilis Sonchus neriifolius Sonchus laceratus Sonchus capillaris Sonchus micranthus Sonchus pruinatus Sonchus splendens Sonchus brassicifolius Sonchus sinuatus Sonchus marginatus Sonchus lobatiflorus Sonchus berteroanus Sonchus phoeniciformis Sonchus regius Sonchus radicatus Sonchus mauritanicus Sonchus x maynari Sonchus gigas Sonchus dregeanus Sonchus luxurians Sonchus megalocarpa Sonchus kirkii Sonchus briquetianus Sonchus wightianus Sonchus bipontini Sonchus pendulus Sonchus stenophyllus Sonchus suberosus Sonchus jainii Sonchus camporum Sonchus melanolepis Sonchus brachyotus Sonchus yendoi Sonchus congestus Sonchus palmensis Sonchus fruticosus Sonchus leptocephalus Sonchus acaulis Sonchus canariensis Sonchus palustris Sonchus maritimus Sonchus oleraceus